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Axiomatizations of the normalized Banzhaf value and the Shapley value   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A cooperative game with transferable utilities– or simply a TU-game – describes a situation in which players can obtain certain payoffs by cooperation. A solution concept for these games is a function which assigns to every such a game a distribution of payoffs over the players in the game. Famous solution concepts for TU-games are the Shapley value and the Banzhaf value. Both solution concepts have been axiomatized in various ways. An important difference between these two solution concepts is the fact that the Shapley value always distributes the payoff that can be obtained by the `grand coalition' consisting of all players cooperating together while the Banzhaf value does not satisfy this property, i.e., the Banzhaf value is not efficient. In this paper we consider the normalized Banzhaf value which distributes the payoff that can be obtained by the `grand coalition' proportional to the Banzhaf values of the players. This value does not satisfy certain axioms underlying the Banzhaf value. In this paper we introduce some new axioms that characterize the normalized Banzhaf value. We also provide an axiomatization of the Shapley value using similar axioms. Received: 10 April 1996 / Accepted: 2 June 1997  相似文献   
任致远 《城市》2011,(6):3-10
在十七届五中全会精神的指引下,我们已经迈向以科学发展为主题,以加快转变经济发展方式为主线,全面推进经济社会又好又快发展的新时期,即进一步发展的重要战略机遇期。对于城市发展建设而言,我以为,改革开放以来我国城市经济社会发展取得了巨大成就和长足进步,城镇化水平迅速提高,  相似文献   
Components of nursing home (NH) culture change include resident-centeredness, empowerment, and home likeness, but practices reflective of these components may be found in both traditional and “culture change” NHs. We use mixed methods to examine the presence of culture change practices in the context of an NH’s payer sources. Qualitative data show how higher pay from Medicare versus Medicaid influences implementation of select culture change practices, and quantitative data show NHs with higher proportions of Medicare residents have significantly higher (measured) environmental culture change implementation. Findings indicate that heightened coordination of Medicare and Medicaid could influence NH implementation of reform practices.  相似文献   
The possibilities that are available to youth in contemporary Western societies are highly sophisticated and related mostly to the transition between secondary school and higher education, the first job placement, independent housing, lifestyle construction and the consumption of goods produced by cultural industries in a globalist world. Secondary education represents a main factor in terms of socialisation, training, access to employment, citizenship and youth identity construction, making it a key for public policies aimed at youth in Latin America. The article presents the initial results of a research project on transition processes from secondary school to employment in Argentina. The findings are based on statistical information and the empirical analysis of data gathered in two very different economic and social contexts: the first was one of the worst social and economic crisis in the country's history (1999–2003), and the second was a long period of economic growth and increased social welfare (2004–2012). The data are presented in response to the following question: How do different economic contexts influence the transitions of youth in different social class contexts? By answering this question, the significant role of public policies in generating better living conditions for youth becomes clear.  相似文献   
目的研究不同剂量反应停及反应停协同环磷酰胺对小鼠荷瘤H22(肝癌)实体型肿瘤的影响。方法建立小鼠肝癌移植实体型肿瘤模型,比较不同剂量反应停对小鼠肝癌的影响,同时观察反应停协同环磷酰胺对小鼠肝癌的影响。通过研究反应停对小鼠迟发型变态反应的影响探究其免疫作用。结果反应停对小鼠荷瘤H22呈现明显剂量依赖性抑制作用,反应停与环磷酰胺具有协同抗小鼠肝癌作用。反应停对小鼠迟发型变态反应呈剂量依赖性促进作用。结论反应停具有抗肝癌作用,而且与环磷酰胺具有协同抗肿瘤作用,此作用与反应停抗免疫作用有关。  相似文献   
We deal with the ranking problem of the nodes in a directed graph. The bilateral relationships specified by a directed graph may reflect the outcomes of a sport competition, the mutual reference structure between websites, or a group preference structure over alternatives. We introduce a class of scoring methods for directed graphs, indexed by a single nonnegative parameter α. This parameter reflects the internal slackening of a node within an underlying iterative process. The class of so-called internal slackening scoring methods, denoted by λ α , consists of the limits of these processes. It is seen that λ0 extends the invariant scoring method, while λ extends the fair bets scoring method. Method λ1 corresponds with the existing λ-scoring method of Borm et al. (Ann Oper Res 109(1):61–75, 2002) and can be seen as a compromise between λ0 and λ . In particular, an explicit proportionality relation between λ α and λ1 is derived. Moreover, the internal slackening scoring methods are applied to the setting of social choice situations where they give rise to a class of social choice correspondences that refine both the Top cycle correspondence and the Uncovered set correspondence.  相似文献   
任婧 《今日辽宁》2015,(2):68-71
沈阳于2 0世纪二三十年代开始大规模修建广场,那些老广场大多保留至今,现已成为人们休闲娱乐,举行庆祝、纪念等活动的场所。尽管岁月更迭,但是今天的人们通过广场及其周围的重要建筑物仍能感知其沧桑历史,感受沈阳这座城市的荣辱兴衰。  相似文献   
南北朝时期改姓现象非常普遍,类型多种多样。本文就这些现象与当时特定的社会背景、人文因素等紧密相关问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   
诸如"话题""焦点"和"话语指称物的认知状态",这些归属于信息结构的范畴,在某种意义上与已知和未知信息的分布相关。有些信息结构特性可用语法限定来解释,而另一些可归因于对信息被加工和传达的方式的非语法限定。已知—未知信息有两个不同意义:指称性意义和关系性意义。有些现象,不管是指称意义还是关系意义,必须在语法中得到解释,而另一些现象则是不一定被表征于语法中的语用效果,因其为语言系统与制约交际中推理过程的一般语用原则的相互作用所引起。  相似文献   
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