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长期以来,美国对外关系研究的新路径并没有对例外论者的假设构成挑战,同时也无法对全球范围内的美国经验提供一个比较视角。最近开展的边地(borderland)和边疆(frontier)研究则为历史学家提供了一个深入到文化遭遇、文化认同转变以及国家政治边缘的富有价值的视角,并可以对周边地区的人力和自然资源如何整合到更大的经济交换体系这一过程进行分析。在对边疆研究的域外经验与实践进行系统梳理之后,本文指出,有必要将边疆路径引入美国对外关系研究的领域,这样不仅有助于相关研究的推进,而且能够突破特纳理论的局限,进而更全面地看待包括当代跨国市场等在内的美国的内部发展与海外扩张历程。  相似文献   
清朝所绘制的《百苗图》是近代中国早期的民族志。将《百苗图》与日本及奥斯曼帝国所绘制的图绘进行对比,以一个比较历史学的视角来看待这些处于扩张时期的几个帝国,从而指出对他者的民族志兴趣并非欧洲所独有,而是普遍地存在于全世界的帝国体系之中。  相似文献   
加白晋/著 《民族学刊》2016,7(6):28-35,101-103
This article explores the promotion of tea culture at Wudang Mountain, a Daoist tem-ple complex in Hubei Province that is a popular tourist destination. At shops in temples and market areas, vendors brand their tea as Wudang Daoist tea, emphasizing its health benefits and connecting their teas to the Daoist discourse of life-nourishing ( yang sheng) practices. In their marketing materi-als and on their websites, the management of the Eight Immortal Temple Tea Plantation further cites folklore and mythic history to claim profound local roots for Wudang tea culture. In so doing, this company echoes the memory narratives of more fa-mous Chinese teas like Iron Guanyin and Dahong-pao. In China as elsewhere, convenient travel now puts people in contact with areas and peoples that a few decades earlier only a few non-locals explored. As a consequence of a global trend towards com-modification, members of local groups, including distinctive ethnocultural groups, now seek to create distinctive local brands for a tourist market. Corpo-rations now regularly mine local traditions to find i-tems that they can transform into commodities for a wider market ( Comaroff and Comaroff 2009 ) . One of Hubei’s richest tourism assets is the Daoist temple complex at Wudang Moutain, which draws pilgrims and tourists from China and Greater China. China’s State Council identified Wudang Moutain as a National Key Scenic Area in 1982 , and UNESCO added its ancient temples to its World Heritage list in 1994 . The Chinese govern-ment has worked with the Daoist Federation to de-velop Wudang’s temples and pavilions, which are spread over 400 square kilometers of mountainous terrain, into a major tourist destination. The gov-ernment tourist office promotes Wudang Mountain for its scenic beauty, its deep historical heritage, its religious culture, and famous martial arts. Al-though its tea culture is less renowned, local tea sellers claim that Wudang tea has a deep history and Daoist qualities. At Wudang Mountain, the Eight Immortal Temple Tea Plantation markets their tea as Wudang Daoist Tea, using history, legend, ritual, and sa-cred location to distinguish its green, black, and oolong teas from those produced elsewhere. They seek to valorize their teas through claims about the excellence of their growing environment ( not un-like the terroir of a fine wine ) and the historical depth of their tea history. They further use legend and mythic history to position their products, and associate their teas with Daoist traditions of health preservation, including martial arts. Finally, they use modern marketing techniques to promote their teas, including a promotional video directed by a In Ethnicity Inc, John and Jean Comaroff pro-pose that “commerce has been instrumental either in crystallizing or in reproducing the sociological entities (‘people’, ‘nation’, ‘community’ ) in which cultural identity is presumed to inhere”( Comaroff and Comaroff 2009:114 ) . In particu-lar, they conclude that people use identity-laden objects as a vehicle through which “ethnic con-sciousness is materialized” ( 33 ) . They focus on the modern discourse of intellectual property rights, including competing national claims to trademark signature products (122). Wudang tea vendors have used story, packa-ging, and performance to promote teas that evoke Wudang’s history, local traditions, and landscape. Hubei officials pay premium prices for the Eight Immortal Temple Plantation’s highest quality teas, but outside China Wudang tea is not well known. As global awareness of this world heritage site grows, Hubei’s Wudang Daoist tea series may find a place among the specialty teas now sold on the world market. But for now, Wudang Daoist Tea is an innovative brand that symbolizes a heritage that is simultaneously imperial, national, Daoist, and deeply local.  相似文献   
以云南地区的多元和多样性表现为例探讨现代中国多民族国家的策略和历史境遇。通过梳理中国历史上民族国家策略的历史进程,发现中国近现代历史中国民党和共产党在民族国家策略上的差异,以及现代中国“民族”识别的出现,是中国深远的历史情境中的一个必然结果,亦是中国共产党建立现代国家与各民族达成共识的基本路径。  相似文献   
This article deals with the delicate relationship between vernacular practices and offi-cial discourse in rural China .In regards to geo-mancy (fengshui), rituals, gifting, and corruption discourse , f...  相似文献   
刘媛 《山西老年》2020,(5):11-13
浑源城是明大同镇所有城堡中形状最为特殊的,因为它修筑成了八边形,而不是通常的四边形。《三云筹俎考》记载:"浑源城(唐州治,洪武元年因之,万历元年砖甃)本城系腹里,北岳巍峨环绕八山,浑流入水,凿岩构木,遗址屹然,诚云中要害也。若守乱岭之关,则虏骑必南东下,固瓷窑之口,则胡马不至南驰,况坚壁清野,虏不能久,故人谓浑源之地,可掠不可攻、贵守不贵战,视他城稍易为力焉。"  相似文献   
小凡 《晚晴》2020,(1):48-48
“年味”藏在照片里,藏在春联里,藏在皮薄馅大的饺子里,藏在红红火火的年节风景里,更藏在每个人喜气洋洋的笑脸里……春节,承载着温暖的记忆和味道。2020年春节即将到来,让我们用文字记录春节的美好,回乡之路、家人亲情、春节见闻、风土人情等,为读者呈现有格调、有意境、有美感的作品。  相似文献   
始建于元朝的国家级传统村詹外普拉村,位于云南楚雄州永仁县宜就镇,是联合国可持续发展目标SDGS在中国唯一的示范村项目。乡建团队运用乡村社会创新模式,逐步通过生态景观打造、生态种植推广、一院一品民宿、耕读书院、朴门永续农场及咖啡馆下乡计划等项目的落地,为老村民赋能,弓丨霄村民入村、让外普拉村走向可持续发展,成为新老村民安放身心的宜居之地。  相似文献   
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