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他最终应该会找一个非常坚强、正直、开朗、世故的黑人女性作为终身伴侣,这几乎就是奥巴马后来的夫人米歇尔的真实写照。近乎偏执1981年,巴拉克·奥巴马的大学生涯进入第三年,他顺利地通过交换生项目从西方学院转学至哥伦比亚大学继续深造。对于他而言,纽约注定是他人生中非常重要的一站。可是在纽约遭遇的一切,和他在西方学院的同学嘴里  相似文献   
There is no doubt that international scientific collaboration has increased in recent years in terms of both volume and importance.The Royal Society of Chemistry(RSC) and our partners in China are continuously strengthening links with the chemical sciences community around the world through a number of initiatives.  相似文献   
在共同生活了3年之后,生活只剩下枯燥、乏味。我厌倦了这样的生活,离婚协议书已经起草好,摊牌的时候却被他一句话顶了回来——离婚,请先把全部财产带走。  相似文献   
人过30天过午,中年男人的起始并不是40岁。可以这么说吧,过了30岁,男人就把时间这厮骑成了一匹快马,往40岁——这个所谓中年的驿站——高歌猛进。中年男人苍茫的背影,像一条道路,铺在祖国的原野上,宽不宽阔到在其次,关键是他得笔直、坦荡地伸向远方。当然,这一条路,也有这样那样的收费站:  相似文献   
如果说男人一生中有一个最最幸福的节日的话,那么,非婚礼那一天莫属。我甚至认为,爱情是男人的一种宗教,所有的期待与美好,都在那一个日子,礼花般绽放。 婚礼,其实,也是对男人能力的“年审”。这一天,他要胸前佩戴一朵红花,对所有的人,点头、微笑,见人就发烟、散喜糖——这哪  相似文献   
提及全球环境卫生问题,人们首先想到的是水污染和卫生设施缺乏.在发展中国家,众多的地方缺乏必要的卫生设施.据2003年3月联合国人居署(United Nation Human Settlements Programme)发表的《世界城市的水与卫生:为达到全球目标而采取的地区性行动》(Water and Sanitation in the World's Cities: Local Action for Global Goals)报道,83%的非洲城市居民及55%的亚洲城市居民尚未使用同下水道相连接的厕所.世界卫生组织(WHO)估计,到2002年8月为止,全球仍有24亿人居住的地方没有基础卫生设施;且每年有340万人(其中绝大多数是儿童)死于与水相关的疾病.即使在一些饮用水和下水道设施齐全的富裕国家,仍需要改善设施,以有效地或更廉价地处理家庭污水、矿井径流及渗流、农业污水、以及大型停车场和机场跑道的径流污水.  相似文献   
The health sector in Québec (Canada) is dealing with profound macro-economic and macro-organizational changes. This article is interested in the impact of these changes on the work of home health aides (HHAs) and home care nurses and their occupational health and safety (OHS). The study was carried out in the home care services (HCS) of four local community service centres (CLSC) with different organizational characteristics. It is based on an analysis by triangulation of 66 individual and group interviews, 22 observed workdays and 35 observed multidisciplinary or professional meetings, as well as on administrative documents. HHAs are experiencing an erosion of their job because the relational and affective aspects of their work are disappearing. This may be due to an increase in their physical workload, leading to an increase in musculoskeletal problems and, to a lesser extent, in psychological health problems. Nurses are seeing an increase in the volume of invisible work that they have to do, which also has the effect of decreasing the relational aspects of their activity. The increasingly numerous psychological health problems are the consequence of this change in their profession. This study also shows that managers' decisions at the local level can reduce or increase the work constraints of HHAs and nurses. Examples of good practices for HHAs are the stabilization of clienteles and the possibility of organizing their itinerary, while for nurses, it is in how clientele follow-up tools are implemented. This article discusses the effects of government policies and decisions on the work and OHS of home care personnel. To address this subject, we use a specific analysis of the workload of home health aides (HHAs) and nurses. We will show the relationships between managers' organizational choices to respond to governmental constraints and the resulting work changes. We will also look at their consequences on occupational health and safety (OHS) and on the work of different personnel.  相似文献   
引进新的部门,全力打造战略中心型组织的最佳实践 是什么使平衡计分卡的成功使用者 与众不同?这是人们经常问我们 的问题。平衡计分卡的成功是艺 术还是科学?是运气,抑或仅仅因为平衡 计分卡的使用者如此众多,必定会有一些 成功者?过去的一年里,我们一直致力于  相似文献   
微风缓缓地吹着百叶窗,吹在窗上,非常温柔,像羽毛似的;偶尔也会犹如几声叹息,听起来像夏日漫漫长夜里的风轻抚着树叶的声音。在铺着草皮的地下,田鼠正在地洞里呼呼大睡,猫头鹰则在沼泽地深处的一棵空心树里蹲着,兔子、松鼠、狐狸都呆在家里。看门的狗静静地躺在暖炉旁,牛羊在栏圈里悄无声息。连大地都在沉睡——但这不是寿终正寝,而是忙碌一年后第一次美美地睡上一觉。夜已经深了,大自然还在忙碌着,只有街上一些招牌或小木屋的门轴不时嘎吱嘎吱地响,给沉寂的大自然来一点慰藉。也只有这些声音,预示着在茫茫宇宙中,在金星和火星之间,天地万物中还有一些是清醒的。,我们想起了看似遥远却也许近在心中的“温暖的感觉”,还有那些只有天神们在相聚时才能感受到的——一种神圣的鼓舞和难得的交情,而这些对于凡人是不胜苍凉的。大地此刻在酣睡,可是空气还很活跃,鹅毛大雪漫天飞舞,好像是一个北方的五谷女神,正在把她的银种子撒在我们的田野上。  相似文献   
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