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A key assumption of general strain theory (GST) is that various factors condition the effects of strains on crime. Past research examining this conditioning hypothesis tended to focus on youth samples and use gender as a control variable. Using survey data from Chinese female inmates, this study tests the strain–crime relationship posited in GST as well as the hypothesized effects of the conditioning factors. Regression results show that different types of strains have distinct effects on respondents’ odds to commit violent over property crimes. Conditioning factors are found to moderate the strengths of strains toward respondents’ likelihood to commit property crimes over violent crimes.  相似文献   
This research focuses upon employment in the new economy, exploring labour protection and social protection in the digital age in China. Through an empirical survey conducted in three Chinese cities, social insurance and the labour rights of employees in the digital economic sector, such as gig employment, e-commerce, and various other forms of online employment, have been examined in-depth. This study reveals new regulatory loopholes in the digital labour market, which have substantially eroded the basis of social policy arrangements in China, “softening” participation in social insurance branches and compliance with labour regulations remarkably. Drawing upon the theoretical concepts of Polanyi on embeddedness and disembeddedness, we argue that the digital employment sector in China has been increasingly disembedded from social institutions and social control. The new configuration in the digital field of social policy requires novel conceptual models and institutional settings to cope with increasing social risks in virtual spaces.  相似文献   
Although there has been a growing literature on the effects of culture on the cross-national variation of homicide, this literature remains limited in the operationalization of national culture as well as in the modeling of the cultural effects. Adopting a multidimensional measure of national culture developed in the World Values Survey, this study examines the effects of various aspects of national culture, as well as their interaction, on the cross-national variation of homicide. The findings of this study provide evidence for the effect of national culture on homicide variation across countries while painting a more complex picture about the potential mechanisms of these effects.  相似文献   
Journal of Population Research - When modeling sub-national mortality rates, it is important to incorporate any possible correlation among sub-populations to improve forecast accuracy. Moreover,...  相似文献   
当前我国人民陪审员制度改革的核心是将人民陪审员法律内行、同职同权的角色期望纠正为法律外行、异职异权,将人民陪审员消极参与与过于积极参与并存的角色认知纠正为民主的参与者,事实真相的发现者和社会价值的代言者,以推动人民陪审员制度充分发挥促进司法民主、司法公正和司法公信的功能.在人民陪审员制度改革基本框架已确立的前提下,应通过完善配套制度建设将改革的基本前提预设转化为正当的司法运作秩序,保证当前人民陪审员制度改革生根发芽.这些制度主要包括两种类型:事实领域的人民陪审员知晓争议焦点规范与人民陪审员一事一证规范,意见效力领域的合议庭评议规范和审委会及二审法院复审规范.  相似文献   
在全方位搜集整理自贡地名的基础上,考察自贡市地名用字总体情况、自然地理实体通名用字、人文地理实体通名用字、盐文化相关地名用字以及地名用字谐音现象,揭示自贡地名用字的整体面貌和特色:自贡地名用字充分体现了地域性、稳固性、形义贴切性特点;记录了自贡地区多山湾平坝的自然地貌和盐业发展的历史人文面貌;部分地名用字一定程度上受到了语音的发展变化和本地方言的影响.  相似文献   
少年司法社会支持体系是司法机关参与社会治理创新的重要途径。它面临着来自司法体系内部和外部社会环境的双重困境。国家治理现代化理念为其纾困和发展提供了更高站位的思路引领。少年司法社会支持体系通过理念的深度契合及价值的充分彰显,呈现出国家治理现代化的时代面向,也因而夯实了正当性基础、坚定了价值自信。未来发展中,应当立足国家治理现代化视角,将问题导向与目标导向相结合,在宏观立场上,调适好司法能动和司法克制的关系、司法机关与社会力量的关系、顶层规范设计与基层实践创新的关系;在微观路径上,多措并举增强社会服务的实效性、保障社会支持体系的高效率运行和可持续性发展,渐进性推进近景、中景、远景目标的达成。  相似文献   
以闽南文化生态保护区省外乡贤为研究对象,探讨乡贤角色感知、影响因素、行为意向和角色类型选择的差异及其影响机制.研究结果显示:第一,乡贤角色感知、影响因素和行为意向得分的差异不显著,角色感知略大于影响因素和行为意向;第二,乡贤参与乡村旅游的影响.因素和行为意向的闽南区域内部差异不显著,角色感知的闽南地区内部差异显著,厦门市受访者乡贤角色感知平均得分小于漳州市;第三,乡贤角色类型选择闽南区域内部差异不显著,参与实干并不是首要选择,受访者希望创新参与乡村旅游的模式;第四,乡贤角色感知、影响因素对行为意向有显著的正向影响,影响因素具有部分中介效应;第五,空间距离和经济发展水平是影响乡贤参与乡村旅游角色感知、影响因素和行为意向得分的重要因素.因此,引导乡贤参与乡村旅游,不仅要提高省外乡贤个体角色感知水平,特别是意识—技能方面的角色感知,还要关注影响乡贤参与乡村旅游的内、外部因素,特别是要营造良好的外部政策环境与氛围.  相似文献   
中国共产党是注重理论传承和理论赓续的党.中国特色社会主义进入新时代是党的理论自觉与理论自信使然,更是党的理论赓续与理论创新的必然.马克思主义、中国化马克思主义、当代中国马克思主义、21世纪马克思主义,既是深刻理解自己时代精神的精华,又是准确把握党的理论形态的主线和主流,它们经过一脉相承、与时俱进的传承和发展,共同构筑了中国特色社会主义进入新时代的理论之基.  相似文献   
颜元承孟子性善之旨,认为人无有不善,但他亦不得不承认人的气禀有偏正之分.在偏亦为善的基础上,颜元认为,气质偏驳之人能够通过后天的学习有所作为,最终成为伯夷、伊尹、柳下惠等这样的偏圣.颜元继承了孟子、朱熹关于偏圣的说法,却一改孟、朱对其虽为圣但吾不取的态度,对偏圣给予正面的认可.对于气质偏驳之人如何成圣,颜元亦提供了就其质性之近而学,近夷学夷,近惠学惠的方案.颜元的圣人观受到明代以来圣人普遍化思潮的影响,他吸收了王阳明以才力论偏圣之思想,进而发展为以气质论偏圣,极大地扩充了圣人的范畴,提供了更为多样化的成圣道路,较诸王阳明,走得更远.  相似文献   
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