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It is widely recognised that ergonomists must contribute during needs analysis. However, few studies have investigated the specific contributions of ergonomists at this stage of the design process. In this study, this contribution is studied through the requirement document produced by the design team. For each requirement, the source (i.e. who formulated the requirement), justification (why the requirement is needed), type (functional, interaction, operational, physical, organizational), and scope (entire system or part thereof) were analysed. Results indicate that the various actors are complementary and work collectively to define the various dimensions of the system. With end-users, the ergonomist worked on the global aspects of the system: function, conditions of use and organizational dimension. Alone, he defined the global interaction of the system. The various functions derived from the global function were defined in collaboration with engineers. However, while engineers contributed to defining how these functions would work, as well as their technical conditions of use, the ergonomist focused on their purpose, and, with end-users, on their organizational aspects. Finally, results suggest that neither the ergonomist's specific knowledge in ergonomics, nor work analysis were sufficient to derive his requirements; both are mandatory.  相似文献   
This communication deals with the involvement of ergonomists in a research-action design process of a software platform in radiotherapy. The goal of the design project is to enhance patient safety by designing a workflow software that supports cooperation between professionals producing treatment in radiotherapy. The general framework of our approach is the ergonomics management of a design process, which is based in activity analysis and grounded in participatory design. Two fields are concerned by the present action: a design environment which is a participatory design process that involves software designers, caregivers as future users and ergonomists; and a reference real work setting in radiotherapy. Observations, semi-structured interviews and participatory workshops allow the characterization of activity in radiotherapy dealing with uses of cooperative tools, sources of variability and non-ruled strategies to manage the variability of the situations. This production of knowledge about work searches to enhance the articulation between technocentric and anthropocentric approaches, and helps in clarifying design requirements. An issue of this research-action is to develop a framework to define the parameters of the workflow tool, and the conditions of its deployment.  相似文献   
在我们被“失控”带走之前,我们可以学会去辨别深色马。恐惧是深色马,愤怒是深色马,焦虑、恐惧、自怜、肩扛整个世界的责任的感觉,等等,都是深色马。这个清单上还有仇恨、报复、自以为是、急躁、抑郁,以及大多数消极状态,它们自然都是潜意识的痛苦之源。  相似文献   
在江户时代,从礼法和上下关系的规范到住宅建造的式样都是以武士阶层的式样为标准的。因此在婚礼的形式方面,下级衙役也都效仿武士的做法。按照江马务的《结婚的历史》及其中介绍到的伊势贞陆所著《迎接新娘的程序》和伊势贞丈所著《婚礼收支记》中的记载,尝试再现上流武士的婚礼。  相似文献   
关于社会整合的理论往往先作出假定,认为它与发展相联系,而发展“愈多”则导致的社会整合程度便愈高,愈能减少社会冲突。但从实际情况看,发展的影响是多向性的,其中包括整合、解体和重新整合等过程。本文致力分析那种由于发展而在世界范围引起的、通常称为“非自愿的人口位移和重新安置”的一类过程,并探讨如何才能通过由社会科学加以丰富的政策和方案,使解体作用得以缓解和抵消。几十年来社会学家和人类学家在现场进行的实证性研究,就被迫的人口位移问题产生了大量的概念和研究成果,但却长期“束之高阁”,没有应用于有关的政策和方案。唯有在被社会科学家转化为一个大规模组织——世界银行——规范性的政策之后,这一大宗知识才对实际生活产生影响。反过来,由于吸收了这宗长时期被忽视的知识,该组织及其政策也才得以更为有效。 本文讨论了如何因各国政府和捐赠机构对有关的研究成果认识不一而破坏了知识供求两方的正常关系,也通过分析指出一个大型科层组织的文化及其对待知识的或加以吸收或不予理睬的态度因何变化。本文并论述了关于如何把理论和研究成果化为政策方案、从而提出实施程序这个方面的方法论和认识论上的关键问题。新近有一项研究,以世界银行为39个国家提供资金而进行的1992年发展规划的抽  相似文献   
历史哲学是当代哲学的灰姑娘,哲学家们从不认为历史哲学家处理的主题关乎任何重大的理论旨趣和紧迫性。在他们眼里,历史哲学关心的问题无非就是哲学家们在别处取得的成果如何能够或者应该怎样运用到历史写作领域中,而且当代历史哲学家在改变其同事所给予的较低评价方面也少有作为。本文将论证丹托在持此种观点的历史哲学家中是一个例外,因为他关于表现的哲学可以帮助我们理解文本是如何与其对象相联系的。(20世纪)语言哲学的主要缺点无疑就是,它从不费心去探究文本的哲学奥秘。历史写作是一座哲学金矿,在这点上我们必须感谢丹托的提醒。  相似文献   
同美  益卓 《民族学刊》2018,9(3):65-72, 117-119
从藏族古代文化的视角来看,金器太阳神鸟图似乎与斯巴嘎巴和迥瓦风轮的观念有关,斯巴嘎巴和迥瓦风轮观涉及藏族本教的空间时间观和宇宙本体观。斯巴嘎巴是藏语的汉语对音,指空间和时间。迥瓦是藏语的汉语对音,指风火水土四元素。风轮是藏语的汉语意思表达,指“风”为元初原动力的宇宙形成观。在藏语言里,黄金面具实为金面。古藏人非常重视头发及其发型,即便是对死者补妆也是如此,在为死者补妆时,发辫被排在了补妆12点数的首选位置,且头发与绿松石相对应。  相似文献   
中国国际广播电台(CRI,简称国际台)现有200多位外籍员工。每年,国际台的春节联欢会上都能看到外籍员工或演出或观看的身影;每年,国际台都会为外籍员工组织新春招待会,与外籍员工一起庆祝新春。  相似文献   
说良心话,我不能说小时候在佛罗里达的杰克逊维尔孤儿院过的是饥寒交迫的日子,但确实有过半夜里肚子饿得咕咕叫的时候。  相似文献   
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