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We present two experiments investigating the role of emotions concerning technological and natural hazards. In the first experiment, technological hazards aroused stronger emotions, and were considered to be riskier than natural hazards. No differences were found between the texts versus audio presentations. However, the presence of pictures aroused stronger emotions and increased the perceived risk. Emotions play a mediating role between hazard types and perceived risk, as well as between pictures and perceived risk. The second experiment adopted real‐world materials from webpages and TV. Emotions again play a mediating role between pictorial information and risk perception. Moreover, specific emotions were found to be associated with different types of action tendencies. For example, loss‐based emotions (e.g., fear, regret) tend to lead to prevention strategies, whereas ethical emotions (e.g., anger) lead to aggressive behavior. We also find that loss‐based emotions in the technical hazard scenario trigger more coping strategies (from prevention to retaliation) than in the natural hazard scenario.  相似文献   
智慧、无明与时间   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在印度和中国的古代思想中,智慧与无明有着某种内在联系。所以应该区别两种无明,一种是智慧的反面,另一种则是意义及存在的不自觉的生成。这后一种无明会以原本时间——它既不同于物理时间,又不同于心理时间——的方式,将终极实在展示或幻化为一个现象世界。古印度的《吠陀》、《奥义书》和佛教波若中观学说中,都有相关的表述;而中国古代的先秦道家、儒家,特别是古老的《周易》中更是充溢着时义,因为它们都否认自身独立的终极实在和与黑暗不相关的智慧光明。印度的大乘佛教,特别是波若中观学说和如来藏心识说,之所以能够成功地进入中华哲理思想,并发展出新形态,一个重要原因就是它们具有原本时间的意识,让中国佛教徒能够与之产生思想深处的共鸣。  相似文献   
指数分析法在经济分析的各个领域里已得到广泛的应用。但只用单一方法分析问题往往不够全面、深入。本文以工业劳动生产率的分析为例,从三个方面,多角度、多层次、比较系统地阐述了指数分析中独具特色的分析手法。  相似文献   
对企业本质的认识是微观经济学中的一个重要问题,其对中国的国企改革有着重要意义。本文中,我们对企业的合约本质进行了经济理论探索和统计检验,并突出关注企业的激励合约问题。  相似文献   
股票市场价格的高低及变动是对股票内在价值高低及变动的综合反映和表现,其价格的形成直接取决于市场的供求关系,而影响和调节股票供求量的并不是单位股票的绝对价格水平的高低及变动,它是股票作为投资品的单位内在价值的市场价格水平的高低及变动。由于股票收入效应和替代效应的存在又使股票供给曲线向后弯曲提升了股票的内在价值,这一表象成为引起股价波动背后的主要理性因素,从而为投资决策提供理性依据。  相似文献   
Staudte  R.G.  Zhang  J. 《Lifetime data analysis》1997,3(4):383-398
The p-value evidence for an alternative to a null hypothesis regarding the mean lifetime can be unreliable if based on asymptotic approximations when there is only a small sample of right-censored exponential data. However, a guarded weight of evidence for the alternative can always be obtained without approximation, no matter how small the sample, and has some other advantages over p-values. Weights of evidence are defined as estimators of 0 when the null hypothesis is true and 1 when the alternative is true, and they are judged on the basis of the ensuing risks, where risk is mean squared error of estimation. The evidence is guarded in that a preassigned bound is placed on the risk under the hypothesis. Practical suggestions are given for choosing the bound and for interpreting the magnitude of the weight of evidence. Acceptability profiles are obtained by inversion of a family of guarded weights of evidence for two-sided alternatives to point hypotheses, just as confidence intervals are obtained from tests; these profiles are arguably more informative than confidence intervals, and are easily determined for any level and any sample size, however small. They can help understand the effects of different amounts of censoring. They are found for several small size data sets, including a sample of size 12 for post-operative cancer patients. Both singly Type I and Type II censored examples are included. An examination of the risk functions of these guarded weights of evidence suggests that if the censoring time is of the same magnitude as the mean lifetime, or larger, then the risks in using a guarded weight of evidence based on a likelihood ratio are not much larger than they would be if the parameter were known.  相似文献   
张勇 《统计研究》1992,9(3):58-62
应用民意测验、民主评议、代表评议、专家评议等方法,对一些事物或现象进行研究和评价,在实践中已使用得较为广泛。其中有一类为小组评议法,即在对某种事物或现象进行评价的时候,聘请有关专家、或由公众推选出代表、或从公众中随机抽选代表组成评议小组,评议小组中的评委在对事物或现象进行考察后,独立地给出评议分数,然后再用统计分析方法对评议分数进行加工处理。  相似文献   
ADF单位根检验中联合检验F统计量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
摘  要:ADF检验是实际中最常用的单位根检验之一。ADF检验式有三种:(1)不含漂移项和趋势项;(2)只含漂移项不含趋势项;(3)既含漂移项也含趋势项。选用的检验式是否合适将直接影响到ADF检验的功效。为解决ADF检验过程中检验式的选择问题,本文首先从理论上推导了检验式(3)中时间趋势项系数δ与yz-1系数γ的联合检验统计量F的渐近分布;然后,应用蒙特卡罗模拟的方法研究了上述统计量与检验式(2)中关于漂移项α与系数γ的联合检验统计量的分布特征,进而给出了两统计量分布百分位数关于样本容量的响应面函数,从而进一步完善了单位根检验理论与方法。  相似文献   
李宝瑜  张帅 《统计研究》2007,24(11):3-7
摘  要:国民收入在部门间的分配流量及其比例,是宏观经济研究的重要内容。研究收入分配问题,不能不考虑部门间在收入分配中的相互关系,但我国目前官方只公布收入与部门交叉数据,还缺乏部门与部门交叉流量数据,且有3年的滞后期。本文采用了一种称为“双矩阵RAS法”的方法,首先利用官方公布的2003年收入与部门交叉数据对2005年收入与部门数据进行了测算,进而用“收入转移法”测算了2005年部门与部门交叉流量数据。分析了1997年至2005年我国部门间收入流量状况,总结出近年来我国部门间收入流量变化的六大特征,并提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   
专利法的若干问题及其立法建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
专利法的两次修正使我国专利保护水平在整体上得到了历史性提升。但是 ,某些具体规则的内容尚有值得探讨之处。专利法与合同法对合作发明创造的权利归属规则应协调一致 ;专利申请权与申请专利的权利性质不同 ,转让程序也不同 ,两者不能混淆 ;外观设计专利授权条件中的美感应改为装饰性 ,以反映外观设计的本质特点  相似文献   
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