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本文以上海市货运量、货运周转量的时间序列为依据,应用灰色系统模型(Grey Dynamic Model),建立了货运中长期预测模型,并提出了至2000年的预测值。经测试,1989年的预测值与实际值相比较,吻合度高达95%以上。  相似文献   
In rural Zhejiang Province, China, family planning intermediaries are appointed for each village to introduce comprehensive measures of birth control to the people. With an education level of junior middle school at least, they are mostly working women of high prestige in their villages. After appointment as intermediaries, these women are trained for 1-2 weeks in health stations or maternal and child health care stations in towns. Back in the villages, they take over responsibility for distributing monthly contraceptives as needed by women of childbearing age. The intermediaries also explain the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of contraceptives to newly wedded women and give them guidance and recommendations. Intermediaries also can provide simple treatment for complaints caused by contraceptive use. For example, if women complain of nausea while 1st taking oral contraceptives (OCs), the intermediaries will give them vitamin B6. When intermediairies encounter difficulties, such as women who cannot use OCs for a long time because of a liver ailment, they refer the people to health stations or send for a doctor. The number of induced abortions has declined because of the fact that a vast number of women of childbearing age in rural areas now obtain appropriate contraceptives in time. Generally, each intermediary is assigned to be in charge of 15-20 households, making a regular monthly visit to each of these families. The contraceptives they distribute are from town governments, which give them a certain amount of annual subsidies.  相似文献   
香港回归后,香港经济转型与内地经济合作关系更具有可能性,香港在未来的中国经济发展中将扮演重要的角色。九七后“大香港”经济圈的建设将使香港与内地唇与齿的关系得到进一步加强,在促进内地经济发展中香港将进一步发挥“金桥”作用。同时,香港将以广东为大后方,与华南珠江三角洲地区更紧密地结合,向全新的转口港概念——技术及管理知识的转口港转变  相似文献   
麻将运动的文化价值   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一种社会体育民俗文化、一种高品味体育游戏长期受到赌博的污染和强暴,其原生文化意义却被隐藏了起来,必须得到纠正。强调了拥有极其广泛群众基础的麻将运动,丰富而深刻的文化内涵是其赖以生存和发展的基础。  相似文献   
工业废硅胶用一定浓度的氢氧化钠处理,经过滤得水玻璃.在其中同时加入氯化钠溶液和稀硫酸,经酸化、过滤、水洗、干燥得活性白炭黑,产品指标和橡胶补强性能均达到有关标准.  相似文献   
对水库计算机监控系统提出1套设计方案,使用清晰准确的画面描述工业控制现场,监控和记录工业控制现场的实时信息。  相似文献   
后方法宏观策略框架及其对我国外语教学的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了外语教学方法概念的局限性,研究了“后方法”语言教学的宏观策略框架以及后方法理念对我国外语教学的启示。外语教学的后方法理念说明,没有一种行之有效的教学法能一劳永逸地解决外语教学中的问题。只有辩证地反思各种教学流派的利弊和在中国的适应性,融各家之长,并创造自己的特色,走向理性选择,才能避免盲从,达到最满意的教学效果。  相似文献   
相邻环境关系是建立在相邻关系的基础上,又是对传统相邻关系的发展,文章从相邻环境关系的特点出发,比较《民法通则》和《物权法》中相邻环境关系,探析在相邻环境关系上我国《物权法》对《民法通则》的继承和发展。  相似文献   
案情简介■某公司职工缪某在检查施工质量时,被一滑下的钢梁砸中胸部倒地受伤致残,经市劳动保障行政部门认定为工伤,市劳动能力鉴定机构评定为六级伤残,公司在收到有关缪某伤残等级鉴定书后,  相似文献   
社会主义学院的后勤工作,要不断地增强忧患意识,自觉服务大局;增强公仆意识,用心服务学员;增强节俭意识,主动服务教学科研.  相似文献   
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