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This article discusses how analyst's or expert's beliefs on the credibility and quality of models can be assessed and incorporated into the uncertainty assessment of an unknown of interest. The proposed methodology is a specialization of the Bayesian framework for the assessment of model uncertainty presented in an earlier paper. This formalism treats models as sources of information in assessing the uncertainty of an unknown, and it allows the use of predictions from multiple models as well as experimental validation data about the models’ performances. In this article, the methodology is extended to incorporate additional types of information about the model, namely, subjective information in terms of credibility of the model and its applicability when it is used outside its intended domain of application. An example in the context of fire risk modeling is also provided.  相似文献   
In this paper, five alternative advertising policies that belong to the advertising pulsation class are compared analytically for linear and concave response functions using a modified version of the Vidale-Wolfe model. The results of the research show that (1) For both linear and concave response functions, advertising pulsing/maintenance policy dominates advertising pulsing policy but is dominated by the Uniform Advertising Policy. For convex response functions, the order of dominance is reversed. (2) For linear response functions, uniform advertising policy dominates the impulse advertising policy but is dominated by the chattering advertising policy. (3) For concave response functions, uniform advertising policy dominates both the impulse advertising policy and the chattering advertising policy. (4) For convex response functions, chattering advertising policy dominates both the advertising pulsing policy and the impulse advertising policy. The Vidale-Wolfe model is estimated using the well-known Lydia Pinkham data. Optimality analysis shows that the company was overadvertising about half of the time studied. Overadvertising seems to have produced appreciable gain in sales and created significant barriers to competitive entry at a little cost in terms of foregone profits.  相似文献   
We examined 359 women aged 45–65 years who visited Jordan University Hospital between February and November 2014. The menopausal symptoms were assessed using a validated Arabic version of the menopause rating scale. The mean age at menopause was 49.4 years. Women aged 50–55 years more frequently exhibited hot flushes and vaginal dryness. Although premenopausal women were 1.5 times more likely to experience irritability, perimenopausal women were more likely to experience hot flushes, physical and mental irritability, sexual problems, vaginal dryness, and joint and muscular discomfort. Hence, health care providers should focus on women at all stages of life.  相似文献   
Objectives: To investigate the predictive values of free prostate-specific antigen (fPSA), total PSA (tPSA) and age on the prostate volume.

Methods: The data of 2148 patients with lower urinary tract symptoms were analyzed retrospectively. The patients who had transrectal ultrasonography guided 10 core biopsies owing to the findings obtained on digital rectal examination and presence of high PSA levels (PSA?=?2.5–10?ng/dl), and proven to have BPH histopathologically were included in the study. Age, tPSA, fPSA and the prostate volumes (PV) of the patients were noted.

Results: One thousand patients that fulfilled the inclusion criteria were included in the study. The PV of the patients were significantly correlated with age, tPSA and fPSA (p?r?=?0.307, p?r?=?0.382, p?r?=?0.296, respectively). On linear regression model, fPSA was found as a stronger predictive for PV (AUC?=?0.75, p?p?p?=?0.013).

Conclusions: Although tPSA is an important prognostic factor for predicting PV, the predictive value of fPSA is higher. PV can easily be predicted by using age, and serum tPSA and fPSA levels.  相似文献   
This article investigates the premise that it is possible to transpose organizational approaches to equal employment opportunity (EEO) from western countries to Muslim majority countries (MMCs). Drawing on policy interviews and documentary evidence from public sector organizations and international development agencies engaged in the promotion of gender equality in Turkey and Pakistan, we question the effectiveness of diffusion of gender equality policies and practices to and among these two MMCs. Our investigation reveals the primacy of context over essence in developing effective ways to construct EEO policies and practices which can be adopted in MMCs.  相似文献   
Independence of error terms in a linear regression model, often not established. So a linear regression model with correlated error terms appears in many applications. According to the earlier studies, this kind of error terms, basically can affect the robustness of the linear regression model analysis. It is also shown that the robustness of the parameters estimators of a linear regression model can stay using the M-estimator. But considering that, it acquires this feature as the result of establishment of its efficiency. Whereas, it has been shown that the minimum Matusita distance estimators, has both features robustness and efficiency at the same time. On the other hand, because the Cochrane and Orcutt adjusted least squares estimators are not affected by the dependence of the error terms, so they are efficient estimators. Here we are using of a non-parametric kernel density estimation method, to give a new method of obtaining the minimum Matusita distance estimators for the linear regression model with correlated error terms in the presence of outliers. Also, simulation and real data study both are done for the introduced estimation method. In each case, the proposed method represents lower biases and mean squared errors than the other two methods.KEYWORDS: Robust estimation method, minimum Matusita distance estimation method, non-parametric kernel density estimation method, correlated error terms, outliers  相似文献   
Statistical inferences about the dispersion of multivariate population are determined by generalized variance. In this article, we consider constructing a confidence interval and testing the hypotheses about the ratio of two independent generalized variances, and the ratio of two dependent generalized variances in two multivariate normal populations. In the case of independence, we first propose a computational approach and then obtain an approximate approach. In the case of dependence, we give an approach using the concepts of generalized confidence interval and generalized p value. In each case, simulation studies are performed for comparing the methods and we find satisfactory results. Practical examples are given for each approach.  相似文献   
Received: August 14, 2000; revised version: April 23, 2001  相似文献   
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