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徐良傅的哲人气质、人格境界、诗性智慧对汤显祖为人为学、入仕出仕、诗赋传奇影响深刻 ;廉吏爱民 ,德博而化 ;耿介不阿 ,掩门自贞 ;诚信毋欺 ,率真疏言 ;进足以兴 ,退足以容。  相似文献   
互联网对传统的公司价值分析方法产生了强烈的冲击.传统的竞争优势理论和评估方法在互联网经济时代仍然是公司价值分析的经典理论.企业可以通过互联网建立大价值链来实现传统条件下无法实现的竞争优势.  相似文献   
我国货币供应量与物价关系的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
袁晋华 《统计研究》1996,13(2):31-34
Starting from increase rate of money supply and rising rate of retail price of commodity, the paper analyzes the relationship between increase of money supply and retail price fluctuation of commodity during the two time period of serious inflation since the commencement of China’s reform and opening policy.  相似文献   
清末民初,东北进步人士纷纷创办报刊,启迪民智,宣传民主革命思想。沙俄、日本殖民势力和东北当局为防止进步思想的传播,联合扼杀进步报刊,东北报业处于白色恐怖笼罩之中。在这段历史时期,东北报业所发挥的积极历史进步作用,及其自身所具有的局限性,值得我们认真总结。  相似文献   
课程思政是当前高校专业课教学发展的必然趋势,不仅是教学理念的创新,更是教学方式的改革.在学前心理学教学中,课程思政教学也发挥了重要作用,对此,高校教师在实际教学过程中对此必须高度重视.该文对此做了深入研究,首先介绍了"课程思政"的提出背景,分析了高校学前心理学课程教学存在的问题,最后结合实际情况探讨了学前心理学"课程思...  相似文献   
农民工是我国当今最重要的社会现象之一,是城市化进程的推进力量,也是城乡统筹发展的纽带。由于城乡二元经济社会结构及其制度安排,导致相关的农民工问题层出不穷,降低了农民工作为生产要素的生产效率。而农民工市民化无疑是解决这一问题的根本路径和最终选择,应通过城市社会保障和农村土地保障制度及机制的合理创建,尤其是通过保留进城农民在本轮承包期内的承包地,允许其长期流转,降低农民工市民化的机会成本。  相似文献   
肖煜  宫媛  田野 《城市》2009,(9):36-41
一、引言 伴随着中国城市化进程的推进和经济发展,区县工业区的发展也进入了一个新的时代,在国民经济中占有的地位越来越重要.相比国家级、市级开发区,区县工业区功能相对单一,产业发展特色突出,在规划编制中对实施性和操作性的要求最为强烈,这就对传统的规划编制体系和规划编制方法提出了新的要求.在天津近期开展的区县示范工业园区的规划编制实践中,探索尝试了适应区县工业区快速发展建设需求的规划编制方法.  相似文献   

This article provides three approximate solutions to the multivariate Behrens–Fisher problem: the F statistic, the Bartlett, as well as the modified Bartlett corrected statistics. Empirical results indicate that the F statistic outperforms the other two and five existing procedures. The modified Bartlett corrected statistic is also very competitive.  相似文献   
The confidence interval of the Kaplan–Meier estimate of the survival probability at a fixed time point is often constructed by the Greenwood formula. This normal approximation-based method can be looked as a Wald type confidence interval for a binomial proportion, the survival probability, using the “effective” sample size defined by Cutler and Ederer. Wald-type binomial confidence interval has been shown to perform poorly comparing to other methods. We choose three methods of binomial confidence intervals for the construction of confidence interval for survival probability: Wilson's method, Agresti–Coull's method, and higher-order asymptotic likelihood method. The methods of “effective” sample size proposed by Peto et al. and Dorey and Korn are also considered. The Greenwood formula is far from satisfactory, while confidence intervals based on the three methods of binomial proportion using Cutler and Ederer's “effective” sample size have much better performance.  相似文献   

Incremental modelling of data streams is of great practical importance, as shown by its applications in advertising and financial data analysis. We propose two incremental covariance matrix decomposition methods for a compositional data type. The first method, exact incremental covariance decomposition of compositional data (C-EICD), gives an exact decomposition result. The second method, covariance-free incremental covariance decomposition of compositional data (C-CICD), is an approximate algorithm that can efficiently compute high-dimensional cases. Based on these two methods, many frequently used compositional statistical models can be incrementally calculated. We take multiple linear regression and principle component analysis as examples to illustrate the utility of the proposed methods via extensive simulation studies.  相似文献   
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