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随着十月革命的胜利,俄国犹太人的历史掀开了新的一页。苏联建立后,列宁的民族平等理论更是给了犹太人以极大的鼓舞。但是,由于根深蒂固的反犹传统的影响,苏联犹太人并没有完全享受平等,歧视与迫害时有发生。从列宁时代到戈尔巴乔夫时期,随着国家领导人的更替,苏联政府的对犹政策和态度也发生了微妙的变化,而这些变化无论是对境内犹太人还是苏联社会都产生了连锁反应。  相似文献   
This paper proposes a model and solution method for coordinating integrated production and inventory cycles in a whole manufacturing supply chain involving reverse logistics for multiple items with finite horizon period. A whole manufacturing supply chain involving reverse logistic consists of tier-2 suppliers supplying raw materials to tier-1 suppliers, tier-1 suppliers producing parts, a manufacturer which manufactures and assembles parts from tier-1 suppliers into finished products, distributors distributing finished products to retailers, retailers selling products to end customers and a third party which collects the used finished products from end customers, dissembles collected products into parts, and feed the parts back to the supply chain. In this system, we consider a finite horizon period. A mathematical model for representing the behaviors of the system is developed. Solution methods based on decentralized and a combination of decentralized and centralized decision making process, referred to as the semi-centralized decision making process, are proposed to solve the model while the centralized decision making process is solved by a mixed integer nonlinear programming method. A numerical example is used to demonstrate the model and the solutions based on the three types of the coordination.  相似文献   
鼎是商周礼器中的代表性器物.在它身上,既凝聚了现实生活的世俗性,又饱含古人的文化想象.本文从其创制入手,通过分析上古文献,阐述商周时代鼎在人们心目中的"神圣/世俗"二元结构存在.  相似文献   
本文从一个反例 ,证明了即使∫∞af(x ,t)dt绝对收敛且一致收敛 ,但不能推出∫∞a |f(x ,t) |dt一致收敛。  相似文献   
把岭回归的原理和方法应用到家畜性状的选择指数中 ,提出了广义岭选择指数 ,理论和实践证明的这一指数形式在一定意义上优于传统的选择指数。也可以说 ,它在一定意义上丰富了选择指数的理论 ,但不能代替经典的选择指数  相似文献   
The decree establishing a uniform system of basic pensions for employees in municipal and private enterprises, published by the State Council on 16 July 1997, reflects the Chinese Government's ultimate choice in favour of a partly private funded scheme to cover future pension needs. This article examines the reasons which led to this choice and asks how easy or otherwise it will be to find the capital to finance it. The authors believe that the partly private scheme is more advantageous than other methods and is right for China. Many issues, however, remain the focus of lively debate. In particular, a realistic coordination of individual and group accumulation is needed in order to avoid shortfalls in capital formation and the dangers of inadequate benefit provision. To safeguard the subsistence needs of former workers in state-owned enterprises, a system of equalization at national level is needed, and problems continue over how future pension insurance funds should best be managed.  相似文献   
专利行政执法在专利制度中具有重要的不可替代的作用。专利管理机关对专利纠纷的调处行为不是具体行政行为而属于居间仲裁。本文在进行理论和实务论证的基础上 ,提出以下立法建议 :当事人不服专利管理机关就专利纠纷所作处理决定向法院起诉时 ,仍应以纠纷的相对人为诉讼当事人 ;增加专利管理机关的执法手段 ;加大专利管理机关的处罚力度 ;对专利复审委员会就实用新型、外观设计的复审决定 ,当事人应有权启动司法程序 ;实用新型专利侵权诉讼中 ,专利权人应提交专利局就争议专利技术的专利性出具的检索报告 ,法院依据检索报告进行专利侵权的判定 ,不中止侵权诉讼。  相似文献   
应用灰色关联分析方法研究了坪用草地早熟禾地上生物量、生殖枝数、生殖枝高、穗长、穗粒数、结实率等6个主要经济性状与种子产量以及各性状之间的关联程度。结果表明,各性状与种子产量之间的关联度大小依次为单位面积生殖枝数>单位面积地上生物量>生殖技高>穗长>结实率>穗粒数。地上生物量对生殖校高、生殖枝数和穗长的影响较大。  相似文献   
Feature selection (FS) is one of the most powerful techniques to cope with the curse of dimensionality. In the study, a new filter approach to feature selection based on distance correlation is presented (DCFS, for short), which keeps the model-free advantage without any pre-specified parameters. Our method consists of two steps: hard step (forward selection) and soft step (backward selection). In the hard step, two types of associations, between univariate feature and the classes and between group feature and the classes, are involved to pick out the most relevant features with respect to the target classes. Due to the strict screening condition in the first step, some of the useful features are likely removed. Therefore, in the soft step, a feature-relationship gain (like feature score) based on the distance correlation is introduced, which is concerned with five kinds of associations. We sort the feature gain values and implement the backward selection procedure until the errors stop declining. The simulation results show that our method becomes more competitive on several datasets compared with some of the representative feature selection methods based on several classification models.  相似文献   
福田康夫2007年9月23日毫无悬念地当选为自民党第22任总裁,25日被国会推举为第91任首相并旋即组建新内阁。至此,因安信晋三首相9月12日突然辞职造成的政治真空得以填补,中断的临时国会恢复运转,一度陷入"山重水复"困境的日本政局似又转为"柳暗花明"。2006年曾以高龄为由退出自民党总裁竞选、本以为再也无望问鼎首  相似文献   
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