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"创新教育"是一项系统工程,是一种全域性的大学管理理念和方法,它包括了从办学理念、管理机制、队伍建设到课程设置、内容设计、教学方法以及专业能力等一系列高校发展策略问题.高校是社会人才培养的主要阵地,目前以传统教育为主的高校创新人才教育面临诸多的挑战.当前有必要反思中国高校人才培养上存在的问题,以探求一条适合中国文化的新世纪的高校人才培养创新路径.  相似文献   
课程体系改革和创新人才培养是我国高校目前重要的改革课题,而国外高校经过不断的改革和发展,创新人才培养及其课程体系已经达到了比较成热的阶段,如,哈佛大学的多元人才培养模式,哥伦比亚大学、麻省理工学院的课程设置都有许多值得借鉴之处.哈佛等著名高校的创新人才理念就是要适应社会发展的潮流,符合社会的需要,创新人才不仅要拥有专业的技术技能,还应该有扎实的人文基础,博与专的结合是高校培养创新人才的重要目标.我国高校特别是理工科高校人才培养理念和培养机制都存在着一定的问题,阻碍了创新人才的培养.  相似文献   
随着教育改革的不断深入,高校体育教学也得到很大的发展,如何进一步实现突破创新,如何进一步提高高校教学的质量和效率就成为我们研究的重点内容,本文通过研究,指出如何实施高校体育有效教学具有积极地指导意义.  相似文献   
今天的房地产问题已成为一个关乎国民经济整体运行的全局性问题,必须用全新的思路来破解这一难题,才能收到实效。  相似文献   
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With the increase in the proportion of older adults in our country, the psychological problems of older adults have aroused the attention from academia and the whole society. Maintaining a high level of mental health is directly related to the overall welfare levels and living conditions of older adults. The scholars abroad have begun to explore the relationship between social participation, especially participation in commonweal activities, and mental health of older adults. However, in China participation in commonweal activities of older adults have not yet formed a broad and effective pattern. In this context, we attempt to study the impact of participation in commonweal activities of older adults on mental health, and hope to provide new ideas for the research on alleviating the pressure of aging population and achieving the happiness of older adults. By reviewing the related literature about participation in commonweal activities and mental health of older adults, we forwarded the theoretical model in which participation in commonweal activities could affect mental health, and hypothesized that participation in commonweal activities can highly improve the mental health of older adults and provide ″social compensation effect″ for vulnerable people. If vulnerable older adults participate in commonweal activities, they can get more benefit. On this basis, by using the data from Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS) in 2005, we made an empirical analysis. First, we found that education, income, health and being a communist had a positive effect on participating in commonweal activities among older adults. Older adults with higher socioeconomic status were more likely to participate. Then we used the treatment-effect model which could control and eliminate sample selection bias to find how participation in commonweal activities influences mental health. We found participation in commonweal activities can highly improve the mental health of older adults. Older adults who participated in commonweal activities reported higher level of mental health. Finally, we chose health, income and education to measure the vulnerability of older adults, and used a treatment-effect model with interaction term to prove ″social compensation effect.″ The findings show that when older adults with poorer health, lower education and lower income participated in commonweal activities, their level of mental health could get more improvement. In other words, vulnerable older adults could get more benefit from participating in commonweal activities, which strongly prove ″social compensation effect.″ We combined participation in commonweal activities and mental health, which provided a useful supplement for the current research field of older adults. And we creatively found that participation in commonweal activities could provide ″social compensation effect″ for vulnerable people. Although there are challenges to recruiting vulnerable older adults to participate, their psychological problems should gain more attention from the whole society. Ignoring them would produce the Matthew effect. Thus, we suggest the whole society may encourage older adults, especially vulnerable older adults, to participate in commonweal activities.  相似文献   
博士生创造能力的高低直接影响到未来中国科技发展的竞争力,其重要性自不待言。就共创造品质的培养,可从博士生、导师及相关培养机构进行考察。博士生自身须主动在诸如求知的动力、思维方式的转变、吃苦的精神、前瞻的学术视野及淡薄名利的品质等方面着力;导师则在博士生的选择、学术规范的指导及培养模式上发挥其主观能动性;培养机构亦应在培养目标、师资配置、学术管理及就业服务等方面尽其职责。  相似文献   
到一位亲戚家做客时,听这位亲戚讲述了这样一件说大不大,说小又不小的事情:她们楼的日常垃圾一般都扔到楼下的垃圾站里。近几天,社区开展了声势浩大的居住环境治理活动,垃圾站原先敞开的大门也上了锁,只留下两个装着活页的窗户供人们丢弃垃圾。这位亲戚和许多居民一样,起初还挺  相似文献   
在不能合成乙烯的植物组织中,ACC的可利用性通常是限制因子。因此,在关于控制乙烯合成的研究中,ACC合成酶活性的调节具有特殊的重要性。由于胁迫(stress)的结果,例如伤害(Boller和Kende,1980;Yu和yang,1980)和对吲哚乙酸的反应(Jones和Kende,1979;Yu和Yang,1979),在番茄成熟期间ACC合成酶的活性增加。在番茄果皮组织切割后,已观察到ACC-合成酶的活性最迅速和最大的增加。所以,许多关于ACC-合成酶活性的调节工作都是利用受伤的果皮组织进行的。  相似文献   
本文针对学生在英语写作中所遇到的一些实际问题 ,诸如怎样选择正确的词汇、如何写出正确的句子以及组句成段和组段成篇等方面进行了探讨 ,明确了选词标准和写好句子所应注意的重要事项 ,并且从语篇的角度举例说明了段落间的逻辑性  相似文献   
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