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袁行霈先生主编的《中国文学史》被教育部指定为面向21世纪课程教材,其编写方针是守正出新,但实际并未达到这一目标,本文从文学史教材建设的角度对袁编《文学史》进行学理批评。认为:若与章编和郭编《文学史》相比,袁编《文学史》的主要缺陷表现在三个方面:体例欠严谨;增补欠合理;分析欠水平。  相似文献   
我国关于用人单位侵权责任的制度安排经历了从“单一”到“分拆”再到“统一”的历史演进过程。《侵权责任法》第34条第1款“统一式”的立法进路打破了所有制形式的限制,也顺应了国际发展潮流。然而,简单划一的“用人单位-工作人员”主体模型呈现出复杂的责任样态,既不能在法律逻辑上周延自洽,又不符合民商法发展的现实需求,故应当将法人侵权责任从用人单位侵权责任中分立出去,借鉴公司法中的先进制度,建构起新型的法人侵权责任。法人对其工作人员的职务侵权行为承担责任并非基于传统的雇佣关系,而是两者之间的代理关系与代表关系。在代理关系中,科层制的组织关系替代了雇佣关系和控制关系,成为了新的职务联结标准;在代表关系中,代表人的行为被视为公司行为,公司为此承担侵权责任。  相似文献   
With motivation from Arendarczyk and De¸bicki [Asymptotics of supremum distribution of a Gaussian process over a Weibullian time. Bernoulli. 2011;17:194–210], in this paper we derive the tail asymptotics of the product of two dependent Weibull-type risks, which is of interest in various statistical and applied probability problems. Our results extend some recent findings of Schlueter and Fischer [The weak tail dependence coefficient of the elliptical generalized hyperbolic distribution. Extremes. 2012;15:159–174] and Bose et al. [Product of exponentials and spectral radius of random k circulants. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare Probabilites et Statistiques. 2012;48:424–443].  相似文献   
Scheike and Zhang [An additive-multiplicative Cox-Aalen regression model. Scand J Stat. 2002;29:75–88] proposed a flexible additive-multiplicative hazard model, called the Cox-Aalen model, by replacing the baseline hazard function in the well-known Cox model with a covariate-dependent Aalen model, which allows for both fixed and dynamic covariate effects. In this paper, based on left-truncated and mixed interval-censored (LT-MIC) data, we consider maximum likelihood estimation for the Cox-Aalen model with fixed covariates. We propose expectation-maximization (EM) algorithms for obtaining the conditional maximum likelihood estimators (cMLE) of the regression coefficients for the Cox-Aalen model. We establish the consistency of the cMLE. Numerical studies show that estimation via the EM algorithms performs well.  相似文献   
A common problem in randomized controlled clinical trials is the optimal assignment of patients to treatment protocols, The traditional optimal design assumes a single criterion, although in reality, there are usually more than one objective in a clinical trial. In this paper, optimal treatment allocation schemes are found for a dual-objective clinical trial with a binary response. A graphical method for finding the optimal strategy is proposed and illustrative examples are discussed.  相似文献   
The principal results of this contribution are the weak and strong limits of maxima of contracted stationary Gaussian random sequences. Due to the random contraction we introduce a modified Berman condition which is sufficient for the weak convergence of the maxima of the scaled sample. Under a stronger assumption the weak convergence is strengthened to almost convergence.  相似文献   
The uniform bounded facility location problem (UBFLP) seeks for the optimal way of locating facilities to minimize total costs (opening costs plus routing costs), while the maximal routing costs of all clients are at most a given bound M. After building a mixed 0–1 integer programming model for UBFLP, we present the first constant-factor approximation algorithm with an approximation guarantee of 6.853+? for UBFLP on plane, which is composed of the algorithm by Dai and Yu (Theor. Comp. Sci. 410:756–765, 2009) and the schema of Xu and Xu (J. Comb. Optim. 17:424–436, 2008). We also provide a heuristic algorithm based on Benders decomposition to solve UBFLP on general graphes, and the computational experience shows that the heuristic works well.  相似文献   
严格分离解释一度促成了美国宪法第一修正案宗教条款内部建立条款与自由行使条款之间的张力。在理论上,认识到信仰自由权的正当性不仅仅源自于个人自治与选择自由,而且,宗教本身及其促进的各种目的的道德重要性也是我们保障信仰自由权的理由,才能对建立条款的严格分离解释构成实质性挑战,支持对建立条款的仁慈、包容解释,真正不偏不倚地保障宗教信仰自由、充分实现自由行使权和平等的选择自由。  相似文献   
语言是文化的重要载体,是文化不可缺少的组成部分,也是传承文化和文明的最直接而有效的手段。内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔根河市敖鲁古雅鄂温克民族乡鄂温克人使用的母语,是一个独特而弥足珍贵的文化载体,也是已进入严重濒危状态的语言。现在,实际使用者,只有十多位老人和个别中年人。该语言的名词类词,有着错综复杂的形态变化现象。其中,包括数、格、领属、级等形态变化内容。该文中,以名词和代词为例,论述了格形态变化结构体系中的不同表现形式和语法功能。  相似文献   
《校园安全法》立法基本理论问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于没有直接的法律依据 ,学生在校园内受到伤害 ,在解决问题上比较难。为此 ,需要制定《校园安全法》,从法律上明确监护人的范围 ,确立学校及教育行政部门的法律地位 ,切实保障在校学生的生命安全 ,以填补立法空白。在立法时 ,要遵循安全第一、结合实际、科学性、可操作性、综合治理等原则。  相似文献   
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