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Learn to define the essential hallmarks of high-performing teams and look at the role of physician management in this team-based environment.  相似文献   
We consider efficient estimation of regression and association parameters jointly for bivariate current status data with the marginal proportional hazards model. Current status data occur in many fields including demographical studies and tumorigenicity experiments and several approaches have been proposed for regression analysis of univariate current status data. We discuss bivariate current status data and propose an efficient score estimation approach for the problem. In the approach, the copula model is used for joint survival function with the survival times assumed to follow the proportional hazards model marginally. Simulation studies are performed to evaluate the proposed estimates and suggest that the approach works well in practical situations. A real life data application is provided for illustration.  相似文献   
传统地看法把美国视为一座熔炉,在这座熔炉里曾经有多种多样的移民人群被消失了,但他们都具有美国人的共同的特征,并成为美利坚合众国的一个组成部分。作为民族融合的过程,普通的说法,称之为美国化。在学校里规定必须用英语进行教学,以迫使移民的儿童们学习英语。现在我们才发觉,这样一来,妨碍了学生的学习进度,伤害了学生的民族自尊心,还破坏了他们家庭的完整性。所以,美利坚合众国联邦政府又明文规定,在学校中对移民儿童实行两种语言同时并行的教学计划。这样做既可以减轻学生在语言变化中所受到的冲击,又维持了不同语种同时并存的现状。熔炉结合这一模式,在世界上除  相似文献   
印度尼西亚共和国是世界上最大的群岛国家,总面积为1919443平方公里,由分布于跨赤道东西长约5110公里、南北宽约1188公里范围之内,大小不等的13667个岛屿组成。这些岛屿中的大约1千个有人居住。1986年,印尼人口估计数为1.77亿人,这使它成为东南亚地区人口最多的国家。苏门答腊、爪哇、加里曼丹(南婆罗州)、苏拉威西、马鲁古和伊里安查亚(新几内亚岛西部)等岛屿构成了印尼版图的最大部分。爪哇岛仅占印尼总面积的7%,但却居住着占印尼总人口三分之二的居民。从其文化渊源来看,从最古老的、使人联想到石器时代的伊里安查亚岛民、加里曼丹的达雅克部落人、古代苏丹王国的贵族,到现代雅加达的工业家和城市知识分子,都属于印度尼西亚人。  相似文献   
Forty children with prelingual, profound deafness who received the Nucleus multichannel cochlear implant between the ages of 2 and 13 years participated in this study. The children had an average of 63.3 months (SD=24 months) of experience with their cochlear implants. A majority of the children used simultaneous communication and attended public-school programs at the time of testing. Reading achievement was assessed using the Paragraph Comprehension subtest of the Woodcock Reading Mastery Test-Revised, Form G (1987). This study compared the reading-achievement levels of this group of cochlear-implant users with the results of previous studies of children with profound hearing losses who did not have the benefit of cochlear implants. Results indicated that nearly one half of the children in this study were reading at or within 8 months of their grade level. The reading-grade quotient of .74 was calculated based upon the slope of the regression line for the plot of years in school and reading grade-level achieved. This finding indicates that using a cochlear implant has a positive effect on reading achievement level.  相似文献   
权威关系是组织行为中不可缺少的组成部分。阐明权威的概念,对于发展系统的组织理论是十分必要的。在组织权威的研究中有五位著名的学者:马克斯·韦伯、F·厄威克、A·西蒙,G·本尼斯和V·普雷瑟斯。他们关于权威基础的论述有许多相同之处,我们可以把其主要相同点概括为下列四个范畴:①合理性权威;②职位权威;③能力权威,包括技能和经验;④个人权威,包括领导能力和人际关系技巧。  相似文献   
宜家目录是宜家公司最重要的市场营销法宝,也是其最有说服力的宣传手段。它的流传度和“哈里·波特”丛书及《圣经》差不多。宜家目录是世界上发行量最大的广告出版物。2005年8月出版的那期印数不少于1.6亿。  相似文献   
The generalizability of Gottman et al's. (1998) affective process models was examined using a community-based sample of 85 married or cohabiting couples with at-risk backgrounds. Predictive associations between affective processes assessed at about age 21 years and relationship status and satisfaction approximately 2.5 years later were examined. The major findings of Gottman et al. failed to replicate. In particular, men's rejection of their partners' influence, the lack of men's deescalation of partners' negative affect, and women's negative start up were not predictive of relationship status. Further, differences in affective processes were found when comparing discussion sessions of the men's versus the women's chosen topics. The findings suggested that the validity and utility of the affective process models need further investigation.  相似文献   
大约在10年以前,全球面临的最大的健康问题似乎是缺少足够的资金用以抗击在全世界各地蔓延的贫困与疾病.但是今天,个人捐赠的增多使人类获得了比从前更多的资金,可以用来解决全世界范围内所面临的健康问题.但是,相当一部分资金用于治疗某些特殊的疾病,而不是用于提高公共的健康水平.  相似文献   
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