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主体间性思想政治教育扬弃了主体性思想政治教育的弊端,为当前思想政治教育提供了新的范式.针对当前研究生思想政治教育的现状和主要问题,围绕“一个中心”、“二项转变”和“三个原则”,建构研究生主体间性思想政治教育,以进一步提高研究生思想政治教育的针对性和实效性. 相似文献
研究架构以道德领导对员工伦理认同的影响为基点,考验共体信任在道德领导与伦理认同之间的中介效果,并验证共体信任对伦理认同的影响是否受到个体需要的干扰。结果发现:创新型企业的道德领导对个体的伦理认同有正面影响效果,而个体对创新型企业的共体信任程度具有中介效果;个体成就感需要与友谊需要的实现程度,会干扰共体信任与情感认同的关联,而个体经济需要与友谊需要的实现程度,会干扰共体信任与持续认同的关联。 相似文献
城市应急避难场所的建设是构成城市应急管理能力的一个基本要件。应急避难场所提供了灾害后,城市开展救援和城市居民进行自救的一个基本场所,因此,应急避难场所在当下城市灾害频繁发生的背景下显得意义十分重大。文章以广州为例,结合广州特大城市的基本特征,探讨大城市在建设应急避难场所实践中存在的一些问题,以特定案例的实践状况开探求大城市建设应急避难场所的可资借鉴的普遍性经验与规律。 相似文献
刘近 《盐城师范学院学报》2013,(4)
党的十八大报告提出“社会主义核心价值体系是兴国之魂”的新论断,并首次对社会主义核心价值观进行高度凝练.这些新发展对于和谐文化建设有着直接而深远的积极意义.在多元文化背景之下,建设社会主义和谐文化,要求我们要始终坚持以社会主义核心价值体系为引领.具体而言,必须对当前文化领域中普遍存在的西化、复古、泛化与弱化等不良倾向保持清醒的认识;必须辩证地把握西方文化、传统文化、大众文化与先进文化各自的特点,正确地处理其内在关系;必须采取各种有效手段,积极发挥社会主义核心价值体系的引领作用. 相似文献
Classification and regression tree has been useful in medical research to construct algorithms for disease diagnosis or prognostic prediction. Jin et al. 7 developed a robust and cost-saving tree (RACT) algorithm with application in classification of hip fracture risk after 5-year follow-up based on the data from the Study of Osteoporotic Fractures (SOF). Although conventional recursive partitioning algorithms have been well developed, they still have some limitations. Binary splits may generate a big tree with many layers, but trinary splits may produce too many nodes. In this paper, we propose a classification approach combining trinary splits and binary splits to generate a trinary–binary tree. A new non-inferiority test of entropy is used to select the binary or trinary splits. We apply the modified method in SOF to construct a trinary–binary classification rule for predicting risk of osteoporotic hip fracture. Our new classification tree has good statistical utility: it is statistically non-inferior to the optimum binary tree and the RACT based on the testing sample and is also cost-saving. It may be useful in clinical applications: femoral neck bone mineral density, age, height loss and weight gain since age 25 can identify subjects with elevated 5-year hip fracture risk without loss of statistical efficiency. 相似文献
靳明全 《重庆师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2012,(1):98-101
朱执信在批评日本学者千贺鹤太郎米本位说的同时,提出了他的货本位观点,即以人生必需东西为货本位,强调以货物准备,由银行发行证券。朱执信的主张是观照了中日经济界的现实,也是对近代中国货币学理论的一个建构。 相似文献
This study examined various life stresses associated with relocation that may contribute to depressive symptoms among Korean immigrant elders in Texas. A sample of 120 elders was assessed using the Geriatric Depression Scale–Short Form and a 90-min face-to-face interview. Over 1/3 of respondents (37.5%) had symptoms of depression. Regression analyses (R2 = .331) indicate that self-rated health, stressful life events, English language proficiency, satisfaction of visiting one's birth place, and watching TV were correlates of depressive symptoms among them. The findings of this observational study may be used as a baseline for designing service program for this population. 相似文献
In this era of “liquid modernity,” China faces the dual pressures of external globalization and internal social transformation. Within these dual space-time coordinates, academic research should address the question of what makes national identity possible by moving away from its fixation on macro-narratives and concrete micro-analysis of civic or ethnic identity, etc., to focus on meso-analysis. To do this, it is important to allay individuals’ ontological anxiety so that they return to ontological security; to realize the production and reproduction of a national centripetal force; and to highlight the functional power of national identity. Both theoretical studies and real-world experience show that national identity cannot play a stable and coherent role on its own, but needs the structural support of three fundamental systems: economic incentives, political values, and institutional organization. The functional cohesion of these systems provides an effective path to the realization of national identity. 相似文献
Brooke Fisher Liu Yan Jin Rowena Briones Beth Kuch 《Journal of Public Relations Research》2013,25(4):353-370
Through interviews with 40 American Red Cross communication professionals, this study examines how an organization that frequently responds to crises proactively manages on- and offline communication before, during, and after crises. The results provide the first empirical evaluation of an emerging model: the blog-mediated crisis communication model (BMCC). The lessons shared by the American Red Cross are insightful for researchers to understand the process of blog-mediated crisis communication in the nonprofit sector, which are also relevant for other public relations professionals. The findings support components of the original BMCC model, but also clearly indicate important revisions, including renaming the model the social-mediated crisis communication model (SMCC). 相似文献
ABSTRACTChina made remarkable progress in rural poverty alleviation. A major policy instrument is the County Level Poverty Alleviation Program, which has vast policy support but is also criticized for targeting errors, misuse of funds, and making poverty both shameful and attractive. Whether this program, or the country’s economic growth in general, is the main force in poverty reduction is the question addressed in this article, analyzing data for the 592 poor counties. The response to the economic growth–policy alleviation conundrum is that a push for social wellbeing and empowerment is needed together with economic growth to achieve major poverty improvements. 相似文献