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The statistical analysis of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) as endpoints has shown to be of great practical relevance. The resulting scores or indexes from the questionnaires used to measure PROs could be treated as continuous or ordinal. The goal of this study is to propose and evaluate a recoding process of the scores, so that they can be treated as binomial outcomes and, therefore, analyzed using logistic regression with random effects. The general methodology of recoding is based on the observable values of the scores. In order to obtain an optimal recoding, the evaluation of the recoding method is tested for different values of the parameters of the binomial distribution and different probability distributions of the random effects. We illustrate, evaluate and validate the proposed method of recoding with the Short Form-36 (SF-36) Survey and real data. The optimal recoding approach is very useful and flexible. Moreover, it has a natural interpretation, not only for ordinal scores, but also for questionnaires with many dimensions and different profiles, where a common method of analysis is desired, such as the SF-36.  相似文献   
Box–Cox together with our newly proposed transformation were implemented in three different real world empirical problems to alleviate noisy and the volatility effect of them. Consequently, a new domain was constructed. Subsequently, universe of discourse for transformed data was established and an approach for calculating effective length of the intervals was then proposed. Considering the steps above, the initial forecasts were performed using frequently used fuzzy time series (FTS) methods on transformed data. Final forecasts were retrieved from initial forecasted values by proper inverse operation. Comparisons of the results demonstrate that the proposed method produced more accurate forecasts compared with existing FTS on original data.  相似文献   
The objective of this research was to demonstrate a framework for drawing inference from sensitivity analyses of incomplete longitudinal clinical trial data via a re‐analysis of data from a confirmatory clinical trial in depression. A likelihood‐based approach that assumed missing at random (MAR) was the primary analysis. Robustness to departure from MAR was assessed by comparing the primary result to those from a series of analyses that employed varying missing not at random (MNAR) assumptions (selection models, pattern mixture models and shared parameter models) and to MAR methods that used inclusive models. The key sensitivity analysis used multiple imputation assuming that after dropout the trajectory of drug‐treated patients was that of placebo treated patients with a similar outcome history (placebo multiple imputation). This result was used as the worst reasonable case to define the lower limit of plausible values for the treatment contrast. The endpoint contrast from the primary analysis was ? 2.79 (p = .013). In placebo multiple imputation, the result was ? 2.17. Results from the other sensitivity analyses ranged from ? 2.21 to ? 3.87 and were symmetrically distributed around the primary result. Hence, no clear evidence of bias from missing not at random data was found. In the worst reasonable case scenario, the treatment effect was 80% of the magnitude of the primary result. Therefore, it was concluded that a treatment effect existed. The structured sensitivity framework of using a worst reasonable case result based on a controlled imputation approach with transparent and debatable assumptions supplemented a series of plausible alternative models under varying assumptions was useful in this specific situation and holds promise as a generally useful framework. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Many methods are available for computing a confidence interval for the binomial parameter, and these methods differ in their operating characteristics. It has been suggested in the literature that the use of the exact likelihood ratio (LR) confidence interval for the binomial proportion should be considered. This paper provides an evaluation of the operating characteristics of the two‐sided exact LR and exact score confidence intervals for the binomial proportion and compares these results to those for three other methods that also strictly maintain nominal coverage: Clopper‐Pearson, Blaker, and Casella. In addition, the operating characteristics of the two‐sided exact LR method and exact score method are compared with those of the corresponding asymptotic methods to investigate the adequacy of the asymptotic approximation. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Interpreting data and communicating effectively through graphs and tables are requisite skills for statisticians and non‐statisticians in the pharmaceutical industry. However, the quality of visual displays of data in the medical and pharmaceutical literature and at scientific conferences is severely lacking. We describe an interactive, workshop‐driven, 2‐day short course that we constructed for pharmaceutical research personnel to learn these skills. The examples in the course and the workshop datasets source from our professional experiences, the scientific literature, and the mass media. During the course, the participants are exposed to and gain hands‐on experience with the principles of visual and graphical perception, design, and construction of both graphic and tabular displays of quantitative and qualitative information. After completing the course, with a critical eye, the participants are able to construct, revise, critique, and interpret graphic and tabular displays according to an extensive set of guidelines. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We introduce a class of random fields that can be understood as discrete versions of multicolour polygonal fields built on regular linear tessellations. We focus first on a subclass of consistent polygonal fields, for which we show Markovianity and solvability by means of a dynamic representation. This representation is used to design new sampling techniques for Gibbsian modifications of such fields, a class which covers lattice‐based random fields. A flux‐based modification is applied to the extraction of the field tracks network from a Synthetic Aperture Radar image of a rural area.  相似文献   
Multivariate nonparametric smoothers, such as kernel based smoothers and thin plate splines smoothers, are adversely impacted by the sparseness of data in high dimension, also known as the curse of dimensionality. Adaptive smoothers, that can exploit the underlying smoothness of the regression function, may partially mitigate this effect. This paper presents a comparative simulation study of a novel adaptive smoother (IBR) with competing multivariate smoothers available as package or function within the R language and environment for statistical computing. Comparison between the methods are made on simulated datasets of moderate size, from 50 to 200 observations, with two, five or 10 potential explanatory variables, and on a real dataset. The results show that the good asymptotic properties of IBR are complemented by a very good behavior on moderate sized datasets, results which are similar to those obtained with Duchon low rank splines.  相似文献   
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