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向春阶 《湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2001,25(3):64-66
马克思恩格斯在《共产党宣言》中曾向世界宣布“资产阶级的灭亡和无产阶级的胜利是同样不可避免的。”在经过150多年后的今天,面对资本主义和社会主义出现的新情况,怎样认识现实社会条件下两大社会制度、两大对立阶级的历史命运,是我们必须正视的问题。对这一问题给予理论上论证的同时,更重要的是对现实情况作出与理论一致的解释,把资本主义的“新情况”和社会主义的“曲折发展”放到历史的长河中,用历史的眼光,用百年的尺度去阐释,从而标显马克思关于社会主义命运的预言的科学性。 相似文献
当代中国马克思主义哲学同形形色色唯心主义的斗争是在某些人公开否认马克思主义哲学的条件下,通过对意识形态阵地的占领与反占领、指导与反指导这样新的形式表现出来.譬如物吾两忘论,否认主体与客体的对立统一关系,否认马克思主义哲学是认识世界和改造世界的认识论和方法论的知识体系;三分说否认理论联系实际的基本原则;主宰和支配客观规律说片面夸大人的主观能动作用;当代中国哲学自觉走向人学论企图用人学来取代马克思主义哲学在当代中国的指导地位.对于这样一些倾向和思潮,我们必须坚决予以批驳和反对,以巩固和捍卫马克思主义哲学阵地. 相似文献
Nan Sook Park Debra Dobbs Iraida V. Carrion Tiffany L. Young Jennifer R. Salmon Lucinda L. Roff 《Journal of Housing for the Elderly》2013,27(4):369-391
African American and Hispanic older adults are underrepresented in assisted living communities, so little is known about how they experience social relationships in these settings. The purpose of the study was to explore resident-to-resident and resident-to-staff relationships experienced and perceived by African American and Hispanic older residents in assisted living settings. In-depth interviews with 15 African American and 15 Hispanic older adults were conducted in seven assisted living communities in Central Florida. Three salient themes emerged using a grounded theory approach: formation of relationships: emotional vs. instrumental support; language as a facilitator or barrier; and avoidance of inter-racial relationships. Implications for providing culturally competent services in assisted living communities with diverse populations are discussed. 相似文献
Nan E. Johnson 《Population studies》2013,67(3):491-505
Efforts to control rampant population growth in sub-Saharan Africa have been stymied by confusion between the potential causes and consequences of high fertility in the region. A controversy has surfaced over the causal direction of the fundamental relationship between human fertility and size of landholdings. Members of one school of thought claim that farm couples modify their fertility behaviour according to the amount of land they own or operate. Yet others argue that the size of landholdings varies as a function of family size (an indicator of the availability of family labour). In the present study we use a two-stage least-squares regression on data from a 1988 survey of 747 farm households in Rwanda to disaggregate and compare the strengths of these two possible paths of influence. The results show that landholdings exert a positive influence on human reproduction, but not the reverse. Moreover, this influence is slightly stronger for couples who own all the land they operated, probably because they have larger incomes from equity in the land. The size of the farm is unrelated to the size of the family's potential farm labour force (measured as the number of household members aged 15–65) or to the husband's total desired number of children. These findings suggest that farm size boosts the number of living children not by creating a demand for more children but by increasing the supply of children through higher natural fertility and child survival. 相似文献
We analyze the dynamics of age‐structured population renewal when vital rates make a transition in a finite time interval from arbitrary initial values to any specified final values. The general solution to the renewal equation in such cases is obtained. This solution describes the birth sequence explicitly, and also leads to a general formula for population momentum. We show that the duration of the transition determines the complexity of the solution for the birth sequence. For transitions that are completed in a time smaller than the maximum age of reproduction, we show that the classical Lotka solution found in every textbook also applies, with a small modification, to the time‐dependent case. Our results substantially extend previous work that has often focused on instantaneous transitions or on slow and infinitely persistent change in vital rates. 相似文献
In developed countries, mortality decline is decelerating at younger ages and accelerating at old ages, a phenomenon we call “rotation.” We expect that this rotation will also occur in developing countries as they attain high life expectancies. But the rotation is subtle and has proved difficult to handle in mortality models that include all age groups. Without taking it into account, however, long-term mortality projections will produce questionable results. We simplify the problem by focusing on the relative magnitude of death rates at two ages (0 and 15–19) while making assumptions about changes in rates of decline at other ages. We extend the Lee-Carter method to incorporate this subtle rotation in projection. We suggest that the extended Lee-Carter method could provide plausible projections of the age pattern of mortality for populations, including those that currently have very high life expectancies. Detailed examples are given using data from Japan and the United States. 相似文献
杨楠 《华东理工大学学报(社会科学版)》2013,(4):54-62,75
为使企业能在激烈的市场竞争中生存发展,适时开展营销绩效评价是中小高新技术企业的必然选择,但在中小高新技术企业市场营销绩效评价的理论研究方面,还存在明显不足。鉴于这种情况,论文运用因子分析法,将绩效评价相关理论引入中小高新技术企业的营销领域,选取了50家中小高新技术上市公司相关数据,构建了中小高新技术企业营销绩效评价模型,围绕营销创新能力、营销策划执行能力、顾客感知与体验效果、盈利能力等四个因子,对样本企业的营销绩效进行了综合评价,最终验证了指标体系和模型的科学性与实用性。通过实证分析发现营销创新能力对中小高新技术企业营销绩效的影响程度较高,提高企业营销创新能力是中小高新技术企业提高营销绩效的重要途径。 相似文献
Bonnie L. Yegidis Beom S. Lee Nan Sook Park Monica Landers Margaret M. Kennedy 《Journal of social service research》2013,39(1):133-140
ABSTRACT. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the association between extended unemployment insurance (UI) benefits and young adults’ job-seeking behavior. In particular, the study evaluated if the extension of UI benefits to 99 weeks in 2008 had direct effects on job search efforts. Three waves (2007–2009) of data (N = 915) from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth were analyzed using multiple regression models to assess the association of UI benefits to young adults’ job search efforts. Additionally, the homogeneity of slope coefficients of the UI benefit on job search effort was evaluated across 3 years using an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The results of regression analyses suggest that UI benefits were negatively associated with job search efforts for 2007 and the pooled sample of 2007 to 2009, but the relationship was not significant for 2008 and 2009. The results of the ANCOVA suggest that the UI benefit extension of 2008 did not have any negative association with job search efforts. Future studies should explore the subjective experiences and decisions young adults make in consideration of unemployment, UI benefits, and job search efforts. 相似文献
Sandra S. Butler Nan Simpson Mark Brennan Winston Turner 《Journal of gerontological social work》2013,56(8):665-681
Recruiting and retaining an adequate number of personal support workers in home care is both challenging and essential to allowing elders to age in place. A mixed-method, longitudinal study examined turnover in a sample of 261 personal support workers in Maine; 70 workers (26.8%) left their employment in the first year of the study. Logistic regression analysis indicated that younger age and lack of health insurance were significant predictors of turnover. Analysis of telephone interviews revealed three overarching themes related to termination: job not worthwhile, personal reasons, and burnout. Implications of study findings for gerontological social workers are outlined. 相似文献
世界著名的黄埔军校所在地长洲岛是广州名城一个特色历史文化保护区。史诗悲壮的长洲炮台是广州至珠江口古炮台群的重要组成部分,地面文物建筑和地下考古遗址均具有很高的历史、文化、军事、建筑、生态、旅游等多方面的价值,有必要进行抢救性保护与合理的开发利用。维护文物古迹、拓展生态环境,因循地势地貌、因借山水风光、串联绿色通道,构建古炮台群大遗址公园,应为规划设计的宗旨。 相似文献