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白清平 《现代妇女》2014,(9):182-182
大学生就业问题日益严峻。大学生就业难原因众多,但大学生自身思想观念落后、知识技能欠缺是内因。解决大学生就业难题就要从内因入手,着力加强思想政治教育、提高知识技能教育水平、做实就业指导工作。  相似文献   
金亚白 《职业》2016,(35):18-19
一、以章程建设助推高职院校制度建设 我国高等职业教育自20世纪80年代起步,发展至今已逾三十年.自2000年起,得益于我国制造业的高速发展,高等职业教育也迎来了新一轮发展热潮,在相关教育从业者的努力下,高等职业教育在相当长的一个时期内与普通高等教育平分秋色,取得了令人瞩目的成就.但是,相较于其他方面的建设发展,高等职业教育在制度建设方面所取得的进展仍旧与现代大学制度的要求存在着相当大的距离.2010年由国务院发布的《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要2010—2020年》,明确提出要建立现代职业教育体系.而现代职业教育体系的核心主旨即职业院校需遵循系统完善的制度体系,依法自主办学、实施管理及履行公共职能.高职院校要实现现代化的转型发展,完善法人治理结构,推进自身制度建设,已成为必然选择.  相似文献   
器乐艺术是人类在音乐方面创造性的充分体现。器乐技能教育能够培养学生对音乐的多方面的兴趣,调动学生的学习积极性,满足学生的自我尊重、自我表现和希望引起别人关注的心理愿望。众多的乐器种类、多样的演奏手法、丰富的音响色彩,将人类的音乐思维发展到了远比其他艺术复杂得多的境地。但器乐教学怎样有效地进行是一个关键的问题,所以引出了这一论题。  相似文献   
白珍 《民族学刊》2016,7(6):50-54,109-110
The Qiang are one of the most ancient ethnic groups in China, and their rich cul-ture is an important part of Chinese culture. Bei-chuan Qiang Autonomous County, in Sichuan province, is a unique Qiang Autonomous County in China, which has an exceptional foundation for transmitting Qiang ethnic culture through school education. However, the county’s transmission of Qiang ethnic culture through school education still faces some problems, such as lack of educational investment, poor teacher resources, lack of ethnic cultural inheritors, and students’ lack of ethnic self-confidence. In view of series dilemmas faced by Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County in trans-mitting Qiang ethnic culture through school educa-tion, this article proposes the following suggestions based on our investigations:1 . Increase the investment in school educa-tion In view of the lack of educational investment, we suggest the following measure be adopted: 1 ) increase educational investment from various levels of the government, especially increasing special in-vestment in transmitting Qiang ethnic culture through school education;2 ) raise funds from the public;3 ) have the schools engage in their own fundraising, and 5 ) make efforts to get foreign aid. 2 . Strengthen the investment in improving teacher resources In view of the problem of poor teacher re-sources, we suggest the following measures: 1 ) strengthen policy support from the national level, and solve the problem of poor teacher resources through training teachers in universities for nation-alities. 2 ) invite Qiang cultural inheritors to be teachers; 3 ) strengthen the technical training of the school teachers, and improve the teachers’ skills;4) add more teacher positions, and improve the treatment of teachers;5 ) encourage teachers to devote their life to the education and inheritance of Qiang culture. 3 . To promote the motivation for studying eth-nic culture In view of the students’ lack of motivation for studying ethnic culture, and the lack of people who go on to inherit the ethnic cultural heritage, we suggest the following: 1 ) Beichuan Autonomous County should help the young Qiang people to be locally employed through developing ethnic econo-mies, and to inherit ethnic culture via developing tourism with ethnic characteristics. 2) Family edu-cation should be closely connected with school edu-cation;3 ) to include an exam on Qiang ethic cul-ture in school entrance examinations in order to re-flect the importance of ethnic culture study;4 ) to add some ethnic culture courses in schools for na-tionalities. 4 . To strengthen the ethnic pride and confi-dence of Qiang students In view of the issue of Qiang students’ lack of ethnic confidence and pride, we suggest the follow-ing:1 ) open Qiang language courses in schools in Qiang areas; 2 ) enlarge the usage range of the Qiang language; 3 ) help students to understand the charm of Qiang culture, and let them feel eth-nic pride. 5 . To standardize and promote a common Qiang language In view of the issue that Qiang have no written language, their spoken language is too complicat-ed, and there are too many dialects, we suggest that the National Languages and Scripts Work Committee should work with Qiang scholars and ex-perts to create a basic dialect of the Qiang-a com-mon Qiang language, which should be promoted in school education, just like mandarin Chinese in school education.  相似文献   
不同文化中诸多因素会造成一定的文化差异,并影响语言学习的理解与表达.蒙汉语言属于两个不同的语系,蒙汉语言文化之间存在着很多差别.本文通过对蒙汉语言中词汇、语法和语用文化差异的对比分析,着重探讨了汉语学习中对待文化差异的态度及文化教学原则.  相似文献   
胡箫白 《民族研究》2022,(5):90-106+137-138
明代中后期川西北地区的军防系统改革,是理解地方社会权力格局和地缘意义的关键视角。十五世纪中后期,川西北地区的军防体制在文武关系、官员职级、官员职务、防务分配四个方面发生变化,地方“番”汉势力失衡,军士生计维艰,边区军防渐趋废弛。十六世纪前期,因为南下蒙古势力威胁蜀边,区域的地缘功能为之一变。明廷因之重整川西北防务,并于嘉、万年间发起系统性军事改革,通过加派高阶官员、整饬军防设施、提升军队战力等方式应对“番蒙合流”带来的军事威胁。明代中后期川西北地区的防御体系演变,在地方社会发展脉络中具有分水岭式的重要意义。  相似文献   
米芾行书为宋四家的主要代表之一,其书法艺术风格突出,是继二王后帖学体系的又一次开拓。其行书用笔沉着痛快,结体倚侧开合,极大地丰富了行书的艺术的表现和审美视觉的感染力,推动了宋代尚意书风的发展和完善。对米芾书法的研究,有利于我们了解宋人尚意审美风尚的基本特征及其内在发展演化的规律。  相似文献   
2004年,中共甘肃省委、甘肃省人民政府作出《关于进一步开展民族团结进步创建活动的决定》,将每年5月份定为"全省民族团结进步宣传月"。近年来,全省各地、各部门结合实际,开展了以"加强民族团结、维护社会稳定、促进和谐发展"为主题的民族团结进步创建活动,不断丰富内容,创新活动形式,取得显著成效。今年5月份是"全省第六个民族团结进步宣传月"。  相似文献   
2月18日,南京市老龄委向社会公布:今年将为南京百万老人办20件实事。据南京市老龄委副主任李杏生和南京市民政局副局长、新闻发言人鲍意华介绍,截至2008年底,南京市60岁以上老年人达99万,占户籍总人口的15.71%,老龄化步伐走在全国前列。为此,南京市委、市政府从改善民生人手,从提高老年人的生活、生命质量上下功夫,切切实实让老年人享受到改革发展成果,实现“老有颐养”。  相似文献   
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