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从过往的历史变迁之迹中寻找某种历史演进的启迪,是人类文明创生的一种必然选择。然而,由于百余年来中国历史的变迁是如此的快速和剧烈,使得任何置身于特定历史时空中的人,在短时间内恐都难以获得某种超越性的认识,因而不可避免地陷入了“彼也一是非,此也一是非”的论争。单说究竟何谓“现代”、何谓“中国”、何谓“学术”这样一些最基本的问题,由于立说的立场差异和持论的理据各别,就产生了无数的分歧。如何在五四新文化运动百周年之际,让我们的反思超越种种先入为主的成见,发现某种至今尚未被“发现”的“历史真实”呢?戴登云教授的《究竟该如何反思“现代中国学术”?》一文试图作出新的努力。该文认为,当代学界对“五四”以来学术思想史的反思,之所以常常呈现为一种无效的反省,是因为受到了如下两个方面因素的制约。一是在思想视野的层面,无法在种种现成的思想视野(这些思想视野包括:“普遍/特殊”“全球/本土”“主流意识形态/多元文化”“文化守成/创造性转化”“体/用”“经验性的中西古今融通”“现代化”“现代性悖论”等等)之外,建构出一种新的思想史视野。二是在学术观念的层面,未能有效地化解“学术—思想”“科学—人文”“专家—通人”“学术—政治”“西化—自主性”“全球化—中国特色”“求是—致用”之间的双重性张力和“传统—现代”“现代—后现代”的连续与断裂。为此,我们必须建构出一种有关究竟何谓“学术”的自明性认知,并对之作出本源性的论证。具体而言,该文提出了一种新的“学术三分”观:“一种对象化的知识探求、一种自我存身于世的合法性论证、一种对本源之‘思''的遮蔽与解蔽”,并勾勒出了如下一种学术思想史视野:学术范式的变迁与转型,从表层看,即学术观念、学术方法和学术话语体系的转型;从深层看,则意味着世界观念的转变、历史观念的变迁、文化整合机制的变革和表意范式的新变。根据这些洞见,该文对现代中国学术思想史的演进历程提出了一种新的分析,初步揭示了化解中西古今之争,并建构出一种新的学术思想史视野的可能。五四新文化运动之所以产生了巨大的历史效应,五四白话文运动和新文学革命居功至伟。五四新文学运动开创了一种新的表意范式———现代白话文。这种新表意范式的精神动力和理论依据,即现实主义。为重新彰显现实主义的历史价值和现实意义,李勇教授的《五四时期写实主义理论的开放性》一文,在百余年来中西方文论的“形式主义—现实主义”“内部研究—外部研究”的论争语境中,重新钩沉了五四时期新文学健将们所主张的现实主义/写实主义的理论谱系,再次重申了评价一种文学主张的基本标准,深入批判了形式主义的偏至。该文指出,尽管韦勒克认为现实主义文学是极为拙劣的美学,但是针对现实主义/写实主义以及文学史上出现过的任何其他文学流派,我们始终应该坚持的是,用历史主义的标准来评价它们,而不是用后来发展起来的审美趣味来评价其价值。历史地看,五四新文学时期的写实主义理论是在一种开放的语境中形成的,不同观点之间的差异构成了它的开放形态。它批判传统,打破了旧文学模式的封闭樊篱,使文学可以直接面对现实生活。它直接参与社会变革而不是在审美王国中自我陶醉。它应合社会思潮、参与思想论争,使文学产生震撼人心的社会效应,而不是在形式技巧的游戏中自生自灭。总之,一种文学如果无法介入历史和现实,无论如何,它是不可能成为一种推动历史变革的力量,从而获得自身的精神品质的。五四文学精神之所以伟大,就在于她深刻地介入了现代中国的历史,担当了民族国家自我革新与复兴的使命。尽管这一使命至今仍未完成。  相似文献   
Physical activity takes place in different social contexts such as leisure, home, and work. However, the differential associations of these distinct categories of activity with aspects of well-being have rarely been investigated. This study was designed to estimate independent associations of (a) leisure-time, (b) domestic and (c) work-related physical activities with subjective well-being in older adults. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 2009 with 2,295 community-dwelling older adults aged 65 or older in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Among them, 307 participants were selected for a 3-year follow-up study in 2012. The results based on cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses demonstrated that leisure-time physical activity, after multivariate adjustment, was positively associated with five dimensions of well-being, including ‘physical’, ‘psychological’, ‘independence’, ‘learning and growth’, and ‘social’ well-being. Household physical activity was positively associated only with ‘social’ well-being. Occupational physical activity was not related to any dimension of well-being. The study suggests that associations between physical activity and dimensions of subjective well-being during later life are dependent on the social context in which the activity takes place. This study indicates that physical activity taken as leisure has greatest potential to enhance the quality of life of older adults.  相似文献   
近年来,乙肝歧视、身高歧视和户籍歧视等主张同等对待的诉讼案件不断见诸报端。然而,深究这些案件中“平等权”的含义,不难发现,在日常生活中,“平等权”这一言辞将人们的注意焦点引向了追求“同等对待”上,而忽略了区分“同等”的正当标准。文章基于“平等”的多层次内涵,阐释“平等权”到底如何发挥对利益分配的合理化修辞功能的,进而结合案件探究解决各类歧视案件的有效途径。  相似文献   
在世界的殖民地语言政策史上,日本的政策可说是极为特殊的例子。作为亚洲唯一的殖民地宗主国,其殖民地统治方针的形成经过、结构原理、特色皆异于欧美各国。在这个前提下,作为反映殖民统治方针的语言政策在具有普遍性、类似性的同时,也具有个别性和特殊性。日本的殖民地语言政策最显著的特征就是在军事压力之下传授日文,对殖民地人民实行语言同化教育,目的是将殖民地人民改造为日本人,以满足其维护国体和海外扩张的野心,是一种通过军事强制性手段来推行的语言政策。  相似文献   
We revisit the problem of testing homoscedasticity (or, equality of variances) of several normal populations which has applications in many statistical analyses, including design of experiments. The standard text books and widely used statistical packages propose a few popular tests including Bartlett's test, Levene's test and a few adjustments of the latter. Apparently, the popularity of these tests have been based on limited simulation study carried out a few decades ago. The traditional tests, including the classical likelihood ratio test (LRT), are asymptotic in nature, and hence do not perform well for small sample sizes. In this paper we propose a simple parametric bootstrap (PB) modification of the LRT, and compare it against the other popular tests as well as their PB versions in terms of size and power. Our comprehensive simulation study bursts some popularly held myths about the commonly used tests and sheds some new light on this important problem. Though most popular statistical software/packages suggest using Bartlette's test, Levene's test, or modified Levene's test among a few others, our extensive simulation study, carried out under both the normal model as well as several non-normal models clearly shows that a PB version of the modified Levene's test (which does not use the F-distribution cut-off point as its critical value), and Loh's exact test are the “best” performers in terms of overall size as well as power.  相似文献   
For many continuous distributions, a closed-form expression for their quantiles does not exist. Numerical approximations for their quantiles are developed on a distribution-by-distribution basis. This work develops a general approximation for quantiles using the Taylor expansion. Our method only requires that the distribution has a continuous probability density function and its derivatives can be derived to a certain order (usually 3 or 4). We demonstrate our unified approach by approximating the quantiles of the normal, exponential, and chi-square distributions. The approximation works well for these distributions.  相似文献   
为了贯彻《共同纲领》的文教政策,使山东大学顺利实现向新民主主义大学的转变,在建国初期山东大学思想政治教育中,校长华岗为全校师生所授政治大课,采取理论联系实际和以理服人的方针,系统地给山大师生讲授了党的政策和马克思主义基本原理,提高了山大师生的觉悟,为20世纪50年代山大的辉煌奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Mixed-Weibull distribution has been used to model a wide range of failure data sets, and in many practical situations the number of components in a mixture model is unknown. Thus, the parameter estimation of a mixed-Weibull distribution is considered and the important issue of how to determine the number of components is discussed. Two approaches are proposed to solve this problem. One is the method of moments and the other is a regularization type of fuzzy clustering algorithm. Finally, numerical examples and two real data sets are given to illustrate the features of the proposed approaches.  相似文献   
Methods for a sequential test of a dose-response effect in pre-clinical studies are investigated. The objective of the test procedure is to compare several dose groups with a zero-dose control. The sequential testing is conducted within a closed family of one-sided tests. The procedures investigated are based on a monotonicity assumption. These closed procedures strongly control the familywise error rate while providing information about the shape of the dose-responce relationship. Performance of sequential testing procedures are compared via a Monte Carlo simulation study. We illustrae the procedures by application to a real data set.  相似文献   
“N级编码理论”体现了叶舒宪试图把“四重证据法”的共时性理论体系进行历时化的生成性表述的理论诉求.把“N级编码理论”与神话“置换变形”理论、后现代“互文性”理论以及类型学等理论加以比较,可以看出“N级编码理论”具有丰富的思想内涵、理论意义,对于文学研究具有较大的理论阐释效力.当然,目前它在理论建构上还存在着某些不足.  相似文献   
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