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Many Latino youth are often unable to access mental health services and support following exposure to traumatic and stressful events. This study assesses the benefits and effectiveness of utilizing Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS), a school based intervention, with Spanish speaking, Latino youth residing in New Orleans, Louisiana, in effort to address presenting symptoms of trauma and depression.


Twenty three children and adolescents ages 10 to 14, in fifth, sixth and seventh grades, presenting with symptoms of trauma and depression, participated in a 10 week program of CBITS which was primarily conducted in Spanish.


Children who participated in CBITS reported significantly fewer symptoms of trauma and depression following the intervention; however, no differences were noted between genders. Significant differences were observed between older boys and girls (12–14), as they were more likely to report higher levels of exposure to trauma than younger boys and girls (10–11). The effect sizes for the intervention were large.


Findings of this study suggest that CBITS is a practical and effective school based intervention available to mental health providers as a resource to be used with Spanish speaking, Latino youth who have been exposed to different forms of stress and trauma.

M. I. Finley, The Use and Abuse of History (1975), 254 (Chatto &; Windus, £4.50).

John H. Langbein, Prosecuting Crime in the Renaissance. England, Germany, France (1974), ix+321 (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, £7.50).

Hans‐Ulrich Wehler (ed.), Der Deutsche Bauernkrieg, 1524–1526 (1975), 356 (Geschichte und Gesellschaft, Sonderheft 1, Vandenhoek und Ruprecht, Göttingen, DM 39).

Mervyn James, Family, Lineage and Civil Society. A Study of Society, Politics and Mentality in the Durham Region 1500–1640 (1974), x+233 (Oxford University Press, £5.00).

C. W. Chalklin and M. A. Havinden (eds.), Rural Change and Urban Growth 1500–1800. Essays in English Regional History in Honour of W. G. Hoskins (1974), xxvi+360 (Longman, £8.50).

Peggy K. Liss, Mexico under Spain, 1521–1556. Society and the Origins of Nationality (1975), xvi+229 (University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, £7.50).

J. I. Israel, Race, Class and Politics in Colonial Mexico, 1610–1670 (1975), xiii+305 (Oxford University Press, £8.00).

Olwen H. Hufton, The Poor of Eighteenth‐Century France, 1750–1789 (1974), xiii+414 (Oxford University Press, £9.00).

B. R. Mitchell, European Historical Statistics 1750–1970 (1975), xx+827 (Macmillan, £24).

Edward Royle, Victorian Infidels (1974), viii+357 (Manchester University Press, Manchester, £6.00).

Verena Martinez‐Alier, Marriage, Class and Colour in Nineteenth‐Century Cuba. A Study of Racial Attitudes and Sexual Values in a Slave Society (1974), x+202 (Cambridge University Press, £4.40).

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A. Allan MacLaren, Religion and Social Class: The Disruption Years in Aberdeen (1974), xii+268 (Routledge, £4.95).

David Jones, Chartism and the Chartists (1975), 229 (Allen Lane, £6.00, paperback £3.00).

Robert Gellately, The Politics of Economic Despair: Shopkeepers and German Politics 1890–1914 (1974), xvi+317 (Sage Publications, £6.00).

Alan A. Jackson, Semi‐Detached London: Suburban Development, Life and Transport 1900–39 (1973), 381 (George Allen and Unwin, £6.50).  相似文献   
The paper presents the development of a cutting tool guide, specifically for the harvest of bamboo. The development was made based on precepts of eco-design and ergonomics, for prioritizing the physical health of the operator and the maintenance of the environment, as well as meet specific requirements of bamboo. The main goal is to spread the use of bamboo as construction material, handicrafts, among others, from a handy, easy assembly and material available tool.  相似文献   
This paper describes the process of developing a parallel intervention for HIV-positive mothers and their young children (6-10 years) with a view to strengthening the relationship between them. Strong mother-child relationships can contribute to enhanced psychological resilience in children. The intervention was developed through action research, involving a situation analysis based on focus group discussions; intervention planning, piloting the intervention and a formative evaluation of the intervention. Participants supplied feedback regarding the value of the intervention in mother-child relationships. The findings obtained from the formative evaluation were used to refine the intervention. Two parallel programmes for mothers and children (15 sessions each) were followed by 10 joint sessions. The intervention for mothers focused on maternal mental health and the strengthening of their capacity to protect and care for their young children. The intervention for children addressed the development of their self-esteem, interpersonal relationships and survival skills. The formative evaluation provided evidence of good participation, support and group cohesion. Qualitative feedback indicated that the activities stimulated mother-child interaction. A similar intervention can easily be applied elsewhere using the detailed manual. The insights gained and lessons learnt related to mother and child interaction within an HIV-context that emerged from this research, can be valuable in other settings, both in Sub-Saharan Africa and elsewhere.  相似文献   
Coverage of contributory pension programmes has been quite disappointing in Latin America in the aftermath of the reforms. The question thus arises as to whether non‐contributory programmes could fill the gap. Uruguay is atypical in this region in that the proportion of the elderly receiving contributory pensions is high, and the incidence of poverty among the aged population is lower than among any other age group. But several observers fear that this situation could deteriorate in the future, because the conditions for accessing the pensions have been significantly tightened in the past decade. This article assesses several options for reforming the existing non‐contributory pension programme, and estimates their fiscal cost.  相似文献   
Financial crises are a recurrent phenomenon with important effects on the real economy. The financial system is inherently fragile and it is therefore of great importance to be able to measure and characterize its systemic stability. Multivariate extreme value theory provide us such a framework through the fragility index ( 11, 7 and 8). Here we generalize this concept and contribute to the modeling of the stability of a stochastic system divided into blocks. We will find several relations with well-known tail dependence measures in the literature, which will provide us immediate estimators. We end with an application to financial data.  相似文献   
The current study aimed to test the fit of the Portuguese version of the Hartford Geriatric Social Work Competency Scale II – Assessment subscale (GSWCS-A) and explore its factor structure and psychometric properties in a sample of 534 social workers working in the gerontology field. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that all items presented good factor loadings and that the single-component model fit the data well. The GSWCS-A showed very good internal consistency. Despite the existence of different theoretical perspectives on Social Work, which frame the required competencies for professional practice, the GSWCS-A Portuguese version revealed similitudes with studies conducted in other countries. Nevertheless, the different factor structures (single-component vs. bi-factorial) may indicate that different competencies are being emphasised in terms of professional training. To sum, the GSWCS-A may be a short and useful self-report instrument for addressing social workers’ assessment competencies in the gerontology setting.  相似文献   
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