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This investigation examined whether the life satisfaction advantage of married over unmarried people decreased over the past 3 decades and whether the changes in contextual gender specialization explained this trend. Contextual gender specialization was defined as a country‐year‐specific share of married women who fully specialize in household work. The author used representative data from the World Values Survey–European Values Study integrated data set for 87 countries (N = 292,525) covering a period of 29 years (1981–2009). The results showed that the life satisfaction advantage of being married decreased over time among men but not among women. Furthermore, the decline of contextual gender specialization correlated with this trend in developed but not in developing countries. In developed countries the life satisfaction of unmarried people increased as the contextual gender specialization declined, whereas the life satisfaction of married people was not affected.  相似文献   
Population health and its determinants are one of the major challenges to social and economic policy. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between occupational activity and biological condition in adult working Polish men. The participants of the study were 300 men (30–65 years), healthy inhabitants of the city of Wroclaw, Poland. Seventeen measures of biological condition were examined. The subjects were divided into three different occupational groups: professionals, soldiers and skilled workers. A comparison of biological age profiles of three occupational groups showed that in the majority of characteristics, professionals had the youngest biological age, whereas skilled workers had the highest biological age. The results for soldiers were not as unambiguous, but biological parameters were generally closer to those for professionals. Inborn biological predispositions and long-term impact of the working environment can influence on the biological condition of various professional groups. Knowledge of the determinants of biological condition might result in efficient use of predisposition to work or may be of help in extending their time of work ability.  相似文献   
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) approximates changes in the costs of household consumption assuming the constant utility (COLI, Cost of Living Index). In practice, the Laspeyres price index is used to measure the CPI despite the fact that many economists consider the superlative indices to be the best approximation of COLI. The Fisher index is one of the superlative indices and additionally it satisfies most of tests from the axiomatic price index theory. Nevertheless, the Fisher price index makes use of current-period expenditure data and its usefulness in CPI measurement is limited. In this article, we verify the utility of using the Lowe, Young, and AG Mean indices for Fisher price index approximation. We confirm this utility in a simulation study and we provide an empirical proof.  相似文献   
We describe a method of calculating sharp lower and upper bounds on the expectations of arbitrary, properly centered L-statistics expressed in the Gini mean difference units of the original i.i.d. observations. Precise values of bounds are derived for the single-order statistics, their differences, and some examples of L-estimators. We also present the families of discrete distributions which attain the bounds, possibly in the limit.  相似文献   
We consider a secretary type problem where an administrator who has only one on-line choice in m consecutive searches has to choose the best candidate in one of them.  相似文献   
The problems linked with an E-optimal spring balance weighing design with correlated errors are discussed. The topic is focus on the determining the maximal eigenvalue of the inverse of the information matrix of estimators. The constructing method of the E-optimal design, based on the incidence matrices of balanced incomplete block designs, is presented.  相似文献   
In this paper, we present a new preference disaggregation method, called RUTA, which infers a set of additive value functions from the preference information referring to the desired ranks of some reference alternatives. Real-life experience indicates that people willingly refer to the range of allowed ranks that a particular alternative should attain, or to constraints on the final scores of the alternatives. We develop a mathematical model for incorporating such preference information via mixed-integer linear programming (MILP). Then, we discuss how decision making could be supported with the use of the already proposed extreme ranking analysis (ERA), which indicates the best and worst ranks gained by each alternative over the set of compatible preference model instances. We also introduce a new interactive UTA-like technique, which aims at selecting a single value function representing the outcomes of ERA. In the interactive process, the decision maker (DM) is assigning priorities to different pre-defined targets, which are built on results of ERA, and refer to the comparison of the best and/or worst ranks for pairs of alternatives. In particular, the DM may choose to emphasize or neglect the advantage of some alternatives over the others, in terms of results of ERA. In this way, one obtains a synthetic representation of extreme ranking analysis at a higher level of abstraction.  相似文献   
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