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This case study of a community‐supported agriculture (CSA) organization in New Orleans focuses on the lack of participation in the CSA market by the local residents despite its intentions, and how various constituencies diagnose the causes of the disengagement. Interview and ethnographic observation data indicate a general consensus on the economic constraints, but some non‐resident supporters of the organization attributed the issue to lack of knowledge about the food system or the benefits of local food consumption. The residents, on the other hand, pointed to spatial and sociocultural barriers that made the market and its location less accessible to them, including the produce selection and purchase options, convenience of access to the market, and the race‐related historical and spatial context of the market's location. These findings suggest that the food access concerns of the food justice movement may be more easily addressed than the food sovereignty concerns. Food as a unique resource poses an additional challenge for the movement to construct an effective food justice frame.  相似文献   
Dear Women of China, I like some of the articles you have written about finding love in China,and other articles that have to do with hifestyle,such as the health and advice columns.They areeasy-goingtopics that are easy to read. I think you can spice up your layout.For me,there is just too much text,and too few  相似文献   
This article explores how suburban middle‐class adolescents use a spatial metaphor, “bubble,” as a symbolic boundary. The narratives about the bubble, collected through focus group discussions and ethnographic observations, show consensus among the teenagers about the socioeconomic and cultural superiority of the community, but they also reveal opposing views on its moral status. I also find that the teens use the same metaphor to draw moral distinctions among their peers, based on whether they align their identity with the norms and values the bubble symbolizes. I argue that the adolescents living in this community develop a strong place identity, even when they identify flaws with it, because their mundane references to the bubble provide them with an opportunity to critically examine the implication of their middle‐class status.  相似文献   
In Japan, accurately assessing and targeting gambling urges is important for the treatment of gambling disorder because people are constantly exposed to external triggers that elicit gambling urges. However, a valid measure that assesses gambling urges has not been adequately established. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Japanese version of the Gambling Urge Scale (GUS-J), which is a well-known valid 6-item instrument in English-speaking countries. Two hundred and thirty-nine participants completed questionnaires, 86 of which met the criteria for a probable gambling disorder. As with the original GUS, the GUS-J was demonstrated to be a one-factor model that accounted for 63.82% of the total item variance, with all items demonstrating loadings of .40 or higher. With regard to reliability, the GUS-J showed good internal consistency (α = .88). Furthermore, validity based on evidence of relationships with other variables, especially convergent and concurrent validity of the GUS-J, were supported by several analyses that examined hypotheses based on previous findings. In conclusion, this study showed that the GUS-J has good psychometric properties as an assessment tool for gambling urges in Japanese people and it will be useful for future clinical practice and research.  相似文献   
Statistics and Computing - This article proposes a mixture modeling approach to estimating cluster-wise conditional distributions in clustered (grouped) data. We adapt the mixture-of-experts model...  相似文献   
围绕旅游目的地的研究是近些年旅游研究的热点。"旅游目的地"的概念一直在变化发展中,不同国家在其界定上也存在着差异,相应的在开发与管理上也有所不同。日本将"观光立国"作为基本国策,举全国之力推动旅游产业的发展,取得了明显的成效,但同时也存在着诸多问题。本文结合日本旅游目的地管理研究的历史与现状,对包括政府、民间旅游管理组织的框架体系及相应的工作和职能,进行梳理和比较,对现有管理组织存在的问题进行了分析,并提出相应的建议。并为中国旅游管理组织构架的完善和发展提供一些参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
This paper analyses the ways in which a contemporary state—in this case, Quebec—categorizes and mobilizes its inhabitants. Official documents published by the Quebec government during the last 30 years served as the basis for study. The authors found that the state fragments its members in nebulous cultural categories. Through these categorizations, the inhabitants are simultaneously included in and excluded from the mythical realm of “nationhood.” In the beginning, knowledge of the French language sufficed as a condition for inclusion in the national in-group. Nowadays, the cultural criteria are increasingly “naturalized”: one does not become an insider anymore. Cet article analyse le processus de categorisation et de mobilisation des acteurs sociaux par un État contemporain. Les documents publics de 1'Etat québécois des 30 dernières années constituent le corpus de cette étude. L'État fragmente les acteurs sociaux dans des categories floues en les incluant et en les excluant simultanément de l'entité mythique que represente la nation. Jadis, la langue française était utilisée comme critère d'inclusion nationale. Or, ces dernières années, la frontière entre le «nous» et les «autres» est devenue «naturelle», done infranchissable. Ainsi, on ne devient plus membre de la nation par l'apprentissage du français: on l'est ou on ne l'est pas dès la naissance. «Un anthropologue est-il à même de donner I'indice céphalique d'un peuple chez lequel régnerait la coutume de déformer par des bandages la tête des enfants dès leurspremières années?» (Sigmund Freud) «Monprobléme avec les classements, c'est qu'ils ne durentpas; à peine aije fini de mettre de I'ordre que cet ordre est déjà caduc.» (Georges Perec)  相似文献   
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