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宁宁诞生之前人类自古追逐吉祥。吉者,福善之事;祥者,嘉庆之征。吉祥,寓福寿吉庆,诸事顺利;吉祥物,表现民族文化的特性。人们在生活中追逐吉祥,在重大活动中,特别是体育运动之中,也追逐吉祥。第一个体育运动吉祥物诞生于1968年法国冬季奥运会,叫Schuss(滑雪人舒斯),是首个官方奥运会吉祥  相似文献   
Cities evolution tree and applications to predicting urban growth   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
China’s unprecedented urbanization and economic modernization have brought about significant growth and land use changes in cities and their surroundings. Traditional analyses of the relationship between urbanization and land use change have not fully incorporated important factors like city function or developmental stage. We define and apply a new visualization and analysis tool—an evolution tree—showing how an understanding of evolutionary pathways taken by growing cities contributes to visualization and forecasting of urban development and spatial expansion. We clustered 253 Chinese cities by type and developmental stage, arranging them in a “tree” structure, with types grouped as branches and leaf position along branches reflecting developmental stage. Urban growth rates are higher for business-oriented, manufacturing-oriented, and functionally comprehensive cities than for those oriented toward tourism. Extent of spatial growth is dominated by city type and developmental stage. Cities evolve along typical pathways, punctuated by occasional leap developments across functional types.  相似文献   
The access divide was once the basic form of the digital divide. The development of Internet infrastructure has narrowed the access divide and increased application coverage, but it has also touched off a connectivity dividend difference. Taking the online market as an example, we examine the sources of the dividend difference and the factors influencing it with in a connectivity framework. We found that the narrowing of the access divide has resulted in enhanced connectivity and platform development, giving people the chance to benefit from transforming the various assets in which they have previously invested into differentiated compound connectivity capital. In the course, the scale and rate of the conversion are affected by two multiplier effects and especially by online platforms. The process is ultimately expressed in the dividend difference.  相似文献   
How to effectively integrate the basic economic system of the primary stage of socialism in which public ownership is the dominant and diverse economic sectors develop side by side with a resource allocation model in which the market plays a decisive role is a fundamental issue in building a socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics. Western bourgeois economics and the traditional understanding of Marxist classical writers reject the possibility of such integration. In the transitional countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the practice and theoretical exploration of combining the two ended by abandoning public ownership. The fundamental feature of socialist economic reform practice with Chinese characteristics is to uphold their organic unity. This approach has already achieved great progress but at the same time is confronting a series of new problems.  相似文献   
During the first years of life, children come to understand and talk about a self separate from others. This study examined self- and other-reference and communicative intents expressed by children and parents in dyadic interaction at 14, 20 and 32 months. Research questions included whether children's early use of self- and other-reference pronouns occurred for expression of particular communicative intents, how use changed with age, and whether parent and child pragmatic expressions of self and other were similar. Results showed that children's early explicit reference to self tended to take the form of I rather than me/my/mine, and was used primarily in making statements about their intended actions, in making requests or proposals to their parents and in stating propositions about the world around them. Children during this developmental period were only beginning to refer to the present other with the pronoun you and these instances occurred primarily in making requests or proposals. Despite age-related increases in pronominal forms and intents, a small set of intents continued to provide the context for most self- and other-reference pronouns. In the communicative contexts in which they explicitly refer to self and other, children did not appear to exclusively mirror those which were observed in parental speech.  相似文献   
刘伟 《创新》2017,11(4)
城市流动儿童是城市一个特殊的弱势群体,专业社工机构在城市流动儿童教育服务中大有作为.南宁市X机构运用专业的社工理论与方法,从家庭、学校、社区和政府四个层面介入南宁市万秀村流动儿童阅读教育,取得了一定的成效.但是,在实践中发现专业社工机构介入城市流动儿童教育还存在诸多问题,主要表现在政策不完善、经费不足、专业社工人才缺乏、专业社工机构发展缓慢、社会认同偏低等.为此,要促进专业社工机构介入城市流动儿童教育服务,在政策上要让社工机构有更广阔的舞台,在经费上要不断完善以政府购买社会工作服务为主体、多种筹资方式并存的筹资模式,在社区层面应坚持扎根社区、依托社区、回归社区的工作理念,在人才方面应培养职业化、专业化的社会工作人才,在机构方面应发展专一化的社会工作机构.  相似文献   
闫雨  刘小强 《创新》2016,(3):39-46
创新发展理念的践行与中国传统文化密切相关。中国古典哲学从儒、墨、道、法、兵、易、禅等学说为创新提供了仁义的价值内核、创新主体自由发展的驱动力、德性管理、实践理性的方法论、尚贤尚同的组织原则、权变、逆向、谋算、质疑、直觉、发散、非线性等创新思维、博学、审问、慎思、明辨、笃行的创新过程管理、知行合一的创新实践机制,超越的本质精神,以整体性导向性动态性的文化管理体系推动创新的生生不息。进一步整合西方创新理论与管理工具,则构建了中国管理C模式的创新管理系统模型。阴阳变易法则推动创新元素的融合转化与裂变,形成开放式、协同式的有机组织,推动全面创新及自主创新。中国管理C模式实现了创新管理的价值性、工具性、实践性的统一,为大众创新提供了管理哲学视角的理论基础与方法论。  相似文献   
It has been well documented by researchers that in China’s continual quest for modernisation and urbanisation, many urban and rural residents became displaced and portrayed as victims. A more important question however needs to be explored: do evicted residents learn from others to develop strategies to protect themselves from becoming victims? Through in-depth interviews, primary data collection, documentary research, this study has confirmed that for some evicted residents in Southern China’s urban fringes, when their land was appropriated by local government and developers and they were offered resettlement elsewhere, they did not behave passively to accept the terms of compensation dictated. Instead, they actively learnt from other dwellers who were evicted earlier to become well-organised, resourceful, and sophisticated negotiators in bargaining for their compensation. The group of rural residents proved that they could do better than the evicted urban residents, especially in terms of compensation-negotiation.  相似文献   
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