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温海明  Benjamin M.Coles 《孔学堂》2022,(2):78-91+175-188
王阳明易学思想文本内容不多,目前学界已有论文对文本的运用重复率较高。鉴于有学者指出笔者1998年的论文没有把“良知即是易”加以深入的哲学分析,所以此文从意本论的角度,从“文”(文本)与“悟”(境界)两方面深入研讨“良知”与“易”的关系。本文基于《周易明意》意哲学的角度研讨阳明易学相关材料,力图穿透学界之前对阳明易学的文本诠释,并借助《周易明意》意本论哲学境界来领“悟”阳明易学材料与其心学哲学的内在关系,从而从意本论角度深入剖析和建构阳明心学“良知”与其易学哲学的关系。总之,本文从意本论哲学的角度,围绕文本与境界之间的张力,继承和发展学界之前从体用论角度研讨“良知”与“易”的既有成果,深入分析与阐释阳明“良知”与其易学哲学思想。以此为例,本文试图从“中国哲学”理论的角度推动“中国哲学史”相关问题研究。  相似文献   
4月22 日,在全省脱贫攻坚总结表彰大会上,雅安市人社局就业促进科(农民工工作科)的李琳手中捧着的"四川省脱贫攻坚先进个人"的红色证书格外鲜艳."这份荣誉不止属于我个人,更属于雅安市人社局全体奋战在脱贫攻坚一线的所有同事,这是我们同心协力战贫困的见证与荣耀."  相似文献   
丘濬是明代政治思想家。《大学衍义补》是其倾尽毕生精力完成的最具代表性的著作,被誉为“集儒家治国平天下言论之大成”。书中对礼乐问题非常重视。丘濬将“明礼乐”定位为“治国平天下之要道”,并把“明礼乐”归属于传统儒家的“德治”内容,指出了“详于政刑而略于礼乐”的不足,论证了“礼”与“乐”的辩证关系和“礼乐”的精神内涵。他还详细论述了“礼仪之节”,即礼仪的要义和基本内涵;从可操作层面提出了“乐律之制”,即“乐”的政治伦理功能、最高境界和“乐”的制作原则与方法等。丘濬礼乐伦理思想是对传统儒家政治伦理思想的总结与完善,在中国伦理思想史上占有重要地位,对新时代中国特色社会主义政治伦理文化建设也具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
鄙人行年九秩,出生于大别山麓,成长于扬子江滨,少年闯荡于大江南北,成年战斗于黄河长城之间.建国之后涉足于京沪.想不到得以延年益寿。从懵懂到启蒙,接触世事,便天天看到社会矛盾、政治与军事的较量、血与火的斗争。沧桑陵谷,跌宕曲折,目不暇接。在我如万花筒的脑库中,多少正反人物、人物正反,像无穷无尽的拷贝,不断地跳出、表演。其中有一位.由未进入脑库到逐渐显现,逐渐放大.其比重逐渐超越了群雄,在剥去强加给他的囚衣、脏服,拨去天上的乌云、地上的荆棘,摘去他头上一顶一顶的“帽子”之后.他便成为光辉四射、越到后来越明亮的一颗巨星。  相似文献   
我与“五四”同龄,回忆童少年夫性好奇、爱玩、好动。上小学时爱好乒乓,常参加六球制轮番上台下合练习、比赛,熟悉和遵守相传至今的一套规则;初中时加入同学自行组织的“玲珑小足球队”,除参加自办比赛,担任过守门员、左边锋外,还热衷于观摩校际比赛和在省会安庆黄甲操场进行的全省比赛。从此我对乒乓、足球、运动终生爱好,至老不衰。  相似文献   
Understanding the bear movement in gay male culture: redefining masculinity   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The bear movement emerged in the gay male culture of the 1980s, but little research on this group has been conducted. The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine the meanings and functions of bear identity. Six bear-identified men participated in intensive interviews investigating this question. Results suggest that men who identify as bears consciously adopt a masculine aesthetic that signifies values of self-acceptance and maturity. The participants described the acceptance of diverse body shapes and ages within the bear community as leading to positive self-esteem and body image. Results are discussed in relation to clinical and advocacy work. They broaden the awareness of the diversity of cultures that exist within the gay community.  相似文献   
We investigate mortality differentials by marital status among older age groups using a database of mortality rates by marital status at ages 40 and over for seven European countries with 1 billion person-years of exposure. The mortality advantage of married people, both men and women, continues to increase up to at least the age group 85-89, the oldest group we are able to consider. We find the largest absolute differences in mortality levels between marital status groups are at high ages, and that absolute differentials are: (i) greater for men than for women; (ii) similar in magnitude across countries; (iii) increase steadily with age; and (iv) are greatest at older age. We also find that the advantage enjoyed by married people increased over the 1990s in almost all cases. We note that results for groups such as older divorced women need to be interpreted with caution.  相似文献   
Alter G  Dribe M  Van Poppel F 《Demography》2007,44(4):785-806
Researchers from a number of disciplines have offered competing theories about the effects oJ childbearing on parents 'postreproductive longevity. The "disposable soma theory" argues that investments in somatic maintenance increase longevity but reduce childbearing. "Maternal depletion" models suggest that the rigors of childrearing increase mortality in later years. Other researchers consider continued childbearing a sign of healthy aging and a predictor of future longevity. Empirical studies have produced inconsistent and contradictory results. Our focus is on the experience of widowhood, which has been ignored in previous studies. We hypothesize that the death of a spouse is a stressful event with long-term consequences for health, especially for women with small children. Data are drawn from historical sources in Sweden, Belgium, and the Netherlands from 1766 to 1980. Postreproductive mortality was highest among young widows with larger families in all three samples. Age at last birth had little or no effect. We conclude that raising children under adverse circumstances can have long-lasting, harmful effects on a mother's health.  相似文献   
Women's fear of violence can impact negatively on their active participation in life. An ageing survey conducted with 2,620 Australian respondents aged 50 to 90 years examined aspects of work, learning, social, spiritual and emotional status, health, vision, home, life events, demographics, and asked an open-ended question about what being actively engaged in life meant. Ordinal regression was carried out on two dependent variables: wanting and needing to learn to discourage violence. Analyses found that as women's age increased, those on lower incomes were more likely than others to say they needed to learn how to discourage violence against them. This paper investigates the variables associated with the findings-transport, finances, news media, home safety, and reduced social interactions. Results highlight the importance of understanding women's fear in the context of personal and social issues, and the need to provide learning opportunities to improve safety and social engagement.  相似文献   
当我们这些20世纪初期来到这个世界的人,长久以来觉得下个世纪和下个千年十分遥远,不可企及;而它,现在已经来到,就在我们脚下。 自5000年前我们的远祖炎黄二帝以来,发明了种植农业、养蚕缫丝,创造了指南车、方块文字、纸张和印刷术,开创了显赫的东方一大文明。近一千年以来,我们的祖先继承了祖国人文开天辟地以来奋斗的成果,艰难地生存和奋争,自强不息,继续创造中华文明。自汉朝至清代前期,我国经济和文化在世界上一直处于领先地位;可是近几百年以来,由于闭关锁国,夜郎自大,封建的重压和列强的侵略,大大地阻碍了中华民族这个庞然大物的发展。正在这时,西欧和  相似文献   
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