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Transformation of the labor market creates a complex and dynamic environment where jobs and skills are exchanged. Studies suggest that contemporary industrial shifts provided less opportunity than in the past, and that technological change led to a complicated melange of employment outcomes. Many of the new jobs are characterized by a series of negative qualities related to income and hours. Accordingly, this analysis concentrates on inadequate employment through low-wage work and involuntary part-time work. I examine the effect of contextual factors, specifically area levels of occupational sex-segregation and the size of the service sector industry, on men and women's marginal employment outcomes. Several findings stand out. First, women post higher chances of working for low-wages than their male counterparts. However, employment in the expanding service sector does reduce men and women's chances of experiencing part-time work. Second, the protection afforded by individual level, human capital qualities remains relatively constant for women across metro areas, but labor market context significantly affects women's odds of employment marginalization. Context is not as salient for men, but the value of their personal attributes vary across labor markets. Finally, women working in areas with higher levels of occupational sex-segregation were relatively worse off than those in areas with more integration. Industrial restructuring clearly contributed to recent shifts in U.S. employment and inequality. Studies suggest that contemporary industrial shifts have provided less opportunity than in the past, greater inequality between rich and poor, and a complicated melange of inadequate employment outcomes (Colclough and Tolbert 1992; Farley 1996; Harrison and Bluestone 1988; Morris, Bernhardt, and Handcock 1994; Sassen 1994). Deindustrialization, as it is sometimes called, offers opportunity for highly-educated, skilled, or technologically-innovative men and women. However, lower skilled workers or those with less education may face relatively good job markets filled with positions that are low quality in terms of wages, hours, or benefits. This bifurcation of work is credited with not only reducing the sex-wage gap, but also increasing inequality within sex groups (Bernhardt, Morris, and Handcock 1995). By employing a new structuralist approach and focusing on the area opportunity structure, along with the traditional human capital framework, I link both the local labor market context and individual qualities that affect employment outcomes (Browne 1997; Cotter et al. 1997; McCall 2000). In this article, I examine the effect of contextual factors, specifically the area industrial composition and the openness of the labor market, on men and women's marginal employment outcomes during the early 1990s.  相似文献   
介绍了当前国内施工总分包模式下专业分包企业竞争力的发展现状;分析了存在的问题;提出了通过对专业分包企业的内部和外部环境进行改革,提高其竞争力的对策措施。  相似文献   
论述了在现代市场经济环境下,怎样规制成为规制研究的重要领域;指出机制设计理论为政府怎样规制提供了思路,规制机制设计理论在经历了完全信息假定后,在不对称信息视角下获得长足发展。  相似文献   
甘肃省出生缺陷1:2配对病例对照研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解甘肃省出生缺陷死亡率及易患因素,为“甘肃省出生缺陷干预工程”项目的实施提供可干预的核心因素。根据甘肃地理特点及经济状况,按随机分层整群抽样方法,抽取了4个县,共42个乡为调查点。结果显示四县市婴儿总死亡率15.8‰(98例),出生缺陷死亡率7.7‰。甘肃省出生缺陷前五位的致病因素依次为:母亲孕早期接触农药史;母亲孕前一月服药史;母亲孕期接触农药史;母亲孕早期感染史;既往流产史。  相似文献   
新冠肺炎疫情对我国消费行业造成极大冲击,但也为消费行业线上业务的发展创造了新机遇。以餐饮业为研究对象,采用菜么么SaaS云餐饮管理系统16 508家餐饮门店2019年12月8日至2020年7月31日的数据,使用描述性统计分阶段刻画新冠疫情对餐饮业的影响,并运用向量自回归方法实证检验新冠肺炎疫情对餐饮业的冲击及疫情期间外卖业务与餐饮整体间的相互影响关系。研究发现,此次疫情对餐饮业的影响具有阶段性和异质性特征,生存时间长的餐饮主体抗风险能力更强;疫情期间,以外卖业务为代表的线上餐饮服务对餐饮业起到了有力补充,并在后疫情时期仍表现强劲。为此,餐饮业应拓展外卖市场,餐饮企业应有效提升自身抗风险能力并实现应急管理常态化。  相似文献   
2020年暴发的新冠肺炎疫情是全球共同关注的重大突发公共卫生事件,习近平总书记指出要加强舆论引导,营造强信心、暖人心、聚民心的舆论氛围。立足国家层面,将疫情期间的新闻策略归纳为三种典型策略框架——建构大国形象(强信心)、筑建共同体文化(暖人心)、建立公正机制(聚民心),并进行实证研究。研究发现:对三大典型策略的主流新闻,人群的反应均倾向于比较积极的情绪,认可程度及信心倾向较高;国家机关和国有企业的人员、收入稳定人群、26~45岁的中青年对国家拥有更强的信心。  相似文献   
美墨水债问题是20世纪90年代以来,美国和墨西哥两国对其界河格兰德河开发利用中产生的国际水权纠纷。格兰德河的流域气候及双方在解决国际河流水资源的理念立场、制度安排决定了美墨水债问题的长期性和复杂性。未来两国不会因为水债问题推翻原有的国家间条约,缔结新的协议,而仍会在1906年、1944年水条约形成的基本条约框架内协调水债问题。美墨边境农民问题、美国新建边境墙问题、水流交付时间问题、生态环境保护问题、全美运河衬砌引起的边境地下水问题都会对水债问题产生影响。美墨水权纠纷的新发展可以为我国相关国际河流政策的制定提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   
对南京市高淳县的抽样调查表明,农村50岁以上独生子女父母家庭成为空巢的超过六成,主要原因是子女外出打工或就业。该群体大多数人觉得2个孩子对于养老来说更好,但靠子女养老的观念已大为减弱。这些家庭的代际经济互动开始由父母养育子女为主转向子女对父母反哺为主。近七成独生子女父母赞成与子女分开住,超过一半的人明确表示即使子女今后迁往城镇,他们也不会到子女家住,但同时他们并未显示出对社会养老保障的信任,这种窘境使这些曾为人口控制作出突出贡献的老人面临严峻的养老挑战。  相似文献   
以学业失败的流动儿童为研究对象,采用质的研究方法,选取在南京市某所公办小学就读的四位流动儿童进行个案研究。通过揭示流动儿童中“差生”形成的原因,分析公办学校教育、家庭背景在流动儿童受教育过程中的影响作用,并揭示导致流动儿童学业失败的社会根源。本研究在流动儿童教育起点公平的基础上探讨教育过程和结果的公平。  相似文献   
不同于既有研究倾向于对流动儿童社会问题进行宏观上的推定,本研究以流动儿童对于城市的主体性印象为基点,研究发现,大多流动儿童对城市的物质环境适应较快,容易由习惯趋于依赖,部分流动儿童对城市中冷漠的社会环境感受强烈,可能与城乡社会“陌生人一熟人”关系特质差异有关;流动儿童大多羡慕城市人的生活方式,这恰与他们当前状况反差明显,他们中不少人敏感于城市人的歧视,自尊心驱使他们不愿被人知道来自农村;流动儿童对隶属群体的评价优劣参半,显现出价值观“局部城市化”的痕迹,他们在自我身份归属方面存在分化,其中有些人呈现身份归属模糊的特征,导致一种“空认同”。  相似文献   
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