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90年代初,第三世界发展研究学界与其60年代的情况颇为相似。60年代初盛行一种乐观主义观点,即认为,在亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲的新的、向现代化迈进的国家,开化与民主将成为必由之路。然而后来这一理想却愈益化为泡影,学界逐渐丧失理论方向。曾被认为是拉美现象的军事政变常见于世界其他地区,特别是非洲和中东。尽管有外援,许多国家的经济增长率仍保持低水平。此外,甚至在迅速实现工业化的国家,  相似文献   
无论是经济学还是医学,都不是精确的科学。经济学家及医生在他们的患者生病的时候,必须被证明是不那么称职的顾问。医学和经济学之间类似性和差别的比较,有助于我们更好地理解经济学家活动的特殊性。  相似文献   
在丹麦学校,道德教育从来都不是一门与宗教教育并行或交互作用的独立学科;相对说来,二次大战后,本世纪末,特别是最后十到十五年间,这一领域才成为人们注目的中心。70年代,几个相关因素使人们逐渐认识到在学校开设常规德育课的必要性。这一发展中决定性的事件是其他西欧国家共同面临的。简述如下: 所谓的“青年革命”从1968年始,在进入70年代早期,其目的在于改变人们的基本态度和行为,直至人们普遍接受了:在一所学校和大学里,有关的政治法规是一件私人关心的事件这一事实。教育纯粹应该是增进知识的。现在,年轻人提倡一种新  相似文献   
在一般人眼里,“美学”基本上是和艺术作品评论相联系的,或者认为它是那种对我们所认同的文化成果的人性方面进行具体有效的价值辨识的哲学分支。但是,特里·伊格尔顿在其《审美的意识形态》一书中,只是对个别艺术作品作了一些评论,却并没有因此抽象而将其写成一部美学史。他在书中描述了从18世纪中期到我们当代的真实性观念的文化政治学。  相似文献   
工业化国家的大多数公民仅仅是通过间接的、被大众媒介所歪曲的信息图像来认识第三世界的。尽管他们从那些普及全球的图像中日益了解到第三世界的贫困、内乱和滥用人权,但似乎没有什么人去关心改变那些痛苦的现实,仿佛发展中世界不存在严重的问题。无知、漠不关心以及一种防范丧失人性化的方式,使得我们这些居住在工业化社会的人把第三世界视为有别于我们自己的另一个世界,他们的存在与我们毫不相干。  相似文献   
A subject of great interest to demographers is to relate the timing of demographic events to individual characteristics and environmental variables. Static models of marriage tend to give corner solutions, the choice of marriage or remaining single. This article develops an economic model of marriage which gives interior solutions to the optimum age at first marriage and which does not include an explicit argument about the age at marriage in the utility function. In theoretical analysis, life cycle model is modified to capture different aspects of the decision of when to get married. Results from empirical analysis support implications derived from the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   
Compliments are often viewed primarily as a linear event in which one person expresses approval or admiration of another. Far less attention has been given to the circular nature of compliments and the manner in which they enhance the positions of both the giver and the receiver of the compliment. Therapeutic compliments have proven to be highly effective means of motivating clients, while at the same time increasing therapeutic leverage. This article proposes that compliments should be purposefully given, and that the type of compliment should vary with the stage of therapy and the intended response of the client to the compliment.  相似文献   
The expanding knowledge and skill bases within the interdisciplinary family therapy profession pose a significant challenge for evolving practitioners, at whatever stage along the professional development process they find themselves. This challenge raises a basic question regarding whether there are any constraining forces to the level of eclecticism in practice towards which one can aspire. This paper empirically explores the role played by the personality attributes of the family therapist in facilitating and/or inhibiting one's adherence to a variety of approaches to family practice.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the destination decision of political migrants who, in spite of having strong cultural, ideological and religious ties to a particular potential destination, choose to emigrate elsewhere. The model presented characterizes the migrants, who have a choice of two possible destinations, by two properties, skill level and financial resources, and identifies those that move to each destination. The paper examines various immigration-encouraging policies and shows that although all of them will increase immigration, in some cases the economic quality of the new immigrants will rise and in some it will fall. This paper includes general evidence on the present immigration to Israel and some suggestions for empirical tests.Supported by the Schnitzer Foundation for Research on the Israeli Society and Economy.We would like to thank two anonymous referees for their valuable comments which simplified the presentation.  相似文献   
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