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彼得一世(682-1725年在位)和康熙皇帝(1661-1722年在位)是俄中两国历史上著名的封建帝王。两人在位时间比较接近,几乎处于同一时代,即世界范围内封建制度向资本主义制度过渡的时代。两人都好学务实,不尚空谈;勤于政务,事必躬亲;励精图治,雄才大略。两人都为推动本国历史的发展作出了巨大的努力,取得了一定的成效。彼得一世通过改革初步改变了俄国的落后面貌,拉开了俄国近代化的序幕。康熙皇帝则基本上完成了我国多民族国家的统一。但由于中俄两国具体社会历史条件的不同,两人对当时两国内外形势认识的不同,…  相似文献   
幽默,这词原为拉丁语,后由古法语传入英国。到文艺复兴时期,这词便逐渐失去它原有医学上的意义,而作为术语出现。它有滑稽、讽喻、诙谐、风趣、双关、影射、含蓄等意义,形成为文学上的一种风格、形式、方法或武器。到18世纪,这词逐步传到欧洲其他国家,后又扩散到世界各地,而成为一个全球通用的美学名词。它在我国落户也有将近百年的历史。幽默在中外文学作品中广为应用,如莫里哀的《吝啬鬼》、契可夫的《变色龙》、果戈里的《钦差大臣》、马克吐温的《卡拉维拉斯县著名的跳蛙》、鲁迅的《阿Q正传》、老舍的《骆驼祥子》、赵树理…  相似文献   
严奇岩 《民族学刊》2016,7(6):36-40,104-106
Funeral and interment reform is a social revolution of changing customs and tradi-tions, which is conducive to promoting the con-struction of the socialist material, spiritual and ec-ological civilization. The replacement of burial with cremation is the direction of China’s reform on fu-neral and interment traditions. The reform itself is put forward by aiming at the disadvantages of the Han people’s traditional burial custom, however, Guizhou is a typical karst region in China, in which several forms of karst burial have existed throughout history, such as cliff coffins, cave tombs, and sarcophagi, and these customs have been continued to some certain degree up to now. Therefore, how to manage the relation between cre-mation and karst burials has a significant meaning to the respect of the ethnic minorities’ customs and promoting the funeral and interment reform in eth-nic regions. The Binzang guanli tiaoli ( Funeral and inter-ment management regulations) issued by the State Council in 1997 stipulates that “ the objective of the funeral and interment management is to carry out cremation, reform burial, save the interment land, abolish undesirable customs related to the fu-nerals and interment actively and methodically, and advocate civilized and thrifty funerary prac-tices”. That is to say, the original intentions for promoting cremation in the funeral and interment reform for many years include the advocating of thrifty funerals, reducing the burden of funerals on the masses, changing the people’s concept of luxu-rious burials, and saving the cost of funeral in the aspect of economy;banishing superstitions, getting rid of bad habits, and opposing the feudal dross in the aspect of culture; and saving resources and protecting limited cultivated land in the aspect of ecology. In general, the abolition of burial and im-plementation of cremation has become the reform direction of China’s funeral and interment system. Guizhou is a typical karst area in China. There are various forms of cliff-burying, rock tombs, sarcophagi, and cave tombs etc. , especial-ly the cave-burial which is still popular among the Waishu Miao at Taohua village in Qibo township, Pingba County and among the Qing Yao at Yaolu village in Libo County, and sarcophagus burial which is still popular among the Li clan of the Waishu Miao at Xinyi village in Guangzhao town-ship, Qinglong County. These structures reflect the karst characteris-tics of Guizhou tombs, and have an important eco-logical value. The funeral and interment reform is put forward by aiming at the drawbacks of the tra-ditional burial practices of the Han, so if the cliff burial or sarcophagus tombs which have ecological value had been forced to be replaced with crema-tion in the funeral and interment reform, it will lead to an embarrassing situation which is contrary to the original intention of the reform no matter if we consider it from cultural, economic or ecologi-cal viewpoints. Firstly, it will cause a dilemma at the cultural level. We must consider the characteristics of the funeral customs of the ethnic groups during the process of reforming the funeral and interment cus-toms in the ethnic minority areas, in other words, respect the funeral customs of ethnic minorities, as it is an important content of the CCP and the state’s policy for respecting the customs and habits of eth-nic minorities. Due to the differences in geograph-ical environment and social economy, the ethnic minorities have different funeral customs with their own characteristics. These funeral customs, as a part of ethnic culture, help to construct a ritual with a kind of ethnic identity;it is the mark of na-tional culture, which embodies ethnic emotions and maintains ethnic consciousness. The ‘univer-sal application’ in the funeral and interment sys-tem reform doubtlessly make the disappearance of karst characteristics in Guizhou’s burial culture, the diversified burial way has been replaced with single cremation, and that is not good for the pro-tection of cultural diversity. Secondly, it will cause an economic dilemma. One of the purposes of the funeral and intermentre-form is to save funeral costs, and change the con-cept of organizing luxury funerals. The traditional burial custom contains a set of complex funeral cer-emony, which is organized in a very luxurious way, spend a lot of money and increase the people’s economic burden. In contrast, cremation can save costs. However in today’s rural areas, af-ter cremation, the ashes are still buried after being put into a coffin, so it not only increases the eco-nomic burden of the people, but also does not meet the purpose for farmland conservation, hence, it is contrary to the original intention of the funeral re-form, and also causes dissatisfaction among the people. Therefore, compared with cremation, sar-cophagus and cave burial which are still popular in Guizhou are actually a more economic practice. Thirdly,it causes an ecological dilemma. The purpose of funeral reform is to save resources and protect the limited farmland. The traditional burial practice uses coffins and pile graves, which wastes wood, occupies farmland, and also pollutes the en-vironment. Therefore, the environmental protection is the premise and ultimate goal of the funeral and interment reform. Cave burial in Guizhou uses the natural caves, and does not occupy farmland; sar-cophagus burial does not use wooden coffins, so both of them belong to ecological burial practices. However, the implementation of cremation in the areas which used to conduct cave or sarcophagus-burials has created an embarrassing situation. Cave burial and sarcophagus tombs in Guizhou karst areas contain rich ecological ideas, which not only have positive social and practical significance for the protection of the ecological en-vironment of the area, but also have an important reference meaning for the promotion of “ecological funeral” or green funeral in China. Different ethnic groups and different areas have different forms of funeral customs, which have their own justifications. Therefore, the Fu-neral and Interment reform should adapt to local conditions, and take into the consideration the characteristics of the karst region in the case of Guizhou, and fully draw on the rational factors of ethnic burial. The present funeral and interment reform can take reference from the following three aspects from the ethnic burial culture of Guizhou:The first is to delimit some appropriate burial zones and maintain properly some burial customs which has ecological value. We advocate various forms of burial in these specific burial zones, for instances, tree burial of the Basha Miao in Con-gjiang country, deep burial of the Chang-clan Yao in Libo county, and sarcophagus tombs of Li-clan Waishu Miao in Qinglong County. These forms of burial with ecological protection value not only play an exemplary role for the ecological protection in ethnic regions, but also will help for the ethnic cultural inheritance. The second is to make full use of the natural characteristics of the karst area, and properly en-courage cave burial which does not take up the cul-tivated land. In this way, not only can the cave burial custom of the Yao in Libo and the Washu Miao in Pingba be kept, but also the cliff burial custom which does not take up the cultivated land could be encouraged among the residents in the karst region. This kind of cliff burial not only re-duces the waste of cultivated land, but also re-stricts the superstitious activities in the funeral. The karst area in Guizhou is very extensive, so it has a unique advantage in conducting cave burial. The funeral and interment reform can take the local conditions into consideration, and play up the ad-vantages of natural environment. Instead of empha-sizing cremation blindly, we should take the cave burial into practice. The third is to convert karst caves into ceme-tery for placing ashes so as to change the tradition-al way of building a cemetery on the hill for placing ashes in the cremation areas. In the karst area, if an area is delimited as a cremation zone, then the burial of body or burial of bone ash coffin should be prohibited. Generally, ashes should be deposi-ted in sepulchral chapels or buried in cemeteries. Although most cemeteries are built on barren hills or land, they still occupy land and waste land re-sources. The use of cement and stone materials creates white pollution. Meanwhile, the construc-tion of cemeteries destroys the mountain and causes soil erosion. Therefore, the cemetery is not the di-rection of the funeral and interment reform in the long run, and also does not meet the original inten-tion of the reform.  相似文献   
“江步”是清水江木材运输过程中的地方性专有名词,指清代民国时期清水江流域各河流沿岸的村寨就近分江分段垄断木材运输的规则,一般多见于民间文献,特别是碑刻资料。清水江流域各村寨根据属地原则或开发原则,划分“江步”范围,垄断木材放运权,客观上有利于保护农田、堤坝和桥梁等;而在木材运输实践中,也确实加强了对江河及农田水利的维修与保护。“江步”规则将权利与义务统一,解决林业和农业发展的矛盾,做到江河利用与保护的统一,这对今天河长制的推行有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   
首先给出了居民消费模式函数,指出了居民的消费模式符合“生命周期假说”和应用抵押贷款购房的必要性,然后建立了抵押贷款还贷效用函数,并求出抵押贷款还贷效用最大化的条件,在此基础上在民在应用抵押贷款购房时采用不同还贷方式所能购住房的房价,或在房价一定的情况下抵押贷款的还贷期限的测定方法,分析了影响居民购买住房的房价或还贷期限的因素,并在一定假设下计算了等额,等比递增和等比递减还贷方式下可购住房的价格。  相似文献   
应用理论力学基本理论,设计出量测任意形状物体重量、重心的实验装置,进而开发出测定任意形状非均质薄板转动惯量的实验,并利用所开发的实验及开辟的理论力学创新思维实验室,为培养学生创造性的思维能力和动手能力提供条件。  相似文献   
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