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战术移动通信网的网络拓扑结构随战场环境的变化而变化,为此网络拓扑结构具有重组的能力,网络拓扑重组后必须进行链路频道的重新分配,文中提出的频道分配技术是在避免同频道干扰条件下任一频道可在全网内多次重复使用,以提高频道的重复利用率,同时分析了该情况下网络至少应拥有的频道数,以保证网络有足够的频道供分配。  相似文献   
Advance results from the 1982 census of China are presented based on a 10 percent sample. Sections are included on age distribution, centenarians, marriage patterns, educational status, and the labor force. Several characteristics of China's population are described in this article, based on a 10% sampling tabulation of the production teams and resident groups of the whole country. Data are included for 100,380,000 people. The proportion of the population aged 0-14 is 33.60%, which marks a decline from figures in the 1964 census (40%). This decline is attributed to family planning and population control efforts. The median age is 22.91 years, which is 2.71 years older than that in the 1964 census. The % of the population aged 15-64 rose from 55.7% in 1964 to 61.5%. The dependency ratio dropped from 79.4% (1964) to 62.6%. There were 3,765 centenarians as of July, 1982; the overwhelming majority live in villages, and most (94.77%) are illiterate or semiliterate. The number of female centenarians is 2.4 times that of males. Marriages are comparatively stable in China. 63.6% of the population aged 15 and over are married, and .59% are divorced. The % of the population remaining single after age 50 is .21% for females, 2.97% for males. The average 1st marriage age is 22.80 years for females and 25.49 years for males. 60.35% of the people have had primary education or above; .44% are college graduates. In 1964, 33.58% of the population illiterate or semiliterate. At present, among people aged 12 and over, 31.90% are illiterate or semiliterate. The rural illiteracy rate is more than twice the urban rate. 51.94% of the total population is employed. Of these, 92.08% are engaged in manual labor. Males exceed females in all professions and occupations. The median age of the employed population is 30.84 years. The level of education among the employed is relatively low: 28.26% are illiterate or semiliterate, and 34.35% have had primary education only.  相似文献   
The China Family Planning Association was set up in May 1980 as a nongovernmental organization under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. Funds come from the government, international organizations, and individual or community donations. 13 branches have been established so far. The Association has contributed to publicity, education, and research: members have given lectures on family planning, genetics, and population theory, and have helped develop contraceptives. The lectures on population problems have been published. In addition, the Association's periodical "Ren Sheng" is published bimonthly, and has a circulation of 125,000. Meeting have been convened for the exchange of information and experience among family planning workers. The Association organized tripartite seminars with IPPF and JOICFP in June and October, 1983. Under the auspices of the Association, 8 trainees have been sent to the David Owen Center in the United Kingdom for a Year's study, and 1 trainee was sent to the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. The Association was accepted as a full member of the IPPF at the conference held in Nairobi, Kenya, in November, 1983.  相似文献   
Airline irregular operations have long been a realm where human experience and judgement are the most important tools to utilize. Crew management during irregular operations is usually the bottleneck of the whole system-recovering process due to complicated crew schedules and restrictive crew legalities as well as the size and scope of the hub-and-spoke networks adopted by major carriers. A system-wide multi-commodity integer network flow model and a heuristic search algorithm for the above purpose are presented and discussed in this paper. The computational experiences show that the algorithm is efficient enough to solve problems of realistic size and also has the flexibility to accommodate practical business requirements.  相似文献   
本文以251家新三板私募股权投资基金支持企业为样本,研究了企业社会责任履行与盈利能力之间的关系.研究发现:企业对政府、股东、债权人、管理层、员工、客户、社会大众负责与企业盈利能力存在显著的正相关关系.投资企业的PE个数与企业盈利能力显著负相关.企业对供应商负责、PE总投资额与盈利能力没有显著相关性.  相似文献   
许伯建是现当代书坛一位颇有影响的书家,他对郭沫若"伪兰亭"观点曾进行深入辨析,认为"神龙本"更近唐初所存王羲之墨迹,并作出"神龙本"较"定武本"更近真迹的判断;在书学追求上,许主张"神韵出于真实",并以此作为自己攻书的基本原则;其晚年尤醉心于王氏名帖《兰亭集序》,对《兰亭》摹写着力最多,最终成就其雅韵精致的个人书风.许伯建还在传统诗歌创作方面有一定建树,其诗重真情韵致,与其书学重"神韵"的旨趣一脉相承,二者和谐相融、互为促进.  相似文献   
向3000名宁波劳动者发放问卷对宁波公共就业服务质量进行调查,运用模糊综合评价法处理调查数据后发现,劳动者对宁波公共就业服务质量的总体评价是"中等".根据服务质量差距模型构建出宁波公共就业服务质量改善机制.为了提升宁波公共就业服务质量,宁波公共就业服务机构应正确理解劳动者对宁波公共就业服务质量的期望,正确选择公共就业服务设计和制定公共就业服务质量标准,确保按照公共就业服务质量标准提供服务,保证政府公共就业服务传递与承诺相一致.  相似文献   
随着中国单身人口比例的上升,单身人群特别是单身女性群体受到了社会各个层面的关注。目前国内对单身女性的研究主要通过深度访谈来探讨单身未婚女性的身心和生活状态,缺乏系统的理论观照,且访谈样本又大都局限于大城市的中产阶层单身未婚女性,因而限制了研究成果的代表性。从交叉性理论出发,分析中国单身女性面临的宏观(儒家文化和人口调控压力)、中观(媒体的形象控制和代际压力)和微观(性别歧视、年龄歧视和单身歧视)的多元交叉压力和歧视,厘清目前单身女性所受到的压力和歧视,从不同阶层单身女性的需求出发,才能为她们提供切实有效的帮助,并有助于解决目前我国单身人口比例上升的问题,缓解人口老龄化的压力。  相似文献   
有效数字是大学化学实验课程的主要教学内容之一,是培养学生在课程中理解并在日常学习与工作中规范使用有效数字,提升其对有效数字与测定误差之间关系的认识水平,树立良好规范的数字记录习惯,具有十分重要的现实意义。论述介绍了目前大学化学实验教学中关于有效数字方面存在的主要问题,并采用相应的举措建立和完善了教学方案以利于更好地解决存在的问题。通过几个学期的教学实践发现新教学方案取得了初步的成效,同时严格按照有效数字的要求记录与计算数据也是培养学生具有严谨科学素养的一条重要途径。  相似文献   
经济发展视域下的社会稳定关联因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济发展视域下的经济增长、就业、收入差距、社会保障、弱势群体等因素与社会稳定之间存在复杂和多面的关联.这种关联的复杂性和多面性既取决于这些因素本身,也取决于和这些因素及社会稳定相关的许多其他变量.基于关联视角的社会稳定对策要注重强化经济发展中相关方面与社会稳定的正相关,弱化相关方面与社会稳定的负相关,将正相关发挥到最大限度,把负相关减弱到最低程度.  相似文献   
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