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Book reviewed in this article: Ethics and Professional Issues in Couple and Family Therapy: Hecker, Lorna (Ed.) Ordinary Families, Special Children: A Systems Approach to Childhood Disability: Seligman, Martin, Benjamin Darling: Blue Sky July: Nia Wyn, Nia, Penguin UK  相似文献   
正确认识加入 WTO,在当前仍有重要意义。从改革开放基本国策的高度去把握入世 ,应该看到 ,加入 WTO是中国改革开放的客观要求与必然结果 ,也为中国的改革开放提供了新的舞台。同时 ,改革开放为平稳入世创造了良好的经济环境 ,加快改革开放是缩短与世贸组织磨合期的基础和前提。  相似文献   
This paper examines how students with disabilities in Croatia perceive support, experience barriers and propose ways forward for equality of opportunities in the higher education system. In qualitative interviews, students were satisfied with the informal support they received from family and friends but dissatisfied with the formal support they received from universities and the government. Obstacles to inclusion included: inadequate transport and finance to attend university and minimal adaptation of buildings, toilets, lifts, classrooms and dormitories. Students proposed: investment in adapting buildings, personal assistants, educational grants and transport; coordination within the formal systems from national government to universities and non-governmental organisations; and measures to increase disability awareness for academics, professionals and other students within higher education. The situation for students with disabilities in Croatia is a reminder for those working in countries where policy and practice is relatively advanced that many disability battles are still to be won in newer nations.  相似文献   
We study the estimation and variable selection for a partial linear single index model (PLSIM) when some linear covariates are not observed, but their ancillary variables are available. We use the semiparametric profile least-square based estimation procedure to estimate the parameters in the PLSIM after the calibrated error-prone covariates are obtained. Asymptotic normality for the estimators are established. We also employ the smoothly clipped absolute deviation (SCAD) penalty to select the relevant variables in the PLSIM. The resulting SCAD estimators are shown to be asymptotically normal and have the oracle property. Performance of our estimation procedure is illustrated through numerous simulations. The approach is further applied to a real data example.  相似文献   
The lazy bureaucrat scheduling problem was first introduced by Arkin et al. (Inf Comput 184:129–146, 2003). Since then, a number of variants have been addressed. However, very little is known on the online version. In this note we focus on the scenario of online scheduling, in which the jobs arrive over time. The bureaucrat (machine) has a working time interval. Namely, he has a deadline by which all scheduled jobs must be completed. A decision is only based on released jobs without any information on the future. We consider two objective functions of [min-makespan] and [min-time-spent]. Both admit best possible online algorithms with competitive ratio of \(\frac{\sqrt{5}+1}{2}\approx 1.618\).  相似文献   
逯改 《当代青年》2021,(4):84-89
空巢青年的兴起与城市化息息相关.空巢青年,是城市化过程中的一种必然现象,是家庭核心化后家庭资源聚集的可行性产物,是青年个性发展和主体选择的结果.在城市化进程中助推空巢青年的健康成长与发展,需要我们打破标签,树立对空巢青年的理性认知和正确态度,正视空巢青年面临的困难及潜在的风险,构建城市共同体,推动空巢青年向筑巢青年转变.  相似文献   
从学校文化视野看和谐校园建设   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文在阐述学校文化、和谐校园含义的基础上,着重研究了学校文化建设对建设和谐校园的作用。从表层的实体文化、中间层的制度文化和内层的观念文化三方面对建设和谐校园进行了研究。提出以教师和学生为本的办学理念。  相似文献   
中国煤炭博物馆是目前我国煤炭行业唯一的一家国家一级博物馆。随着时代的发展、社会的进步,博物馆早已不再是一个单纯的、为收藏古董而设立的"仓库",它同时还应该是一个重要的社会文化中心。我们认为,应该把中国煤炭博物馆建成煤炭历史文化的收藏中心、研究中心、展示中心、交流中心,不断提升学术地位和扩大社会影响。  相似文献   
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