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元明清时期云南的外地移民   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
历史上云南的外地移民 ,为西南地方史研究中的一个重要内容。元明清三代 ,外省籍移民大量进入云南 ,对当地社会各方面的发展产生了重大影响。本文对这一时期中各朝代移民的方式、来源、民族构成等进行了系统论述 ,并对其在云南历史上所产生的作用和影响作出了初步分析  相似文献   
跳盘王是广西大瑶山地区瑶族传统的宗教仪式。在这一传统仪式的背后,“情”与“怵”交织于仪式主体、客体和媒介三个符号关系之中。本文在全面阐述瑶族师公跳盘王的基础上,从人类学的角度,初探跳盘王仪式所具有的象征意义。  相似文献   
1941年,作者参加了由费孝通教授主持的燕京大学与云南大学合组的社会学研究室,并在费老的指导下在云南作了村乡传统组织的调查,写成《化城村乡的传统组织》一书,由此奠定了作者一生从事社会学研究的基础。  相似文献   
辽代的捺钵制度是中国历史上颇富民族特色和地域特色的一项政治制度 ,它起源于契丹人的游猎生活。所谓捺钵制度主要是指以辽代皇帝为中心 ,以狩猎活动为主要表现形式的巡守制度和游幸活动。四时捺钵是辽代政治体制的集中体现和契丹族狩猎文化的重要载体 ,也是辽代社会历史的一个缩影。作为一项政治制度 ,四时捺钵不仅对辽代社会产生了深远的影响 ,而且也影响到了后世的金、元、清三朝  相似文献   
在20世纪20年代初,梁漱溟用情志教育和知的教育、生活本身和生活工具等说法来说明东西方教育的差别,偏好情志教育(即生命教育)。在20年代后期和30年代,他在思考乡村建设的实践经验过程中,受到杜威教育哲学的影响,认识到教育即生命,把生命的教养看作乡村建设的意义之一。把梁漱溟的教育观念放在现当代中国思想史的语境中加以理解,可以发现他对教育观念的思考走的是一条生命教养的道路,预示着超越启蒙与救亡范式的可能性,当然,这不是说他已经完成了这种超越。  相似文献   
In this paper,we propose a class of general partially linear varying-coefficient transformation models for ranking data. In the models, the functional coefficients are viewed as nuisance parameters and approximated by B-spline smoothing approximation technique. The B-spline coefficients and regression parameters are estimated by rank-based maximum marginal likelihood method. The three-stage Monte Carlo Markov Chain stochastic approximation algorithm based on ranking data is used to compute estimates and the corresponding variances for all the B-spline coefficients and regression parameters. Through three simulation studies and a Hong Kong horse racing data application, the proposed procedure is illustrated to be accurate, stable and practical.  相似文献   
Penalized likelihood method has been developed previously for hazard function estimation using standard left-truncated, right-censored lifetime data with covariates, and the functional ANOVA structures built into the log hazard allows for versatile nonparametric modeling in the setting. The computation of the method can be time-consuming in the presence of continuous covariates; however, due to the repeated numerical integrations involved. Adapting a device developed by Jeon and Lin [An effective method for high dimensional log-density ANOVA estimation, with application to nonparametric graphical model building. Statist. Sinica 16, 353–374] for penalized likelihood density estimation, we explore an alternative approach to hazard estimation where the log likelihood is replaced by some computationally less demanding pseudo-likelihood. An assortment of issues are addressed concerning the practical implementations of the approach including the selection of smoothing parameters, and extensive simulations are presented to assess the inferential efficiency of the “pseudo” method as compared to the “real” one. Also noted is an asymptotic theory concerning the convergence rates of the estimates parallel to that for the original penalized likelihood estimation.  相似文献   
在新的历史条件下,要确保大学生的思想观念和价值理想不偏离科学社会主义的正确方向,进而增强其识别和抵制形形色色错误观念的自觉性和实际能力,我们就应该从目的、内容和方法等多重维度对高校思想政治理论课教学进行大胆的改革和创新。构建全方位的社会主义核心价值理念的教育体系,以引领高校乃至整个社会思潮的健康发展,从而为中华民族伟大复兴之目标的早日实现提供精神动力和思想保证。  相似文献   
“十二五”时期中小企业转型升级的新战略思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前我国中小企业发展面临着用工融资难、准入门槛高、税费负担重、企业利润薄、转型压力大和发展环境差等多重挑战,但是人口城镇化、发展低碳化、产业高端化、企业信息化、经济服务化和经营国际化也为中小企业发展提供了重大机遇。在十二五时期,中小企业必须加快转型升级步伐,实施战略转型,改变长期以来主要依靠低成本竞争和个体分散竞争、偏重粗放型和多元化发展、在低层次参与国际分工的发展战略,形成注重品牌品质和创新、推进差异化、实施归核化发展和集约型发展、积极推进联盟竞合、追求基业长青的新发展战略。  相似文献   
The usual smoothing spline method is modified by a bootstrap bias correction inserted. It is shown that such a modification is asymptotically equivalent to a higher order method in sense they share the same best obtainable mean square error convergence rate. Similar results about the kernel method and their relation are discussed. It turns out that all of our effort towards better mean square error convergence rates result in some equivalent higher order kernels. The Fourier analysis canied out by Rice and Rosenblatt (1983) is used as the working horse.  相似文献   
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