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王国维用“意境”“境界”等概念建构起自己的美学体系。他认为作为抒情文学的词作必须有作者的真情实感蕴藏于内,“真情”是“境界”说的重要组成部分。出于对“真情”的看重,王国维着力于对元剧的研究,从戏剧艺术的角度,他对元剧十分鄙视,但从文辞的角度,他对元剧十分欣赏。王国维称元曲为“活文学”,与元曲作者蕴于其中的“真情”有莫大关系。王国维对元曲的研究基本延续了治词的角度和观点,论曲仍以“真情”为首要标准。不同之处在于,“当行”也是他的“本色”观的组成部分,是其“本色”观比“意境”说在理论范围上更为广阔之处。相比较而言,吴梅的“本色”观亦注重“真情”,对作品的评论,他更多的是从排场角度分析、评价作品。对作品的用字,吴梅亦崇尚自然,同时又有所保留。  相似文献   
与古代希腊、罗马及日耳曼不同,中国古代国家起源走的是一条构建和谐的道路,即没有打碎氏族制度,而是在普遍存在的氏族组织的基础上滥觞国家的萌芽,国家与氏族长期并存而使早期国家完善与发展。氏族制度的长期存在和发展,这一古代中国独具特色的社会结构是和谐构建之路的深厚社会基础。古代中国早期国家构建过程中,十分关注各个氏族、部落的情、义、利、患等问题。这种关注与社会实践成为构建和谐的基石,也是那个时代的领导者成功的标识。直到古代中国早期国家成熟时,还能够看到构建和谐理念的痕迹。  相似文献   
中美关系是一对非常特殊而重要的双边关系。回首2015年中美两国关系发展的过程,双方围绕构建亚太地区经济秩序相互竞争,并在亚太地区安全问题上摩擦不断。在跌宕起伏的角力过程中,两国始终保持着对话与合作,国家关系呈现出复杂交错的局面。一方面,两国元首外交和高层互访为两国关系的发展奠定了坚实基础,而两军连线交流的顺利开展则降低了军事冲突的可能性;另一方面,南海问题的错综复杂,朝鲜半岛危机频发以及中美两国围绕亚太地区经济秩序构建的激烈博弈,又为两国关系的发展增添了新的变数。总之,竞争与合作仍将是未来中美关系发展的主旋律,构建新型大国关系任重而道远。  相似文献   
针对时变相关系数矩阵在多变量随机波动模型的估计问题,构建了贝叶斯动态相关Wishart波动模型。在CC-MSV模型的基础上,设置精度矩阵服从Wishart分布,使得模型的相关系数矩阵具有时变特征。通过模型的统计结构分析,选择参数先验分布,设计相应的Gibbs-MTM-ARMS混合算法,据此估计模型参数;并利用上证综合指数、标普500指数与原油期货价格数据进行实证分析。研究结果表明:模型能够有效地刻画原油市场与股票市场的动态相依性;金融危机期间,股票市场与原油市场的相关性较强,并且难以判断正负方向;金融危机后,中国股票市场与原油市场呈现极微弱的相关性,而美国股票市场与原油市场的正相关性较为明显。  相似文献   
为了分析非对称的成本扰动信息对于供应链契约设计的影响,研究了当制造商的成本发生扰动并且扰动信息是非对称的情形下的零售商的最优契约设计问题。假定市场需求是关于价格的非线性函数,使用委托-代理理论,设计了非对称的成本扰动信息下的供应链最优契约菜单,并且分析了非对称的扰动信息对于供应链绩效的影响。研究结果表明,当需求为常数柔性函数或者指数函数形式时,可以设计有效的契约菜单来改善供应链的绩效;在非对称的成本扰动信息下,当生产成本扰动满足一定条件时,初始的生产计划仍然是最优的;非对称的成本扰动信息并不必然会给供应链带来利润损失。最后通过数值算例对模型的结果进行了验证。  相似文献   
Many large organizations use a stage‐gate process to manage new product development projects. In a typical stage‐gate process project managers learn about potential ideas from research and exert effort in development while senior executives make intervening go/no‐go decisions. This decentralized decision making results in an agency problem because the idea quality in early stages is unknown to the executive and the project manager must exert unobservable development effort in later stages. In light of these challenges, how should the firm structure incentives to ensure that project managers reveal relevant information and invest the appropriate effort to create value? In this study, we develop a model of adverse selection in research and moral hazard in development with a go/no‐go decision at the intervening gate. Our results show that the principal's uncertainty regarding early‐stage idea quality—a term we refer to as idea risk—alters the effect of late‐stage development risk. The presence of idea risk can alter the incentives offered to the agent and may lead the principal to reject projects that otherwise seem favorable in terms of positive net present value. A simulation of early‐stage ideas, found through search on a complex landscape, shows that the firm can mitigate the negative effects of idea risk by encouraging breadth of search and high tolerance for failure.  相似文献   
We consider the problem faced by a company selling a product with warranty and under partial information about the product reliability. The product can fail from multiple failure types, each of which is associated with an inherently different repair cost. If the product fails within the warranty duration, then the company is required to pay the repair cost. The company does not know the probabilities associated with different failure types, but it learns the failure probabilities as sales occur and failure information is accumulated. If the failure probabilities turn out to be too high and it becomes costly to fulfill the warranty coverage, then the company may decide to stop selling the product, possibly replacing it with a more reliable alternative. The objective is to decide if and when to stop. By formulating the problem as a dynamic program with Bayesian learning, we establish structural properties of the optimal policy. Since computing the optimal policy is intractable due to the high dimensional state space, we propose two approximation methods. The first method is based on decomposing the problem by failure types and it provides upper bounds on the value functions. The second method provides lower bounds on the value functions and it is based on a deterministic approximation. Computational experiments indicate that the policy from the first method provides noticeable benefits, especially when it is difficult to form good estimates of the failure probabilities quickly.  相似文献   
本文以14家同时发行H股与ADR,6家同时发行B股与ADR的上市公司为样本,利用GARCH(1,1)-MA(1)模型,探讨ADR与原股报酬波动的外溢效应,以了解我国证券市场与美国证券市场的整合程度。结果发现,我国H股与ADR之间存在报酬波动性的双向相关性,B股与ADR之间存在报酬波动性的单向相关性。本文认为,投资主体差异、市场发展程度不同以及汇率制度是三个影响我国市场和美国市场整合程度的主要因素。  相似文献   
本文明确了融资代建制的概念,将公共工程项目–项目融资–代建制联系起来,构建了公共工程项目融资代建制模式框架为:二个层次、三种管理和三项保证。进一步指出融资代建制是有中国特色的PFI,是公共工程项目建设管理的创新模式。  相似文献   
集团军山地进攻作战减员预计模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
收集了我军以往作战军减员的经验数据,建立军减员率的时间序列模型,提出计算机模拟的方法。在此基础上,着重分析影响减员的多种因素,对交战双方武器装备数量及技术等级,作战地区的地形和气候条件等因素进行了定量描述。运用专家咨询方法筛选了社会经济行为等"软"指标,用群体层次分析法确定各指标的权重,建立了量化指标体系,并运用该指标体系对我军今后主要作战对象进行了量化。结合以上因素对计算机模拟生成的数据进行修正,建立相应的调整算法。  相似文献   
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