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今年是俄罗斯的"中国年"。2007年6月1日-3日,由中国现代外国哲学学会俄罗斯专业委员会与苏州大学共同举办的"中国与俄罗斯:当代哲学的问题与反思——全国第十一届俄罗斯哲学研讨会"在苏州大学举行。俄罗斯科学院院士兼《哲学问题》主编列克托尔斯基、通讯院士兼哲学所副所长斯米尔洛夫教授、中国哲学专家布洛夫等俄方学者专程参加会议并发表了学术演讲。中国社会科学院贾泽林、中国人民大学安启念、南京大学张一兵、复旦大学吴晓明等30多人参加会议。研究前苏联哲学和当代俄罗斯哲学具有重大的学术价值和现实意义。前苏联哲学曾经是培育中国马克思主义理论家的主要思想源泉。苏东剧变、中国改革开放,在新的历史地平线上,中国化的马克思主义理论创新必须要"返本而开新",即全面地反思和梳理前苏联哲学的遗产,同时也要密切关注由原来"主流意识形态"消解后的"哲学转向"。会议集中讨论了三个问题:如何进一步深度反思前苏联哲学遗产,包括对列宁哲学、普列汉诺夫哲学、斯大林哲学及一大批前苏联时期学者的哲学遗产;如何评价当代俄罗斯对主流意识形态"真空"的"填补",如对东正教哲学思想的研究、对理性的研究、对西方哲学的研究等;如何进一步理性地反思全球化与本土化思想对话的关系,特别是俄罗斯本土文化与西方文明的关系。本专题推出几篇会议论文,以飨读者。  相似文献   
Summary.  The great epidemic of poliomyelitis which swept New York City and surrounding territory in the summer of 1916 eclipsed all previous global experience of the disease. We draw on epidemiological information that is included in the seminal US Public Health Bulletin 91, 'Epidemiologic studies of poliomyelitis in New York City and the northeastern United States during the year 1916' (Washington DC, 1918), to re-examine the spatial structure of the epidemic. For the main phase of transmission of the epidemic, July–October 1916, it is shown that the maximum concentration of activity of poliomyelitis occurred within a 128-km radius of New York City. Although the integrity of the poliomyelitis cluster was maintained up to approximately 500 km from the metropolitan focus, the level and rate of propagation of disease declined with distance from the origin of the epidemic. Finally, it is shown that the geographical transmission of the epidemic in north-eastern USA probably followed a process of mixed contagious–hierarchical diffusion.  相似文献   
The April 1993 CPS differs from the March 1993 CPS in a number of respects. The April 1993 CPS supplement surveys only workers, whereas the March CPS examines the noncash benefits received by all Americans. The April CPS asks workers about health coverage in the week in which the questions were fielded, whereas the March CPS asks about coverage in the preceding year. In April 1993, there were 112.5 million civilian American workers between the ages of 18 and 64 with jobs. Eighty-two million (73 percent) of them worked for an employer that sponsored a health insurance plan, and 65 million (58 percent of all workers) participated in their employer's health plan. About one-third of workers at firms with fewer than 10 employees had employers who offer health benefits; about one-quarter of all of the workers in these firms participated in their employer's plan. Conversely, 94 percent of workers at firms with more than 1,000 employees had an employer who sponsored health benefits, and over 77 percent of these workers participated in their employer's plan. There are 16.5 million American workers whose employers sponsored health benefits but who did not participate in these benefits. Over one-half of these workers (8.5 million) chose not to be covered. Another 36 percent of these workers (5.9 million) did not participate because they were ineligible or denied coverage. Over 66 percent of the ineligible workers did not participate because they were part-time, contract, or temporary workers. Another 26 percent had not yet completed a probationary period. Among the reasons that those who chose not to participate in their employer's coverage, the vast majority (75 percent) stated they were covered by another health care plan. Twenty-nine percent stated that they chose not to purchase coverage because it was too costly or that they did not need or want the coverage. In 1993, there were 16.7 million workers with no health insurance coverage. The vast majority of these workers (95 percent) were employed by private employers. Sixty-six percent of the workers with no health insurance coverage were self-employed or worked for firms with fewer than 100 employees.  相似文献   
在社会科学发展的现阶段,它们的结论不仅具有一般理论意义,而且还具有越来越重大的实践意义。现在,国民经济管理问题,社会经济规划和预测、文化和教育工作、意识形态斗争诸方面的战略决策问题,都要根据社会科学的成就加以解决。这一情况既决定了社会科学领域情报活动的任务,也决定了这种活动的作用。以苏联科学院社会科学情报研究所为中心的全苏社会科学情报系统执行以下基本  相似文献   
近来 ,投资者对公司财务报表的质量和可靠性的信心已经被严重动摇。关于行业领头羊公司出现收益欺诈、资产价值虚高、负债低估现象的报道层出不穷 ,这表明提供公共公司财务信息的会计准则和控制系统出现系统性的缺陷 ,且不提监督它们的监管体系中存在的问题。关于具体公司的数据显示 ,公司收益在操纵行为面前已显得越来越脆弱。本文围绕公司所公布的收益状况展开 ,它是传播到资本市场中的错误信息和虚假信息的中心环节。收益是投资者定价模型中的主要输入变量 ,影响资产价格 ,进而影响到经理的报酬和财富 ,公司收益也被公司董事会和机构投资…  相似文献   
2025年之前的美国能源发展预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
评估石油价格动态是综合预测美国能源发展的关键因素。世界原油平均价格在 2 0 0 3年已从2 0 0 1年每桶 2 2美元涨到每桶 2 5 8美元 ,2 0 0 5年将反弹回每桶 2 3 3美元。今后 ,随着石油需求的稳定增长 ,2 0 2 0年将涨到每桶 2 5 5美元 ,2 0 2 5年达到每桶 2 6 6美元。以目前的最低价格计算 ,在考虑到面临的通货膨胀和美元购买力降低的情况下 ,2 0 2 5年世界石油平均价格将为每桶 48~ 5 0美元。而根据美国的预测 ,2 0 2 0年的世界石油需求很可能从 2 0 0 1年每昼夜 760 0万桶增加到 1 1 2亿桶 ,2 0 2 5年增长到每昼夜 1 2 32亿桶。石油…  相似文献   
20 0 1年“9.1 1”事件之后所发生的事情和2 0 0 2年 5月的法国总统选举 ,在某种程度上是全球化消极后果积累过程的完结 ,是这些后果的明显表现 ,同时也是国家和世界发展的新趋势的开始。从 2 0 0 1年末起 ,世界完全成为单极的世界。西方在冷战中获胜 ,美国攫取的全球责任体现在它试图形成相应的世界秩序中。国际关系中的竞争日益被一组国家的霸权所取代。国际关系中的体制外行动具有国家和社会的性质 ,在一定程度上与发达国家中的重大社会和政治变动相吻合。从 90年代后半期起 ,在主要国家的政治发展中 ,开始表现出力量对比和后工业发展模…  相似文献   
人类与动物的共同世界和共同健康最近几年里人类社会经历了几种可怕的疾病,如禽流感、SARS、埃博拉病毒、疯牛病。这些灾难性疾病震惊了全世界,几乎摧毁了世界经济体系,造成了巨大的经济损失,同时也危及到了各国间的外交关系。这些疾病都具备跨越人类与动物之间界限的能力,不需要依靠人类作为它们生存的宿主,其结果是它们一直伴随人类到今天,现代医学对其无能为力。同时,人类对这些跨越种群的疾病的抵抗力越来越脆弱。由于现代先进便捷的交通运输,人口密度越来越大,对畜牧产品的依赖性越来越大,使得这些疾病传播得更快。全球性的动物和动…  相似文献   
法国是资本主义世界五大强国之一,五强中的每一个国家都能在不同程度上对国际的经济、军事战略和政治情势产生影响。法国和美国、日本、西德、英国合在一起构成了帝国主义阵营的核心。按照经济发展水平来说,法国接近于西德和英国。此外,在国际舞台上,法国也有一条独具“风格”、不同于其他国家的路线。第二次世界大战结束后,法国利用科  相似文献   
新石器时代革命的实质是从一种经济活动向另一种经济活动——从占有经济向生产经济过渡。经济活动的形式不能作为原始社会的唯一标准,但它却起着重要作用。建立在占有经济基础之上的社会的全面发展为新石器时代革命打下了基础。这些社会有许多可视为生产经济的先决条件的特质。避开畜牧业的前提和向畜牧业过渡的形式——已有许多文章对它作了专题研究,我将检验农业的前提,将它看作生产经济的支配形式和自然及社会转变过程的开端。总之,农业和畜牧业的确立常和产生于同样社会中的进程密切相关。  相似文献   
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