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对截面尺寸较大、结构复杂的40Cr钢件采用常规热处理工艺变形大,难于满足技术要求,经过工艺改进:受只了亚;淬火工艺,结果表明:亚温淬火工艺在保证原工件性能的情况下,显著减小了淬火变形,避免了开裂,降低了生产成本.  相似文献   
“腊八”,即农历的十二月初八日。它是中国古代极为重要的传统节日。从时序上看,过了腊八,春节就指日可待了。农历的十二月称“腊月”。“腊与“猎”字通。其原始义为:人们在用猎获的牺牲举行祭礼,驱邪避灾,纳福迎祥。《礼记·效特牲》中有:“伊耆氏始为蜡。蜡也者,索也岁十二月,合聚万物而索飨之也的记载。但腊月初八日作为一个节日,是从南北朝才渐至成型的。戎昱有一首《桂州腊夜》的诗:坐到三更尽,归仍万里赊。雪声偏傍竹,寒梦不离家。晓角分残漏,孤灯落碎花。二年随骠骑,辛苦向天涯。这是作者腊夜的怀乡之作。羁之思,人生况味,溢于其间…  相似文献   
社会诚信缺失的致因分析与高校诚信教育的积极应对   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
社会诚信缺失近年来已成为社会各界关注的热点,造成社会诚信缺失的因素在于社会文化、社会历史、社会结构和社会制度等方面。高校进行诚信教育是必要的和可行的,因此高校应加强大学生诚信教育的可实践性、可操作性建设,实现道德自律和制度他律的有效结合。  相似文献   
基于对苏州市第四次人口普查人口年龄结构的分析,本文认为苏州市已进入人口老年型早期。文中论述了该市人口老龄化的现状、过程及趋势,剖析了过去与未来主导这一进程的不同的人口学因素,特别强调了控制人口增长对这一进程的作用。文中预测现在和今后的二十年内人口老龄化发展较缓,总抚养比较低,正届人口构成上的“黄金时期”,面临着实现经济跃升的契机。其后,人口老龄化将以空前的速度进行。抓住当前的契机也是今后从根本意义上解决好老龄人口问题所必需的。  相似文献   
The total fertility rate of women of childbearing age of Dongguan County in China has been decreasing gradually from 5.9 during the period following the liberation in 1949 to 2.05 in 1982. In order to encourage young couples to implement the policy of family planning consciously, the people's government of Dongguan county decided in July 1980 that all cadres and employees in county towns who received 1-child certificates would be exempted from house rent of 45 square meters from the time they get their certificates and would be allocated a living space of a 2-children family until their children reached age 16. It also stipulated that every couple could enjoy 1 month's holiday every year for 3 years and during the holiday, their salary, bonus and rate of attendance would not be affected. Because women bear less children today, they are relieved from heavy household chores and become the main working force in collective production. As a result, the development of town-run enterprises was stimulated and the total industrial output value of these enterprises increased. The average monthly salary of each female worker is about 100 yuan. In 1984, the average income per capita of the country rose to 649.2 yuan. The implementation of family planning work has eased the tension in the education field. Previously, because of the large number of school-age children in rural areas, teachers had to teach 2 classes. In the past 4 years, great emphasis was laid on intellectual investment. During this period, 2351 schools were built and several fundraising projects were implemented. Since 1981, more than 200 new running water projects were built, and new public services have been developed, including old age homes.  相似文献   
王雪  魏航 《中国管理科学》2021,29(5):129-137
产品众筹是一种常见的众筹形式,它要求企业为支持者提供创新型产品或服务作为回报。合理的定价策略是产品众筹的关键,本文分别从项目成功率和利润最大化角度研究价格歧视的优化问题。针对产品众筹全有或全无(All-or-Nothing,AoN)的机制下采用价格歧视策略时,价格差值和低价销售定额的最优决策问题。本文首先采用随机模型定义购买概率函数,分析支持者在购买过程中的影响因素;然后从项目支持者效用角度出发,应用两阶段模型讨论价格差值的相关影响因素,研究发现两级价格差值会受到级联效应、项目的特征以及支持者特征的影响。并且从支持者估值类型方向对基础模型进行了扩展,讨论了不同估值类型的支持者在不同价格差值范围内的选择行为;再则从项目的利润最大化角度出发讨论价格差值问题,研究发现价格差值受支持者数量和项目目标值的影响;最后通过计算相对利润函数解出最优低价销售定额的数量。  相似文献   
Li  Hongbo  Wang  Li  Xia  Xuan  Liu  Hongbo 《Journal of Combinatorial Optimization》2021,42(4):1030-1041
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization - Drawing on a sample of 245 patients from a tertiary general hospital in China, we examine the effect of perceived service quality of traditional Chinese...  相似文献   

Hypertension and its related complications could be a major threat issue for cardiopathy and stroke. Effective prevention and control can decrease the incidence rate of complications in hypertension. Based on the medical data of 3062 patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases from 2017 to 2018 in a grade-A tertiary hospital in Shanghai, the study identified the risk factors of hypertension complications by text mining. On this basis, the K2 algorithm based on the improved particle swarm optimization was proposed to optimize the structure of the Bayesian network (BN) by establishing a multi-population cooperative search mechanism. Then the optimized BN was used to analyze and predict the incidence rate of hypertension complications. Results indicate that the major indicators of accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and AUC have been improved, and the proposed algorithm is superior to the common data mining algorithms such as the back propagation neural network and the decision tree. Through the proposed model and algorithm, the high-risk factors were identified and the occurrence probability of hypertension complications was predicted, which could provide the personalized health management guidance for hypertensive patients to prevent and control hypertension complications.

加拿大当代文艺理论家琳达·哈琴以其独特的反讽理论迥然有别于历史上的反讽理论,也不同于同时期的后现代反讽观。她将反讽同后现代政治结合在一起,并试图改变后现代主义文化的解构性内核,在“后现代之后”的文化语境中重建具有张力和建设性的文化理论。正是在这一点上,哈琴的反讽政治美学同元现代主义理论有了诸多的相通之处,可以共同迎接“后现代之后”文学理论及文化理论发展的重大挑战。  相似文献   
第一次世界大战期间英国针对德国实施的经济战行动为协约国阵营获得战争胜利提供了有力的 保障。 纵观其筹备和实施过程, 中立贸易问题一直是影响英国政府决策的重要外部因素。 1909 年 2 月, 英国 主导签署了 《伦敦海战法规宣言》。 通过这一国际立法实践, 英国希望实现交战权利和中立 (贸易) 权利的 相对平衡, 以确保自身在未来可能的战争中无论扮演哪种角色都能最大程度地得到国际法的庇护。 然而事与 愿违, 一战爆发后 《伦敦海战法规宣言》 不但没有为英国的经济战行动提供合法性背书, 反而严重地阻碍 了其有效实施。 究其根源, 即先前推动签署这一文件时, 英国低估了中立贸易渠道对于德国维系自身战争能 力所起到的重要作用。 经历了一个曲折的过程, 英国政府于 1916 年下定决心开始对中立贸易实施强有力的 干预, 《伦敦海战法规宣言》 随之彻底遭到废弃。  相似文献   
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