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门洪华 《中国社会科学》2012,(7):182-202,207
世界转型的深入、中国崛起的效应与美国衰落的焦虑促使中美关系进入关键时刻,其走向考验着两国精英的智慧。与114名美国权威人士的战略对话表明,在如何看待美国、中国、中美关系与世界的未来问题上,美国精英的基本观点是:美国面临严峻的国内外挑战,为维系全球领导地位,美国进行大幅战略调整,以国内稳定发展和亚太主导地位为优先诉求,其战略重心从欧洲大西洋向亚洲太平洋倾斜,并将亚太战略的矛头指向中国,对华战略遏制成分加重。有鉴于此,中国应以长远眼光来审视和处理中美关系,具体包括:清醒认识中美实力差距,坚持和平发展道路;推动战略信任建设,努力消除误解和误判;清晰划定国家利益的底线,坚决维护核心利益,积极扩大共同利益;坚持求同存异原则,妥善处理分歧;注重文化软实力建设,强化对外文化交流机制;积极建立科学完备的中国国家战略体系,加强马克思主义战略理论体系建设。  相似文献   
This study examines how organizational leadership influences excellent internal communication by building the linkage between transformational leadership, symmetrical communication, and employee attitudinal and behavioral outcomes. The results showed that transformational leadership positively influences the organization's symmetrical communication system and employee–organization relationships. The effects of transformational leadership on employee relational outcomes are partially mediated by symmetrical internal communication. Symmetrical communication demonstrates large positive effect on the quality of employee–organization relationships, which in turn leads to employee advocacy. Effects of symmetrical internal communication on employee advocacy are fully mediated by employee–organization relationships. Significant theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   
This study examines how strategic leadership influences excellent internal public relations by establishing the linkage between authentic leadership, symmetrical and transparent communication, and employee–organization relationships. The results showed that authentic leadership as an antecedent factor plays a critical role in nurturing an organization's symmetrical and transparent communication system, which in turn, cultivates quality employee–organization relationships. An organization's symmetrical communication worldview greatly fosters its day-to-day transparent communication practice. Transparent communication, characterized by information substantiality, accountability, and employee participation, largely contributes to employee trust, control mutuality, commitment, and satisfaction. The impact of symmetrical communication on employees' relational outcomes is fully mediated via transparent communication. Significant theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   
This paper conducts simulation-based comparison of several stochastic volatility models with leverage effects. Two new variants of asymmetric stochastic volatility models, which are subject to a logarithmic transformation on the squared asset returns, are proposed. The leverage effect is introduced into the model through correlation either between the innovations of the observation equation and the latent process, or between the logarithm of squared asset returns and the latent process. Suitable Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithms are developed for parameter estimation and model comparison. Simulation results show that our proposed formulation of the leverage effect and the accompanying inference methods give rise to reasonable parameter estimates. Applications to two data sets uncover a negative correlation (which can be interpreted as a leverage effect) between the observed returns and volatilities, and a negative correlation between the logarithm of squared returns and volatilities.  相似文献   
高校家庭经济困难学生资助工作中,存在着一些反映社会信用缺失的现象。从社会学的视角,对高校资助工作中社会信用缺失风险的表现、影响因素做了系统分析,并立足高校资助工作的实际,针对性地提出了建构诚信文化机制、严格工作规范机制、建立系统评价机制、强化社会监督机制等防范对策。  相似文献   
美欧关系的基本历程是从美洲的争夺到亚洲的争夺,再到欧洲本土的争夺。第二次世界大战赋予了美国直接介入欧洲事务的契机,而冷战的爆发给美国确立西方霸权提供了机遇。冷战期间,历经战争磨难的欧洲各国痛定思痛,逐渐将一体化视为解决欧洲困境的路径。伴随着欧洲一体化进程,美欧矛盾逐渐凸现。近年来,美欧在关键性的政治理念尤其是对待国际制度的态度上出现了战略分歧,二者工具性制度主义和原则性制度主义的分野愈加明显。  相似文献   
杜贵晨 《东岳论丛》2006,27(2):128-136
《西游记》“四大部洲”之“东胜神洲”拟山东古齐地,与“西牛贺洲”相照应,以“东胜(圣)”“西……贺”,寓道、释一家,道为佛阶之意;写“傲来国”、“花果山”拟自泰山主峰西南之傲来山,泰山有“水帘洞”;孙悟空“齐天大圣”名义为与泰山“东岳天齐”相反相成,而远祖古齐之“天主神”;泰山有“玉皇顶”、“一天门”、“南天门”、“三天门”、“王母池”、地狱等等,为《西游记》虚拟“三界”之地域背景。《西游记》写孙悟空“籍贯”、“故里”及其所大闹的“三界”,有现实地理环境的参照即背景,这一背景是“五岳独尊”的东岳泰山;西游故事最后形成的“齐天大圣”是一只“泰山猴”。  相似文献   
随着社会不断发展,心理健康问题日益受到人们的普遍关注.尤其在大学校园中,一些学生因为远离父母、缺乏独立生活能力等原因受到了心理疾病的困扰.围绕大学生心理素质问题展开探讨,对大学生心理健康标准、常见心理矛盾及问题、优化心理素质进行了详细阐述.  相似文献   
齐鲁是中国古代小说之乡,明清小说名著大都为山东人写或写山东事,而尤以与泰山文化关联最多.《三国演义》、《水浒传》、《西游记》、《红楼梦》、《绿野仙踪》等五大小说名著,其作者或为泰安人,或隐以泰山为背景,或明确写在泰安发生的故事等,多取自于泰山文化,可称之谓“泰山小说”.“泰山小说”是泰山文化与时俱进的产物,与泰山相得益彰,而泰山更需要“泰山小说”携程.“泰山小说”是泰山文化研究和旅游开发的重大课题,有关方面应予以重视.  相似文献   
从《水浒传》、《西游记》到《红楼梦》,看来差异巨大的三书,都以一块"灵石"的意象打头并契合中心人物、隐含主旨以贯穿全书,从而三书在一定程度上都可以称为"石头记"。"石头记"叙事模式源于中国古人以"天人合一"把握世界的方式和古老的石文化传统。"石头记"叙事模式的生成与存在表明,中国古代小说是一立体网状系统,各代表性作品与流派自其异处而观之各有千秋,自其同处而观之实千部一贯,无非这一巨大立体网络系统中的一个"结",因此古代小说研究不能过重作品个案与类析而忽视旁通。"石头记"叙事模式虽然是所谓"老套情节",但不能仅仅视为后先模拟甚至变相的抄袭,而应该承认其为文学发展演变一个规律性的体现,是中国古代小说叙事艺术演进中不断自我调节新变的结果。  相似文献   
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