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家庭是反映社会关系全部总和的特殊形式,是推动社会前进的诸种矛盾和冲突的缩影。因而,家庭对整个社会生活产生着积极或消极的影响。正因为如此,当我们在分析阻碍现代苏联社会  相似文献   
从威尔逊总统当选到尼克松政府下台这62年间,从事学术研究的社会科学家对美国政府的影响有所增长.他们身居要职,充当领导人物的顾问或负责对政府政策提供建议.他们在很多机构里队伍庞大,经费充裕,他们对实际的和运筹中的问题进行计划、政策分析,估价特定计划的成就和行政效益,并准备一系列统计数字和报告.  相似文献   
D.P.巴拉竹的:《老龄:一项调查》(西雅图:华盛顿大学出版社,1983)一书对老龄问题的主要方面作了非常值得一读的介绍,收集了大量具有科学价值的技术资料.调查致力于探讨延长寿命和使老人青春常在,用了两个章节的篇幅叙述老年生物学,包括对进化与老年之间可能的联系进行探讨.有三章是根据对人们的身体、精神和性生活的观察研究老年.巴氏还对就老年人类学  相似文献   
本文载于苏联《亚非人民》1977年第6期.作者指出,"非洲史学"这一概念虽沿用已久,但并不十分准确,因为严格地说,到目前为止,还不存在完整的非洲史学.这是因为,第一批非洲史学家大多在各宗主国受教育,他们的学术思想受西方史学界各种学派的影响较深.本文有助于了解非洲史学研究的动向.摘译如下.文内小标题是译者加的.  相似文献   
作者以19世纪末20世纪初美国六大主要报纸的报道与记载为资料,生动再现了世纪之交纽约城的丑闻与轰动事件。展现了一幅镀金时代美国纽约的浮世绘:城市日新月异,豪门纸醉金迷;经济飞速发展,社会急剧堕落……作者提醒我们对这个社会现象进行深刻反思。本文是其中的片断。  相似文献   
为民主而斗争是一项政治任务,也是一项教育任务.要促进充满活力的民主文化的产生,最根本的就是要认识到,教育必须被作为公共利益来看待.使高等教育沦为公司文化的附庸违反了教育支持和发展包含民主在内的公共空间的重要社会规则.从汤姆斯·杰佛逊到约翰·杜威,再到C.赖特·米尔斯,赞颂教育对于民主公共生活的根本的重要性成为一个悠久的传统.  相似文献   
A random digit dialing telephone survey was used to interview 8,467 adults in Ontario, Canada. The NODS-CLiP was used to identify a representative sample of 730 gamblers (54.3% male, mean age 45.3 years) with possible past year gambling problems in order to explore factors that might affect disordered gamblers’ motivators for seeking gambling-related help. A final sample of 526 gamblers provided useable data on possible reasons for and barriers to seeking help, awareness of services, self-perception of gambling problems and experience with help-seeking. Financial and relationship issues were the most frequently volunteered motivators. However, over two-thirds of the respondents could not think of a reason for seeking help. Gamblers who had self-admitted or more severe problems, who knew how to get help, who were employed and had more education, and who identified possible barriers to seeking help were more likely to suggest motivators, especially financial ones. More research is recommended on gamblers’ trajectory towards recognition of a gambling problem, the process of overcoming specific barriers to treatment, and the role of social advantage (e.g., education and employment), in order to devise educational campaigns that will encourage earlier help-seeking among disordered gamblers.  相似文献   
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