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This article intends to develop some effective rotation patterns with the aid of attractive imputation methods when the problems of non response occur in two-occasion successive sampling. Utilizing the information on p (p ??1) auxiliary variables regression methods of imputation have been considered and subsequently multiple linear regression type estimators are proposed to estimate the current population mean in two-occasion successive sampling. Proposed estimators are compared with the estimator for same situations but in the absence of non-response. Optimum replacement strategies of the respective estimators have been discussed and results are interpreted with the help of empirical studies. Conclusions and suitable recommendations are made.  相似文献   
This article presents a bivariate distribution for analyzing the failure data of mechanical and electrical components in presence of a forewarning or primer event whose occurrence denotes the inception of the failure mechanism that will cause the component failure after an additional random time. The characteristics of the proposed distribution are discussed and several point estimators of parameters are illustrated and compared, in case of complete sampling, via a large Monte Carlo simulation study. Confidence intervals based on asymptotic results are derived, as well as procedures are given for testing the independence between the occurrence time of the forewarning event and the additional time to failure. Numerical applications based on failure data of cable insulation specimens and of two-component parallel systems are illustrated.  相似文献   
An inverse regression approach to analyzing quantal response assays with one quanritative independent- variable and any number of qualitative independent variables is presented. A general factorial model ror LQC- inverted relationship and methods of testing hypotheses estimating qulitative Interest are developed. This naper provides a modified method of analysis which is easier to apply than previously existing methods.  相似文献   
Recommended methods for analyzing unbalanced two-way data may be classified into two major categories:the parametric interpretation approach and the model comparison approach. Each approach has its advantages and its drawbacks. The main drawback of the parametric interpretation approach is non-orthogonality.For the model comparison approach the main drawback is the dependence of the hypothesis tested on the cell sizes. In this paper we provide examples to illustrate these drawbacks.  相似文献   
Row-column designs may be considered to have two blocking schemes, namely the treatments by rows and treatments by columns component block designs. The (M,S)-optimality criterion is applied to row-column designs, and che connection between the (M,S)-optimal design and its component block designs is demonstrated.  相似文献   
A complete two-way cross-classification design is not practical in many settings. For example, in a toxicological study where 30 male rats are mated with 30 female rats and each mating outcome (successful or unsuccessful)is observed, time and resource considerations can make the use of the complete design prohibitively costly. Partially structured variations of this design are, therefore, of interest (e.g., the balanced disjoint rectangle design, the fully diagonal design, and the "S"-design). Methodology for analyzing binary data from such incomplete designs is illustrated with an example. This methodology, which is based on infinite population sampling arguments, allows the estimation of the mean response, among-row correlation coefficient, among-column correlation coefficient, and the within-cell correlation coefficient as well as their standard errors.  相似文献   
The asymptotic distribution of estimators generated by the methods of moments and maximum likelihood are considered. Simple formulae are provided which enable comparisons of asymptotic relative efficiency to be effected.  相似文献   
An inverse Gaussian mixture of Poisson distributions(the P-IG distribution) is considered as a model for species abundance data,, Minimum chi-square and maximum likelihood methods of estimation for the zero-truncated P-IG distribution are developed, Ihe performance of the P-IG distribution is illustrated and discussed for several well-known sets of insect abundance data.  相似文献   
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