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1795年,一艘名叫杰佛逊的美国帆船,始于东海岸的波士顿,绕过美洲的南端,历经四年的海上漂泊,到达了北美大陆的太平洋西北岸.当船长罗伯特和他的船员们应土著人的邀请到达他们的村庄时,他们看到了在村庄中竖立的木头柱子,上面刻画着许多瑰丽、神奇的动物和人.  相似文献   
资金来源是否有保障,是农村社会保障建设成败的关键。政府为农村社会保障提供资金支持,是公共财政的职能体现。从现实来看,政府作为最重要的大责任主体其投入不足。之所以会出现这种状况,主要有两大原因:一是对农村社会保障认识存在误区;二是农村社会保障资金来源的法律阙如。政府主导的资金来源及立法,可着重考虑以下方面:在《预算法》等法律中增加财政支持农保的相关规定;在《土地管理法》中明确政府可从土地收益中提取农保资金;将投向“三农”的资金纳入《农民权益保护法》转化为农保资金;适时制定《社会保障税法》开征社会保障税;立法规范国有股转持充实社保资金账户。  相似文献   
高校心理辅导站的建立为心理健康教育提供了新的平台,它的优势是显而易见的。本文阐述了心理辅导站建立的意义、定位及作用,并对辅导站的发展瓶颈及对策进行了初步探究。  相似文献   
めぃづち是日语会话中不可缺少的、使会话能够得以顺利进行的介质.会话能力是日语专业基础阶段的重要教学内容之一.めぃづち在日语专业基础口语中无比重要.正确使用めぃづち,不但可以提高日语会话能力和交际水平,同时,会话能力的提高也必然会促进对めぃづち的掌握与运用.  相似文献   
藏中南地区即西藏“一江三河”是国家西部大开发战略与《全国主体功能区》规划的重点开发区,目前启动大开发大开放不仅是因为其有良好的区位条件,而且具有经济开发的资源条件和环境支撑条件.经过多年的发展,藏中南地区有较好的开发基础,为进一步开发打下了坚实的基础.此外,新疆等边疆少数民族地区重点区域开发实践为藏中南提供了有益的启示.为此,建议启动藏中南地区大开发大开放并加紧列入党和政府的议事日程,加快制定藏中南重点开发区发展规划,明确藏中南重点开发区的发展方向,中央制定藏中南重点开发区的特殊政策.  相似文献   
当前我国医学教育中物理实验教学存在弱点:对物理教育不重视,实验条件差,仪器、设备陈旧,实验选项过时,实验课时少.针对存在的问题及现状,在现有的条件之内,我们提出了物理实验课的改进措施:认真做好实验准备,发挥教师的主导作用,督查学生亲自动手,利用现有仪器设备,不断改善实验条件,重视教学情况的反馈信息.  相似文献   
基于核和灰度的双重异构数据序列预测建模方法研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
通过建立灰色异构数据"核"序列的DGM(1,1)模型,实现双重异构数据"核"的预测;以"核"为基础、以双重异构数据序列中较大的区间灰数信息域作为预测结果的信息域,构建基于区间灰数与实数的双重异构数据序列灰色预测模型,有效地将灰色预测模型建模对象从"同质数据"拓展至"双重异构数据"。研究成果对丰富灰色预测模型理论体系具有积极意义。  相似文献   
Capacitance is a critical performance characteristic of high-voltage-pulse capacitor which is used to store and discharge electrical energy rapidly. The capacitors usually are stored for a long period of time before put into use. Experimental result and engineering experience indicate that the capacitance increases with storage time and will eventually exceed the failure threshold, which means that the capacitor may fail during storage. This is a typical mode of degradation failure for long storage products. Further, the capacitance degradation path can be extrapolated in several stages based on the shifting characteristics. That is, the capacitance increases slowly or fluctuates in the initial storage stage that lasts about three months. Then it increases sharply in the middle stage which lasts about four months. After the two stages, the capacitor enters into the third stage in which capacitance increases constantly. This degradation phenomenon motivates us to study the storage life prediction method based on multi-phase degradation path model. The storage performance degradation mechanism of high-voltage-pulse capacitor was investigated, which provides the physical basis for multi-phase Wiener degradation model. Identification procedure for the transition points in the degradation path was proposed using maximum likelihood principle (MLP). The result of Kruskal-Wallis test which is the method to test whether two populations are consistent or not in statistics showed that the transition points are statistically effective. Other parameters in the multi-phase degradation model are estimated with maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) after the transition points have been specified. The multi-phase Inverse Gaussian (IG) distribution for storage life was deduced for the capacitor, and the point and interval estimation procedure for reliable storage life are constructed with bootstrap method. The efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed multi-phase degradation model is compared with storage life prediction under single-phase condition.  相似文献   
Three parameters—sample size, sampling intervals, and the control limits—must be determined when the x bar chart to monitor a manufacturing process. The constant sampling intervals were widely employed because of its administrative simplicity. However, the variable sampling interval (VSI) has recently been shown to give substantially faster detection of most process shifts than fixed-sampling-interval (FSI) for x-bar charts. In addition, these measurements in the subgroup are assumed to be normally distributed. That assumption may not be tenable. This investigation compares the economic design of x-bar control charts for non normal data under Weibull shock models with various sampling avenues.  相似文献   
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