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We introduce a dominance intensity measuring method to derive a ranking of alternatives to deal with incomplete information in multi-criteria decision-making problems on the basis of multi-attribute utility theory (MAUT) and fuzzy sets theory. We consider the situation where there is imprecision concerning decision-makers' preferences, and imprecise weights are represented by trapezoidal fuzzy weights. The proposed method is based on the dominance values between pairs of alternatives. These values can be computed by linear programming, as an additive multi-attribute utility model is used to rate the alternatives. Dominance values are then transformed into dominance intensity measures, used to rank the alternatives under consideration. Distances between fuzzy numbers based on the generalization of the left and right fuzzy numbers are utilized to account for fuzzy weights.  相似文献   
Robust Ordinal Regression (ROR) supports Multiple Criteria Decision Process by considering all sets of parameters of an assumed preference model, that are compatible with preference information elicited by a Decision Maker (DM). As a result of ROR, one gets necessary and possible preference relations in the set of alternatives, which hold for all compatible sets of parameters, or for at least one compatible set of parameters, respectively. In this paper, we propose an extension of ELECTRE and PROMETHEE methods to the case of the hierarchy of criteria, which was never considered before. Then, we adapt ROR to the hierarchical versions of ELECTRE and PROMETHEE methods.  相似文献   
The purpose of the present study is to examine objective career success for paramedics. Specifically, it examined the effects of race (Minority versus White) and location of work (rural versus non-rural) on the objective career success of paramedics, as measured by salary. Multiple regression analyses were conducted on 10 years of data from nationally representative samples of paramedics. Results showed that the human capital variables of hours worked, experience, and education predicted objective career success. In addition, rural paramedics earned significantly less than do their counterparts in non-rural areas. Although far fewer in number than White paramedics, Minority paramedics appeared to earn more than White paramedics. The study concludes with suggestions for human resource development (HRD) practitioners and for further research.  相似文献   
Despite the rise of globalization, industrial clusters remain vibrant spaces for the generation of knowledge and innovation. Aware of this reality, multinational enterprises (MNEs) seek to reconcile the advantages of international operations with the specific endowments of individual territories. By studying the case of the Inditex subsidiary in the Vinalopó footwear cluster, this research shows how the creation and activity of a specialized subsidiary and the evolution of the industrial system interweave. The study shows that, rather than agglomeration per se, access to specific resources guides location as the cluster matures. Furthermore, local embeddedness shapes post-entry dynamics at the micro and meso levels. Autonomous decisions boost the subsidiary’s access to local networks and the exploitation of cluster advantages, aiding the resilience of the cluster by contributing extra-cluster knowledge.  相似文献   

Medium enterprises (MEs) form a majority of enterprises in several regions, yet they are underrepresented in the literature. The digital transformation known as Industry 4.0 (I4.0) brings new data streams into enterprises. MEs and large enterprises will both leverage business intelligence and analytics (BI&A) to improve their business performance, so the study of the conditions favouring value creation of BI&A is of interest. However, there are few studies focusing on the impact of business intelligence and analytics (BI&A) on value creation in I4.0 and none focusing on MEs. Using a multiple case-study design, this paper explores factors linked to BI&A business value creation in manufacturing MEs that are undergoing an I4.0 transformation. Findings suggest enterprises resources and capabilities are not sufficient to predict business value: organizational learning and organizational culture have a non-negligible influence for MEs.  相似文献   

In recent years, the Australian government has encouraged open access to administrative data, providing new opportunities for examining life course pathways and evaluating social policies. This paper demonstrates the importance of establishing partnerships in the use of administrative data for social research. In collaboration with the data custodian, we used administrative welfare data to investigate a policy-relevant topic: the association between income support receipt and relationship separation. Our results provided greater statistical power for detecting associations for minority groups than is possible with panel survey data, highlighting the benefits of administrative data for understanding the outcomes of population groups that are not well represented in surveys. The collaboration between university researchers and data custodians was critical to enable appropriate sharing of data for research and for accurate interpretation of the data and outcomes for relevance to policy.  相似文献   

The assessment of the family system is very complex, as several factors have to be taken into account: The number of people involved (one or more children), the involvement of other partners, and the presence of legal disputes. Although evaluation practices have increased considerably, it remains difficult for services to prove their effectiveness. The questions that have guided this work have concerned how much and how do the discourses (discursive repertoires) produced by the conflicting parents change as a result of an intervention by the Service? And how much is it possible to evaluate the change in short texts? We used the Methodology for the Analysis of Computerised Text Data (MADIT) methodology that makes it possible to analyze the texts produced by the parents after the Service consultancy. The text is acquired through 14 emails sent by each parent to the other. The results showed that it was possible to detect a change in the repertoires used by the two parents to make decisions regarding their child. This data could increase the use of evaluation in the Services, reducing costs and evaluating change also by email. Future research could apply this methodology in situations where the conflict has not yet exploded and has not had an impact on children.  相似文献   
Aiming to avoid the sensitivity in the parameters estimation due to atypical observations or skewness, we develop asymmetric nonlinear regression models with mixed-effects, which provide alternatives to the use of normal distribution and other symmetric distributions. Nonlinear models with mixed-effects are explored in several areas of knowledge, especially when data are correlated, such as longitudinal data, repeated measures and multilevel data, in particular, for their flexibility in dealing with measures of areas such as economics and pharmacokinetics. The random components of the present model are assumed to follow distributions that belong to scale mixtures of skew-normal (SMSN) distribution family, that encompasses distributions with light and heavy tails, such as skew-normal, skew-Student-t, skew-contaminated normal and skew-slash, as well as symmetrical versions of these distributions. For the parameters estimation we obtain a numerical solution via the EM algorithm and its extensions, and the Newton-Raphson algorithm. An application with pharmacokinetic data shows the superiority of the proposed models, for which the skew-contaminated normal distribution has shown to be the most adequate distribution. A brief simulation study points to good properties of the parameter vector estimators obtained by the maximum likelihood method.  相似文献   
Insurance and economic data are often positive, and we need to take into account this peculiarity in choosing a statistical model for their distribution. An example is the inverse Gaussian (IG), which is one of the most famous and considered distributions with positive support. With the aim of increasing the use of the IG distribution on insurance and economic data, we propose a convenient mode-based parameterization yielding the reparametrized IG (rIG) distribution; it allows/simplifies the use of the IG distribution in various branches of statistics, and we give some examples. In nonparametric statistics, we define a smoother based on rIG kernels. By construction, the estimator is well-defined and does not allocate probability mass to unrealistic negative values. We adopt likelihood cross-validation to select the smoothing parameter. In robust statistics, we propose the contaminated IG distribution, a heavy-tailed generalization of the rIG distribution to accommodate mild outliers. Finally, for model-based clustering and semiparametric density estimation, we present finite mixtures of rIG distributions. We use the EM algorithm to obtain maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters of the mixture and contaminated models. We use insurance data about bodily injury claims, and economic data about incomes of Italian households, to illustrate the models.  相似文献   
An increasing number of research programs seek to support adaptation to climate change through the engagement of large‐scale transdisciplinary networks that span countries and continents. While transdisciplinary research processes have been a topic of reflection, practice, and refinement for some time, these trends now mean that the global change research community needs to reflect and learn how to pursue collaborative research on a large scale. This paper shares insights from a seven‐year climate change adaptation research program that supports collaboration between more than 450 researchers and practitioners across four consortia and 17 countries. The experience confirms the importance of attention to careful design for transdisciplinary collaboration, but also highlights that this alone is not enough. The success of well‐designed transdisciplinary research processes is also strongly influenced by relational and systemic features of collaborative relationships. Relational features include interpersonal trust, mutual respect, and leadership styles, while systemic features include legal partnership agreements, power asymmetries between partners, and institutional values and cultures. In the new arena of large‐scale collaborative science efforts, enablers of transdisciplinary collaboration include dedicated project coordinators, leaders at multiple levels, and the availability of small amounts of flexible funds to enable nimble responses to opportunities and unexpected collaborations.  相似文献   
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