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Over the past several decades, there has been a plethora of proposals that were developed in response to the ongoing debate on how best to solve the problems of the American health care delivery system. In the past decade, calls for modification of our health system have become even more resonant, as measures to control rising costs were unsuccessful and access to basic services was diminished for many Americans. The most recent addition to the list of proposals for modifying the health care system is the American Health Security Act of 1993, introduced by President Clinton in September 1993. This article will examine the position of the Clinton Administration on health reform and the core elements of the reform package.  相似文献   
美国的社会学大约自1900年起,方始作为一门独立的学科而存在。然而,它很快发展为一个复杂而又尚未定型的学术领域。美国社会学协会现有会员15,000人,其中4,000多人是学生。绝大部分职业社会学家依靠在美国各大专院校担任教学和从事研究工作为生,目前受聘于学术机关以外的工业、政府部门以及私人研究机构的趋势,正在上升。  相似文献   
作为图书馆和信息科学的一门分支学科,信息伦理学已有数十年的发展历史,但这个领域或者说这个短语已发生了变化并融入其他学科理论之中.本文阐述信息伦理学的发展概况.事实上,现在,信息伦理学被视为媒体、新闻业、图书馆和情报学、计算机伦理(包括网络伦理)、管理信息系统、商业和网络等伦理关系的总和.  相似文献   
上期选登了《文化人类学概论》的目录、引言及第四章的居住和婚姻两节,本期继续登载第四章的内容。  相似文献   
人们都承认家庭在发展青年一代精神文化上的特殊作用,但很少有人承认家庭在发展成长中的年轻人个性方面具有关系到前途命运的意义。重要的是要具体、历史地看待这一问题:如今家庭能起什么作用?为此必须对当代最为复杂的社会进程进行通盘分析。单亲家庭数量不断增长,在城市文明激增条件下家庭的“传统”作用的变化,家庭里孩子数量的减少,青年家庭对物质的过分追求,这一切不可避免地同教育制度一样会导致家庭本身的变态。这不仅是社会的错误,也应当说是教育上的无  相似文献   
多年来,经济学家、科学共产主义专家、社会学家、哲学家们一直在引证一个论点,其基本意思可表述为:社会经济进步的速度取决于生产资料对于消费资料的优先发展。同时引证马克思所说资本主义为生产而生产,资本主义社会取得较之以前社会形态从未有过的生产力的高速发展。当然也引证列宁所说关心社会生产力的发展是社会进步的最高标准。然而不知何故却忽略了列宁和马克思认为的,人,劳动人民是最主要的生产力这一至关重要的环节。马克思确实把优先发展生产资料的生产看作是资本主义生产方式优于封建主义的主  相似文献   
This research investigates changes in social network size and composition of 351 homeless adolescents over three years. Findings show that network size decreases over time. Homeless youth with a conduct disorder begin street life with small networks that remain small over time. Caregiver abuse is associated with smaller emotional networks due to fewer home ties, especially to parents, and a more rapid loss of emotional home ties over time. Homeless youth with major depression start out with small networks, but are more likely to maintain network ties. Youth with substance abuse problems are more likely to maintain instrumental home ties. Finally, homeless adolescents tend to reconnect with their parents for instrumental aid and form romantic relationship that provide emotional support.  相似文献   
美国妇女的工资只为男人工资的60%,而且这一比率已四十多年未变动。这一事实不论对妇女运动的支持者或反对者来讲都令人感到尴尬。目前大学毕业的妇女一般还挣不到高中未毕业的男子的工资。而且大多数妇女只能接受工资低、无升迁希望的职业。1977年11月在休斯敦开了个全国妇女代表大会,约有2,000名代表出席,还有候补代表和列席代表共一万多人。代表大会上妇女们意见纷纭。这种争执由来已久。早在1923年全国妇女党提出“平等权利修正案”(ERA)时,就受到不少进步妇女的  相似文献   
当谈及语言的共同性时,不应忽略操这些语言的居民在历史上的相互联系问题。哈萨克人民作为一个独立韵民族统一体最终形成于十四世纪末十五世纪初。可见,哈萨克人民形成一个独特的民族并登上历史舞台是在蒙古帝国分崩离析之后。这是否就意味着突厥—蒙古  相似文献   
Marital relationships, like individuals, follow a developmental trajectory over time with ups and downs and gains and losses. We work from a life course perspective and use growth curve analysis to look at trajectories of change in marital quality over time. Although the tendency is for marital quality to decline over time, some groups begin with much higher levels of marital quality than others. Moreover, a number of life course and contextual factors can accelerate or slow this path of change. Our findings point to the importance of considering the multi-dimensionality of time (e.g., age, marital duration, the passage of years) as well as family transitions (e.g., having children, emptying or refilling the nest) in creating the meanings and experiences of marriage over time.  相似文献   
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