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Lack of a valid instrument to measure learning transfer predictors has been the major obstacle hindering Human Resource Development (HRD) professionals from moving forward. This problem is one of the lingering HRD issues in South Korea, in which human resources have been strategically emphasized as a critical asset due to the scarcity of natural resources. To address this issue, this study aims at testing the validity and reliability of the data collected with the Korean Learning Transfer System Inventory (LTSI) Version 4. A sample of 753 managers from 16 Korean industries was divided into two subsamples for exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Reliability and the effect of common method variance on the factor structure were examined, with the results suggesting that the LTSI is valid for use in the Korean industry.  相似文献   
姚远  刘振清  翟佳  曹弋 《管理科学》2019,22(11):91-105
汇率波动性预测在金融和计算领域一直受到广泛关注,然而由于缺乏可以捕捉汇率波动动态变化的预测模型,高频汇率的波动率预测至今没有得到彻底的研究.文章提出了基于神经网络的双成分混合汇率波动率模型,该模型利用低通Hodrick-Prescott滤波器将已实现波动率分解为长期分量和短期分量,使用自回归神经网络模拟长期分量,一阶自回归过程模拟短期分量,通过实证分析确定自回归神经网络参数(10个隐神经元和四阶滞后输入神经元),以6种主要高频率汇率(英镑/人民币,美元/人民币,澳元/人民币,欧元/人民币,日元/人民币,和瑞士法郎/人民币),在5 h(d)、20 h(d)、100 h(d)、200 h(d)、360 h(d)和500 h(d)的预测区间构建1 h和1 d已实现波动率,并与双成分GARCH模型、EGARCH模型、四阶滞后自回归神经网络模型3个基准模型进行对比,分析模型的预测性能,实验评估表明,提出的混合预测模型在所有预测的范围内均显著地优于传统人民币汇率波动模型.  相似文献   
We consider the online (over time) scheduling on a single unbounded parallel-batch machine with job processing time compatibilities to minimize makespan. In the problem, a constant \(\alpha >0\) is given in advance. Each job \(J_{j}\) has a normal processing time \(p_j\). Two jobs \(J_i\) and \(J_j\) are compatible if \(\max \{p_i, p_j\} \le (1+\alpha )\cdot \min \{p_i, p_j\}\). In the problem, mutually compatible jobs can form a batch being processed on the machine. The processing time of a batch is equal to the maximum normal processing time of the jobs in this batch. For this problem, we provide an optimal online algorithm with a competitive ratio of \(1+\beta _\alpha \), where \(\beta _\alpha \) is the positive root of the equation \((1+\alpha )x^{2}+\alpha x=1+\alpha \).  相似文献   
齐霁  马晓丹 《学术探索》2009,(5):114-122
由于建国以前云南所在的西南地区是我国烟毒泛滥最为严重的地区,到建国初期云南烟毒泛滥的情况仍然十分严重,种植、制造、贩运、吸食烟毒活动仍有蔓延之势,严重影响着人民的健康、国民经济的恢复、政权的巩固和社会的安定。新中国成立后,中共云南省委和省人民政府按照中共中央、政务院和中共中央西南局、西南军政委员会的统一部署,积极投入禁毒斗争,最终从源头上堵住了烟毒的泛滥,基本上解决了建国以前云南历届政府均无法解决的烟毒问题,有力地促进了云南的经济发展和社会进步,并积累了丰富的成功经验。  相似文献   
For capture–recapture models when covariates are subject to measurement errors and missing data, a set of estimating equations is constructed to estimate population size and relevant parameters. These estimating equations can be solved by an algorithm similar to the EM algorithm. The proposed method is also applicable to the situation when covariates with no measurement errors have missing data. Simulation studies are used to assess the performance of the proposed estimator. The estimator is also applied to a capture–recapture experiment on the bird species Prinia flaviventris in Hong Kong. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 37: 645–658; 2009 © 2009 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   
文化现代化是现代化中最艰难的文化转型.新中国60年来,历史的发展赋予中国文化现代化以鲜明的时代特征.思考新中国60年来文化现代化,从文化与经济政治、时代性与民族性、本土化与全球化、一元与多元、文化事业和文化产业、人的发展与社会发展等六对矛盾着手,辨证把握中国文化现代化的特征,有助于我们深化对中国文化现代化的规律性和艰巨性的认识.  相似文献   
论土地承包经营权抵押制度的改革与完善   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
我国现行立法禁止家庭承包之土地承包经营权抵押,而允许以公开议价等方式取得的荒地的承包经营权抵押。解除对前一种土地承包经营权抵押的禁止,既是现实的需要,也无法理上的障碍。立法机关应当进一步解放思想,给农民以更大的土地自主权,以切实解除束缚农民创业致富、走向自由的制度障碍。对于土地承包经营权一体抵押可能产生的弊端,可以通过具体的制度设计来防范。  相似文献   
本文旨在探究中国低值货币本位形成以及长期延续的历史原因,梳理隐藏在这种货币本位格局背后错综复杂的政治经济机理与变迁逻辑,并尝试性地揭示,作为一种本位演进环节缺失的货币制度,在遭遇已然经历本位嬗递完整过程的外部货币体系的挑战时,所必然面临的货币困境的性质。本文的考察发现,在中国货币演进历史上存在着一种十分奇特的"恋铜情结"现象,政治经济文化层面的各种利益诉求都纠缠于此,从而形成了一个低水平的货币制度均衡。正是基于这种均衡,曾经负载着无数货币文化荣耀的"交子体系"才显露出其真实的货币面目,这种被誉为全球最早的纸币体系竟然只是覆盖在铜本位之上的一层绚烂"外衣"!循着此后的货币演进路径,铜本位与贵金属货币的冲突此起彼伏,到明清以降则愈演愈烈,并形成了"本位困局"。表面看是货币本位之争,实质上则是既得政治利益与新兴商业利益的殊死竞争,这种竞争随着近代西方高本位货币因素的进入而变得更加纷乱复杂。中西货币体系的冲突迅速凸显出低本位货币制度的"先天劣势",其中最为关键的是,货币本位的长期低水平徘徊使其丧失嬗递升级的基本功能,从而未能与银行体系建立应有的联系,最终使得中国的货币演进机制一直缺乏微观金融基础的有效支撑。重要的是,这种货币演进机制的缺陷无疑会对当下人民币的国际化进程产生长远影响。  相似文献   
This study examined the trajectory of problem behaviours in domestically adopted children in South Korea as they aged. This study used the Panel Study on Korean Adopted Children's longitudinal, three‐wave data (2006, 2008 and 2010). Although data were collected at three time points, our data consisted of six time points, which covered the 5–10 years age range of the adopted children at the time of survey. One hundred sixty‐four children were included in the analysis, 75 of whom contributed to one time point, 74 to two time points and 15 to three time points. The trajectory of the problem behaviours of adopted children was examined using a piecewise hierarchical linear growth model. Because the initial exploration of the data suggested non‐linear changes in behaviour problems over time, we split the growth trajectory into two time periods: Time 1 (5–7 years) and Time 2 (7–10 years). A two‐rate model was used to estimate separate slopes for the two time periods. Results showed that the externalizing and internalizing problems of adopted children have different trajectories. Internalizing problems did not show significant changes after 5 years of age, while externalizing problems increased until 7 years of age and decreased significantly thereafter.  相似文献   
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