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Survey data from a national sample of homeless family shelters (N=59)were analyzed to describe the family support programming available to residents. Data were reported on facility and resident characteristics and family support programming, as well as on facility admission criteria and program participation requirements. Four independent variables (length of stay, shelter capacity, sponsorship, and program philosophy) were examined for their relationship to the family-oriented services offered. Facilities sheltered an average of 17 families, with a range of 2–200; the average length of stay for families was slightly over 5 months. Regarding family programming, services of an educational nature were more popular than those focused on providing support or therapy/intervention; services to parents to further adult development were more often offered than those either directed to parents in their parenting roles or to the family as a unit. Virtually all shelters (98%) applied eligibility criteria to families seeking admission. The most common reasons for exclusion were active drug (86%) and alcohol (83%) abuse by a family member; 40% also refused acceptance to families with adolescent males. Seventy-eight percent of facilities mandated participation in some support services. Smaller shelters operated with greater numbers of exclusions (¯x=5.98773; p<.05);larger shelters had higher percentages of mandatory family programming (¯x= 9.21823; p<.06).These findings shed light on shelter directors' beliefs about the etiology of family homelessness and proper steps to solve the problem.  相似文献   
Some learning environments show particular promise of creating pathways to postsecondary education, careers, and engaged citizenship for urban young adults from ages fifteen to twenty-four.  相似文献   
Childhood sexual abuse is associated with high-risk sexual behavior in men who have sex with men. This study examined psychological and behavioral correlates of HIV risk behavior associated with childhood sexual abuse in a sample of men who have sex with men. Men attending a large gay pride event (N = 647) completed anonymous surveys that assessed demographic characteristics, childhood sexual abuse history, symptoms of dissociation and trauma-related anxiety, borderline personality characteristics, substance use, and sexual risk behavior. Results indicated that men who have a history of childhood sexual abuse were more likely to: engage in high-risk sexual behavior (i.e., unprotected receptive anal intercourse), trade sex for money or drugs, report being HIV positive, and experience non-sexual relationship violence. Results of this study extend previous research to show that men who have sex with men and who have a history of child sexual abuse are more likely to be at high risk for HIV infection.  相似文献   
As the Chinese government has purposefully built economic, social and political links with several African states in recent decades, new patterns of international migration have emerged. Notably, mixed‐race families are increasingly visible in southern China, particularly Guangzhou, where there is a concentration of African traders. The few existing studies on this population have failed to pay attention to how, in the absence of state provision of or support for key public resources including health care and education, African‐Chinese families are raising their children. We examined factors contributing to NGO successes and failures in facilitating these families’ wellbeing and integration into mainstream society, drawing on the theory of voluntary sector failure. Mixed‐raced families are relatively isolated from mainstream society as well as formal/informal civil society organisations. We found select features of philanthropic paternalism, philanthropic amateurism, and what we term philanthropic mistrust, with implications for understanding voluntary sector growth in the Chinese context.  相似文献   
This study explores how men and women who are self-employed and have children living at home construct work–life balance. Guided by the concept of work–life fit, in-depth interviews were conducted with 22 parents who were self-employed and had at least one dependent child. Using thematic analysis, the first theme, ‘in control,’ related primarily to schedule flexibility but also extended to income opportunities and, sometimes, to job security. Feelings of control were experienced and expressed in relation to shortcomings of previous job experiences, business location, and preferences for raising children. The second theme, ‘always on,’ meant that parents expected to be both readily accessible to children and available to clients, while continually pursuing income opportunities. This contributed to time pressure, although some viewed participation in volunteer and children's activities as a form of business networking. Work–life balance was described in terms of time, activity, or experience. Most participants believed self-employment contributes positively, but some questioned whether work–life balance is possible. Parents mostly followed traditional gender role patterns. Some fathers resisted this arrangement and saw self-employment as a way to participate more actively in family life. Implications and directions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   
London AS  Elman C 《Demography》2001,38(2):283-297
Historical demography documents that mother-only families were more common among African Americans than among Euro-Americans early in the twentieth century. We find direct evidence that African American males in both first and higher-order marriages were more likely to have (re)married previously married women and were more likely to have (re)married women with children. This racial difference in (re)marital partner choice reduced the racial difference in the prevalence of mother-only families such that, in the absence of such remarriage choices, the prevalence of mother-only families in the turn-of-the-century African American population would have been even higher than has been reported. Remarriage in this period countered the various demographic, economic, cultural, and social-institutional forces that disproportionately destabilized African American marriages; it must be taken into account more fully by analysts concerned with racial differences in family structure.  相似文献   
VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - Indigenous communities have historically been some of the most researched communities around the globe. But much of this...  相似文献   
Clinicians and researchers alike have pointed to the considerable variation in trauma responses among women who have been raped. This qualitative study attempts to enhance the understanding of strengths and vulnerabilities in women who have been sexually assaulted and factors which influence their recovery. The results of the study suggest that there is an association between a woman's post-traumatic stress response to rape and her pre-existing perceptions of self and other. Women with positive early life experiences were able to mobilize adaptive coping mechanisms and thereby diminish the long-term impact of the sexual assault experience. In contrast, women with disruptive or traumatic early life experiences appeared to have negative views of self and other reinforced, which subsequently interfered with their ability to activate adaptive coping mechanisms. Implications of these findings for the development of treatment programs are discussed.  相似文献   
The goal of this research project was to gain information about the readiness skills of kindergarten children in 11 inner city schools with the highest poverty rates in the Salt Lake City School District. Kindergarten teachers and principals in these schools were interviewed regarding their perceptions of the readiness skills needed for these children to be successful in their schools. A summary of the readiness skills of the kindergarten children was derived from a state mandated Pre-Kindergarten Assessment. Most principals stressed children's social and emotional development as a priority in school readiness. The majority of teachers emphasized literacy as a prerequisite for school success. Yet, the Pre-Kindergarten Assessment revealed that one fourth of the children could not identify the front of a book and two thirds of the children did not know where to start or which direction to go when reading. Half of the parents of these children reported that they rarely read to their children and that they had only visited a library once or not at all. The gap between the readiness skills educators think these children need and the skills children enter school with presents a serious problem for educators and policy makers. Multiple intervention strategies are recommended including providing education and home activities to enhance children's readiness skills, coordinating access to early childhood programs, and educating parents on available community resources.  相似文献   
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