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Defending the Social Model   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
Cette communication est consacrée à l'évaluation de l'importance relative du procAeGs de travail, du marché de l'emploi, de l'état du marché du logement et de la vie au foyer, de la sous-culture ouvrière et des variables eocio-démographiques en tant que déterminants des croyances en matière d'éonomie chez les travailleurs canadiens. En préeentant son analyse cornparée de données provenant du Class Structure Project de 1982 et de l'Étude de l'élection nationale de 1984, l'auteur en tire deux grandes conclusions: 1/ que la place qu'on occupe sur les marchés du travail internes des entreprises influe sur toute une série de croyances en matière d'éonomie, tout comme le font l'appartenance de classe historique et actuelle; 2/que le contenu conceptuel du travail et le contrǒle social en milieu de travail n'ont qu'une faible influence sur la plupart des croyances. Ces conclusions font supposer qu'une approche de l'étude de la stratification de la classe ouvrière qui met l'accent sur toute l'expérience de vie des gens now aiderait à mieux comprendre les motifs et lea formes de la mobilisation ouvrière dans le Canada d'aujourd'hui. This research assesses the relative importance of labour process, labour market, housing market/home life, working-class subculture and Social/demographic variables as determinants of Canadian workers’ economic beliefs. Data from the 1982 Class Structure Project and 1984 National Election Study are comparatively analysed. Major findings include: 1/location in the internal labour markets within firms has an impact on a wide range of workers’ economic beliefs, as does past and present class affiliations; 2/conceptual job content and on-the-job social control have little influence on most beliefs. These findings suggest that an approach to working-class stratification which focusses on the lifelong experiences of persons should help us to understand patterns of working-class mobilization in contemporary Canada.  相似文献   
A single-population Markovian stochastic epidemic model is defined so that the underlying social structure of the population is described by a Bernoulli random graph. The parameters of the model govern the rate of infection, the length of the infectious period, and the probability of social contact with another individual in the population. Markov chain Monte Carlo methods are developed to facilitate Bayesian inference for the parameters of both the epidemic model and underlying unknown social structure. The methods are applied in various examples of both illustrative and real-life data, with two different kinds of data structure considered.  相似文献   
Proto-straw polls appeared in the presidential election of 1824.These precursors to modern election polls originated out ofa combination of short-term political changes associated withthe end of the first American party system in general and thedemise of the congressional caucus system of nomination in particularand long-term developments associated with growing democratization,centralization, and quantification.  相似文献   
This study compared three methods of collecting survey dataabout sexual behaviors and other sensitive topics: computer-assistedpersonal interviewing (CAPI), computer-assisted self-administeredinterviewing (CASI), and audio computer-assisted self-administeredinterviewing (ACASI). Interviews were conducted with an areaprobability sample of more than 300 adults in Cook County, Illinois.The experiment also compared open and closed questions aboutthe number of sex partners and varied the context in which thesex partner items were embedded. The three mode groups did notdiffer in response rates, but the mode of data collection didaffect the level of reporting of sensitive behaviors: both formsof self-administration tended to reduce the disparity betweenmen and women in the number of sex partners reported. Self-admimstration,especially via ACASI, also increased the proportion of respondentsadmitting that they had used illicit drugs. In addition, whenthe closed answer options emphasized the low end of the distribution,fewer sex partners were reported than when the options emphasizedthe high end of the distribution; responses to the open-endedversions of the sex partner items generally fell between responsesto the two closed versions.  相似文献   
Religion has acted as a brake on demographic transition in a number of historical and contemporary populations. In a study in two rural areas of Zimbabwe, we found substantial differences in recent demographic trends between Mission and Independent or `Spirit-type' churches. Birth rates are higher in some Spirit-type churches and, until recently, infant mortality was also higher. Recent increases in mortality were seen within Mission churches but not in Spirit-type churches. Missiological and ethnographic data indicate that differences in religious teaching on healthcare-seeking and sexual behaviour and differences in church regulation could explain this contrast in demographic patterns. More restrictive norms on alcohol consumption and extra-marital relationships in Spirit-type churches may limit the spread of HIV and thereby reduce its impact on mortality. These contrasting trends will influence the future religious and demographic profile of rural populations in Zimbabwe.  相似文献   
This paper examines a collaborative experiment between the GeneralSocial Survey, National Opinion Research Center, and the AmericanNational Election Study, Center for Political Studies. Identicalitems were asked by both surveys, thereby permitting a testof reproducibility and house effects. Significant differenceswere found between the houses, with the largest and most systematicdifferences involving item nonresponse. Various explanationsfor the differences are examined and a general assessment ofthe importance of the differences is presented.  相似文献   
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