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在本文中,作者运用吉尔伯特·西蒙顿(Gilbert Simondon)的原创模型,对当前我们面临的理论临界状态作了深入思考。"理论"之死这种当代话语认为,或因过度解构,或因海量数据的压迫,"理论"已经死亡。作者提出,这种临界状态可以模拟热力学的相变来解释;确切地说,按照西蒙顿的理论,临界态就是一种被技术性和宗教之间的残余相变干扰的相变。因理论的临界态也是临界理论的状态,故而作者又选取了两个近期研讨过这种临界态的当代理论进行研讨:一个是推知实在论,一个是行动者网络理论。作者认为两者均无法解开技术宗教相移这个谜题,并陈述了理由。作者认为,当代的理论实践已经采取了当今技术性所允许的形式,这便预告了理论的临界态,也就是研究风起云涌、魔法遍地开花之时。  相似文献   
译者注:一九八二年九月,著名的苏联哲学家、俄罗斯苏维埃社会主义联邦共和国功勋科学工作者、以列宁命名的国立莫斯科师范学院的哲学教研室主任弗拉基米尔·斯宾里达诺维奇·科特整整七十高龄了。科特教授主要从事辩证唯物主义和自然科学哲学问题的研究,不仅在苏联,就是在国外,也是很知名的。多年以来,科特是与《哲学问题》杂志进行着富有成效的合作的《哲学科学》杂志的主编。弗·斯·科特多方面的创造性的活动得到了高度评价,前不久,他获得了劳动红旗勋章。《哲学问题》编委会和编辑们决定发表弗拉基米尔·斯宾里达诺维奇·科特的这篇论文,表示对他七十诞辰和他从事科学教育、社会政治活动五十五周年的热烈祝贺,祝他获得更富有创造性的成就、健康长寿和幸福。  相似文献   
在关于马克思主义法的理论的诸观点中,有一位杰出的保守批评家认为,“在过去10年中,欧洲大陆、英国、南美和澳大利亚理智的马克思主义正在复兴”。那么,人们不禁要问,这一“明显复兴”的起因是什么呢?贝尔尼和昆内伊两位学者介绍了马克思主义者近来有代表性的法学著作,其目的是力图从这些著作中寻找问题的答案。两位学者认为,当代理智的马克思主义法的起源主要存在于刑法  相似文献   
由国家民委文化宣传司、中国民族语文翻译局、中国译协民族语文翻译委员会主办,黑龙江省民族事务委员会具体承办的"第十二次全国民族语文翻译学术研讨会"于  相似文献   
As an exploration of the potential impact of fears of discrimination against GLBTs in long-term health care settings, this study compared perceptions of GLBT persons and heterosexuals. A total of 132 GLBT persons and 187 heterosexuals living in Eastern Washington completed a survey that contained demographic questions and perceptions of discrimination in long-term care settings. Most respondents suspected that staff and residents of care facilities discriminate against GLBTs. GLBT respondents who believed that residents of care facilities are victims of discrimination were more likely to believe that they would have to hide their sexual orientation if admitted to a care facility. GLBT respondents were more likely than heterosexual respondents to believe that GLBTs do not have equal access to health care and social services, that GLBTs residents of care facilities are victims of discrimination, that GLBT sensitivity training programs would benefit staff and residents of care facilities, and that GLBT retirement facilities would be a positive development for older GLBTs. This study is offered as a preliminary investigation of concerns about GLBT discrimination in health care settings, how concerns are expressed, and the implications of those concerns for health care needs.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: In Australia and internationally, women report high levels of dissatisfaction with hospital-based postnatal care. AIM: To design and implement strategies to improve hospital-based postnatal care at a Sydney metropolitan hospital. METHOD: This was an Action Research study. In Phase One, midwives considered the literature and participated in group discussions and interviews to determine their perceptions of postnatal care and the factors that facilitate or hinder the provision of quality care. In Phase Two, midwives participated in 12 working group meetings to design strategies to improve care. RESULTS: Several important principles of postnatal care were described, including building a relationship with women, meeting their individual needs, being flexible in approach and providing continuity of care. 'Listening to women', 'being there,' and 'normalising experiences and expectations' were believed to be critical to achieving these principles. A key strategy 'One to One Time' was designed to provide women with an uninterrupted period of time each day with a midwife who was available to listen to their needs and concerns and discuss issues related to their health and that of their baby. CONCLUSION: Midwives designed and implemented strategies that they believed would improve in-hospital postnatal care.  相似文献   
市场经济是一种有利于资源合理配置,从而减少交易成本的经济制度。当代发达资本主义国家普遍实行的是现代市场经济模式,其特征是国家和市场的结合。如果说市场机制是一只看不见的手,那么国家干预则是一只看得见的手,为了实现市场机制的有效运作,达到经济的稳定增长和均衡发展的目标,这两只手缺一不可,关键是如何正确的把两只手有机结合起来。为了促进市场机制和商品经济的有序运行,现代市场经济中的国家干预显得越发重要,本文旨在借鉴发达市场经济国家的宏观调控模式,就中国经济运行现状,谈谈政府如何通过干预发挥其职能。  一…  相似文献   
中国农村招赘式婚姻决定因素的比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国历史上一直存在嫁娶和招赘两种婚姻形式。由于各种社会、经济、文化和人口因素的影响,在农村中嫁娶式婚姻占绝对主导地位,而招赘式婚姻则非常少见。本文利用陕西省略阳县和三原县的调查数据,对于应时性和制度性两种类型的招赘式婚姻的影响因素进行了比较研究。  相似文献   
公元7世纪,崛起于青藏高原的吐蓄势力不断向外扩张,与唐朝、南诏之间的战争延续了一百多年。自唐仪凤二年(677年)以来,吐善南下西洱河(洱海)的主要兵力,屯集于今滇西北中甸和维西一带,并在今中甸、维西、丽江三县交界地的金沙江上架起了铁索桥(史称吐善铁桥),以济吐差大军迅速进人西洱河湖区。公元680年前后,屯于纳川神川一带的吐善军队突然出现在西洱河湖区,可谓“吐劳神川……不假天兵”。于是,西洱河诸蛮纷纷臣服于吐毒产吐春王朝在神Jll建立都督府,派论大相一级高级官员驻守(史称神)!I铁桥节度使,亦称吐春铁桥节度…  相似文献   
(一)藏族的因明学渊于陈那、法称的《集量论》和《七部量理论》。据说9世纪前,藏族无因明论,造藏王赤·热巴金时代,请来印度许多大德,与本地嘎厥相三大译师一起,翻译了大藏经、陈那的《集量论》和法称的《七部量理论》,并在各寺院建立辩经院、禅院和讲说院。自10世纪70年代后期,藏族学者仁青桑布译师赴印度学成回国后,翻译了法相乘、因明、波罗蜜多等许多经典,之后其著名弟子,即玛·格维洛追和洛旦喜饶将《集量论》和《七部量理论》译成藏文。11世纪初,俄·列白喜饶建桑普寺,广招弟子,弘扬因明闻说。至此,闻说因明论著之风…  相似文献   
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