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Eating and exercise disorders in young college men   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors used the computerized Eating and Exercise Examination to investigate eating, weight, shape, and exercise behaviors in a convenience sample of 93 male college students. One fifth of the men worried about their weight and shape, followed rules about eating, and limited their food intake. Between 9% and 12% were unhappy with their body shape, felt fat, and seriously wanted to lose weight. Exercise was important for the self-esteem of 48% of the students. Thirty-four percent were distressed when they could not exercise as much as they wanted, 27% followed rules about exercising, and 14% worried about the amount of exercise they were doing. The respondents met clinical diagnoses for objective binge eating (3%), self-induced vomiting (3%), bulimia nervosa (2%), and exercise disorders (8%). Although 9% reported disordered eating, none had sought treatment. Health professionals should be aware that eating and exercise disorders may be present in college men and that screening may help in the early identification of these problems.  相似文献   
An intervention designed to enhance preaction self-efficacy beliefs (i.e., beliefs about ability to initiate behavior despite anticipated barriers during the initiation period) was tested in patients with spondylosis in relation to initiation of exercises recommended by a consultant in orthopedic rehabilitation. Sixty patients (age 28-83 years; 44% men) with spondylosis who had not previously performed exercises recommended for degenerative spine diseases were randomly assigned to a control (education session) or intervention group. Three weeks later, intervention patients performed recommended exercises more frequently than controls. Regression analysis for all patients showed that preintervention, preaction self-efficacy predicted exercise. Age and preintervention self-efficacy moderated the intervention effects. Among older patients, only those with weak preintervention, preaction self-efficacy beliefs benefited from the intervention, whereas among younger patients, only those with strong preintervention, preaction self-efficacy beliefs benefited from the intervention.  相似文献   
Recently bargaining models became a popular theoretical concept within family research. Especially compared to household economic theory, bargaining models are less abstract and provide a tool for analysis of conflicting interests and their consequences in family relationships. However, although there are many different topics which can be tackled with this kind of theory, there is still a lack of direct empirical tests concerning this concept. The aim of this article is to provide such a test by using a special type of a quasi-experimental research design. With a so-called factorial design we vary systematically incentives for a household move in order to model different structural conditions of a relationship like earning possibilities or chances for a career of a partner. This allows us to observe varying power allocations within the relationship. The empirical results support the hypotheses derived from the bargaining model: the respondent anticipates a loss of his or her bargaining power as well as an increasing power of the partner. Consequently they answer such a change with a reduced tendency for a household move and a higher perceived potential for conflicts within the relationship. However, due to our limited knowledge about the validity of the quasi-experimental design these results need to be validated by future research.  相似文献   
According to both the scientific literature and popular media, all one needs to win a US presidential election is to be taller than one's opponent. Yet, such claims are often based on an arbitrary selection of elections, and inadequate statistical analysis. Using data on all presidential elections, we show that height is indeed an important factor in the US presidential elections. Candidates that were taller than their opponents received more popular votes, although they were not significantly more likely to win the actual election. Taller presidents were also more likely to be reelected. In addition, presidents were, on average, much taller than men from the same birth cohort. The advantage of taller candidates is potentially explained by perceptions associated with height: taller presidents are rated by experts as ‘greater’, and having more leadership and communication skills. We conclude that height is an important characteristic in choosing and evaluating political leaders.  相似文献   
The present study focuses on the salutogenicproperties of post-divorce families andattempts to identify factors that promoteresilience and family well-being. Within thesalutogenic paradigm the focus is on positivecharacteristics and strengths that contributetowards the growth and development of a system.Family coherence is used as an indication ofthe level of recovery after the crisis, and isused as the dependent measure with regard tothe present well-being of the family. Across-sectional survey research design wasused. The 98 participating families wereidentified on the grounds of the nature of thecrisis (divorce) and the developmental phase ofthe family. An open-ended question and thefollowing self-report questionnaires werecompleted by the parent and a child: abiographical questionnaire, the Relative andFriend Support Index, the Social Support Index,Family Crises Oriented Personal EvaluationScales, Family Sense of Coherence Scale, andthe Family Hardiness Index. Results show thatintra-family support, support of the extendedfamily, support of friends, religion, opencommunication amongst family members, and workand financial security were factors promotingresilience in these families.  相似文献   
We develop new results about a sieve methodology for the estimation of minimal state spaces and probability laws in the class of stationary processes defined on finite categorical spaces. Using a sieve approximation with variable length Markov chains of increasing order, we show that an adapted version of the Context algorithm yields asymptotically correct estimates for the minimal state space and for the underlying probability distribution. As a side product, the method of sieves yields a nice graphical tree representation for the potentially infinite dimensional minimal state space of the data generating process, which is very useful for exploration of the memory.  相似文献   
This article presents a first study on the professional–ethical dilemma of whistleblowing in social work, and suggests some lines for further research on this topic as well as ways for integrating it in the social work curriculum. The study examines the self‐reported readiness of social work students to blow the whistle, whether internally or externally. Internal disclosure entails reporting the wrongdoing to an authority within the organization. External disclosure entails reporting the offense to an outside agency, such as the police, professional organization, or press. The findings indicate that the students view the acts that are detrimental or cause injustice to the client in a very serious light. In dilemma situations such as these, the students reported a willingness to act. The students also report considerably greater likelihood of whistleblowing internally than externally.  相似文献   
A simple statistic is suggested to examine if the assumptions on variances in a fitted time series model is valid or not. The properties of the statistic are discussed and examples are considered.  相似文献   
Forecast of a contemporal aggregate of several time series can be obtained from ‘1’ an aggregate series, ‘2’ individual component processes, or ‘3’ a joint multiple forecasting model. Through general Hilbert space theory and some illustrative examples, this paper establishes the relative efficiencies among the three methods  相似文献   
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