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关于如何科学地认识和评价杰出人物在历史发展过程中的作用问题,一直是争议的焦点。普列汉诺夫在《论个人在历史上的作用问题》和《论一元论历史观之发展》中通过对英雄史观、宿命论和因素论三种错误思想的批判,并以意志自由与历史必然、偶然性与必然性的对立统一关系为基轴,以一般性与个别性、正题和反题为参考系,结合历史唯物主义中生产力与生产关系、英雄与“群氓”的双向关系原理在史论结合的高度深刻阐发了历史主体的合题之问题,维护和丰富了历史唯物主义的辩证逻辑。历史活动从整体上被逻辑地表述为合规律性与合目的性在实践坐标上的统一。普列汉诺夫一方面在实践层面重释了历史唯物主义的历史主体观,指出人民群众的实践活动形塑了历史的主客观向度,“偶然”不过是“必然”实现自身的样式;另一方面,他在坚持生产力与生产关系的矛盾运动是驱动历史发展的根本动力这一观点的基础上,承认杰出人物能够改变历史的个别面貌和局部后果,“意志自由”不过是“历史必然”朝向自身的自觉工具。 相似文献
去年 ,不仅在联邦德国的旧州 ,而且在德国东部的新建州都出现了经济增长 ,到 1998年 10月为止 ,联邦德国的新建州的失业人数比前年同期和上个月有所下降。在 1992年 ,联邦德国东部新建州的经济增长率达到7.8% ,到 1994年达到 9.6 % ,是 1992 - 1994年这一时期的经济增长的最高点。尔后经济又开始回落。到 1996年 ,看来是德国东部大兴土木才使得东部有了一个经济稳定增长的基础。德国东部虽然也是欧洲投资最多的地区之一 ,但是在此期间德国东部地区的经济增长几乎停滞。因此 1997年国民生产总值的增长率只有 1.6 %。而 1998年第三季度国民生… 相似文献
Ssewamala FM Karimli L Chang-Keun H Ismayilova L 《Children and youth services review》2010,32(12):1704-1710
We examine the impact of social capital on savings and educational performance of orphaned adolescents participating in a family-level economic strengthening program in Uganda. Findings indicate that if given the opportunity, poor families in Uganda will use financial institutions to save for the education of their adolescent youth. Moreover, although the results are mixed, overall, adolescents with higher levels of social capital and social support, including participation in youth groups, are likely to report better saving performance compared to their counterparts with lower levels of social capital and social support. The results point to: (1) the role for family-economic strengthening programs specifically focused on improving the educational outcomes of orphaned adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa, and (2) the need for adolescents to be encouraged to participate in youth groups since these groups seem to offer the much needed supportive informal institutional structure for positive adolescent outcomes. 相似文献
H.ZHAO 《中国妇女(英文版)》1998,(2)
I am 76 years old this year. I was one of the women cadres who participated in the War of Resistance Against Japan in 1937. I was born in a village located in Shenxian County, Hengshui Area, Hebei Province. Mine was a big family. Two of my uncles were teachers of an old-style private school. They enjoyed a decent social status and were respected by the local people. My father used to work in the county seat; later on, he also returned to his native village. Though he worked as a farmer, he too had had some schooling. At that time, Dr. Sun Yat-sen had established 相似文献
李京赛 《青春岁月:学术版》2015,(1):151
人类的思维活动并不是孤立自足的王国,它必须物化成为各种形态,没有物质依托的纯粹的思维是不存在的。思维的依托物有两种,一是语言形态,二是非语言形态。相应的思维亦分为语言思维和非语言思维。非语言思维可分为视觉型、动觉型和感知型。聋儿由于失聪和失语,直接导致他们的思维处于停滞不前的状态,以致于僵化,退化。所以,聋儿具备的思维是建立在第一信号系统之上的思维,其思维的依托物是客观事物本身或客观事物表象。因而在教学中,把有关时间的概念物化为具体的形象,通过视觉、动觉、感知等手段使聋儿的思维转为现实化,加深理解,帮助记忆。通过非语言思维手段、语言思维手段为聋儿建立完整的概念。 相似文献
Dyregrov K Dieserud G Straiton M Rasmussen ML Hjelmeland H Knizek BL Leenaars AA 《Omega》2010,62(2):149-168
Few studies directly address vulnerable populations' motivation for participating in research. Often motives are expressed spontaneously and typically given post-interview. This article investigates motivation for research participation among informants who have been bereaved by suicide. Informants were specifically asked for their motivation either prior to, or directly after the interview. Four categories of motivations were identified: (1) Helping Others, (2) Venting, (3) Insight, and (4) Just Because. Sixty percent of informants gave more than one motivation. The majority was altruistically motivated; they hoped that by taking part they could play a role in helping to prevent suicide, improving services for the bereaved or moving research forward. Close family members were more likely to be motivated by a desire to help others than more distant family members. Findings are discussed in the context of suicide-related bereavements. Information about research participation as beneficial to others should be given parallel to that of possible strain. 相似文献
来自社会流行病学的证据是可以信赖的 :人类的工作已经成为身体和精神疾病的主要诱因之一。美国卫生局局长警告说 ,用于治疗精神疾患的开支正以每年 7%的警戒率增长。即使这一开支的增长率与实际发生的精神疾患的增长率之间的相关性并不强 ,但显而易见的是 ,我们需要更多地关注 相似文献
何景赛 《青春男女生.妙语》2006,(4)
泥土是滚热的干尘,人行,车过,风动,都掀起一阵白浪。太阳发疯般张狂,把所有光,所有热,所有火铺天盖地泼洒下来。里面的人缩着瞳孔,有气无力的吸入闷热的空气,吐出更浊炙的气体。终于,看到山了,那是有水的地方,是活命的地方,是阿爸说过的地方。西方激动了,她摸一摸索命的干瘦的小脚,要让他也瞧瞧这山。 相似文献