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本文论述了20世纪文学理论的一个基本问题:文本性,它代表了文学研究一种开放模式.作者认为,文学研究从文学性走向文本性表明开放的研究格局代替了文学研究的封闭局面,因为文本性的性质是文本的生产性,其特征是开放性、无主性和复义性.  相似文献   
关于文艺的本质问题,古往今来众说纷纭,观点各异.究其根源,研究方法的差异不能不说是一个重大的原因.以往那种或是把审美反映等同于一般的科学反映,或是把审美反映与科学反映割裂开来、对立起来,甚至用文艺的审美本性来否定其认识本性的观点和方法,都不符合文艺的实际情况.对文艺的研究,一方面要在辩证唯物论的反映论原则的指导下,运用审美反映的特殊方法来科学地把握文艺的本质.另一方面,也必须看到文学艺术活动不但与人的认识活动相联系,同时也与人的实践活动相联系.而审美建构论,则主要是揭示以实践为基础的"实践--精神"的艺术掌握世界的方式或艺术存在的具体方式的本质内涵,侧重从文艺主体精神创造性的角度把握文学艺术的本质.文艺活动是一个多层面的整体结构,对现实生活的审美反映是它的基础和核心,而艺术生产和艺术接受则是在审美反映的基础上,对艺术活动过程的具体展现.因此,对文艺这一整体结构的研究,在方法上也应该是一个辩证统一的整体,即审美反映与建构的辩证统一和综合.  相似文献   
建国60年来,我国经济学界对市场经济(商品经济)理论的研究主要经历了两个阶段:计划经济时期和市场经济时期.通过对上述两个时期我国经济学界在市场经济(商品经济)领域的主要研究成果进行综述并对两个时期市场经济(商品经济)理论的研究特点进行总结和比较,展示我国建国以来市场经济(商品经济)理论研究的脉络和所取得的成就.  相似文献   
中国大陆青少年偶像崇拜变迁与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对中国大陆青少年偶像崇拜变迁的回顾,揭示出其走过了一个政治文化驱动—商业文化驱动—草根文化驱动的历程,已越来越变得自主化、商业化、平民化。这种文化应该尽可能有助于青少年的自我成长,树立"偶像—榜样教育"的理念,完成偶像崇拜的审美自觉。  相似文献   
在政治生态学的视野内,澳门是直辖于中央人民政府的特别行政区,其高度自治权由全国人大通过基本法授予.行政主导下的行政、立法、司法配合制约机制,长期形成的族群文化、民间社团和以博彩业为龙头的经济模式构成政府的施政基础.为加快特区的社会转型,增强参与国际竞争的实力,需加快澳门的政治发展进程,完善现行管理体制,健全法律规则体系,加大产业结构调整力度,以实现"一国两制"下的共治与善治.  相似文献   
中国文学批评经由了从"诗文评"到批评史的发展,郭绍虞、罗根泽、朱东润是这一现代"纵向"研究的奠基者;而朱自清、傅庚生、方孝岳所作的是"横向"的研究,<朱自清中国文学批评研究讲义>为学科的建设提供了理论范式,贡献尤大.因历史际遇不同,"横向"三家在文学批评研究上的学术影响不及"纵向"三家,但他们中国化、世界化的学术观念,比较文学批评学的思想与实践,已在半个多世纪后得到回应,新世纪的中国文学批评研究也将在纵、横双向演进中取得进步.  相似文献   
中国与俄罗斯拥有不同的文化,由此造成了两国不同的价值观、民族特点和国民性,并深深影响着各自的对外决策和行为方式.虽历经数千年的历史沧桑,但两种文化的性质和内涵并未根本改变.中俄关系的历史同时也是两国文化面对、碰撞和交流的历史.自17世纪建立正式国家关系时起,中俄两国的文化碰撞和交流从未停止过,但却给两国造成了截然不同的后果,也由此改变了它们各自的历史命运.冷战结束后,两种文化在全新的国际形势下又开始了新一轮的面对和交流,其对中俄关系的影响依然明显.  相似文献   
Following an unprecedented boom, since 2008 Ireland has experienced a severe economic and labour market crisis. Considerable debate persists as to where the heaviest burden of the recession has fallen. Conventional measures of relative income poverty and inequality have a limited capacity to capture the impact of the recession in terms of social exclusion. This is exacerbated by a dramatic increase in the scale of debt problems including significant negative equity issues. Our analysis provides no evidence for individualization or class polarization of risk. Instead, while economic stress level is highly stratified in class terms in both boom and bust periods, the changing impact of class is highly contingent on life course stage. An income based classification showed that the affluent income class saw its advantage relative to the income poor class decline at the earliest stage of the life-course and remain stable across the rest of the life course. At the other end of the hierarchy, the income poor class experienced a relative improvement in their situation in the earlier life-course phase and no significant change at the later stages. For the remaining income classes, life-course stage was even more important. At the earliest stage the precarious class experienced some improvement in its situation while the outcomes for the middle classes remain unchanged. In the mid-life course the precarious and lower middle classes experienced disproportionate increases in their stress levels while at the later stage it is the combined middle classes that lost out. Additional effects over time relating to social class are restricted to the deteriorating situation of the petit bourgeoisie at the middle stage of the life-course. The pattern is clearly a good deal more complex than that suggested by conventional notions of ‘middle class squeeze’ and points to the distinctive challenges relating to welfare and taxation policy faced by governments in the Great Recession.  相似文献   
Past research suggests that individuals’ belief in a just world (BJW) is closely connected with their mental health. To clarify the underlying mechanism, the current study proposes that BJW encourages optimism and gratitude which then mediates the relationship between BJW and mental health as indicated by subjective well-being (SWB) and depression. A sample of 1,200 undergraduates yields results indicating that (a) BJW influences optimism, gratitude, SWB, and depression after controlling for gender, age, income, and personality; (b) optimism and gratitude mediate BJW effects by increasing SWB and decreasing depression. The issues of BJW’s adaptive functions are discussed.  相似文献   
南唐后主李煜的词,对后世产生了极大的影响,其一是他拓展了词的表现题材,摆脱了花间派专事妇女描写的局限;其二是他善于运用贴切的比喻,使抽象的感情形象化、具体化;三是他的语言风格明净优美、朴素自然,接近口语  相似文献   
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