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Stepfamily couples face unique challenges that put them at higher risk for dissolution than non-stepfamily couples. Risks for stepfamily couples are magnified in the context of lower economic resources, making low-income stepfamily couples a key target population for intervention and for community education programs. Existing programs and services for couples often do not address the unique situations of stepfamilies. This article builds on previous reviews that have offered information on important research themes and assessment of available curricula for stepfamily couples and presents a more comprehensive conceptual model to guide program design and services for stepfamily couples inclusive of specific objectives, as well as conditions and antecedents affecting content and prioritized needs. The goal is to enhance efforts to strengthen more vulnerable couples in complex families.  相似文献   

Using a sample of emerging adults (N = 536), this study examined detailed cumulative family structure spanning birth through emerging adulthood. Latent class analysis was used to determine profiles of cumulative family structure experiences based on measures of family structure measured at 5 time points, duration in current family structure, the number of parent relationship transitions, and the number of sibling transitions. Two distinct stable groups, 2 distinct mostly stable groups, and 1 highly unstable group emerged. Additionally, we explored 2 demographic variables as predictors of class membership, and class-level differences on current levels of well-being with a sample of emerging adults.  相似文献   
This article explores the process of learning and strategic change in small and medium-sized family firms (family SMEs). Organizational learning theory posits that knowledge must be integrated throughout the firm to facilitate strategic renewal. This process occurs in a particular way in family SMEs, according to their specific characteristics. In such firms the family’s role, the company size and the lack of formal procedures and systems strongly affect the process of learning and change. The study applies the 4I model of organizational learning to three case studies and offers empirical support for this model. The article has theoretical implications for variants of the 4I model as applied to family SMEs, and implications for practice related to the family’s role in starting and perpetuating the process of learning and change.  相似文献   
This work stems from the idea of describing the scientific productivity of Italian statisticians. There are several problems that must be addressed in achieving this goal: What data should be used? Have the data been cleaned? What techniques can be used? We propose the use of multiple sources and multiple metrics to get a complete information base. We check the correctness of the data using multivariate outlier identification techniques. We appropriately transform the data. We apply robust clustering to verify the existence of homogeneous groups. We suggest the use of forward search to establish a ranking among scholars. The proposed methodology, which, in this case, allowed us to group scholars into four homogeneous groups and sort them according to multidimensional data, can be applied to other similar applications in bibliometrics.  相似文献   
This article enlarges the covariance configurations, on which the classical linear discriminant analysis is based, by considering the four models arising from the spectral decomposition when eigenvalues and/or eigenvectors matrices are allowed to vary or not between groups. As in the classical approach, the assessment of these configurations is accomplished via a test on the training set. The discrimination rule is then built upon the configuration provided by the test, considering or not the unlabeled data. Numerical experiments, on simulated and real data, have been performed to evaluate the gain of our proposal with respect to the linear discriminant analysis.  相似文献   
Summary.  Clinical trials of micronutrient supplementation are aimed at reducing the risk of infant mortality by increasing birth weight. Because infant mortality is greatest among the low birth weight (LBW) infants (2500 g or under), an effective intervention increases the birth weight among the smallest babies. The paper defines population and counterfactual parameters for estimating the treatment effects on birth weight and on survival as functions of the percentiles of the birth weight distribution. We use a Bayesian approach with data augmentation to approximate the posterior distributions of the parameters, taking into account uncertainty that is associated with the imputation of the counterfactuals. This approach is particularly suitable for exploring the sensitivity of the results to unverifiable modelling assumptions and other prior beliefs. We estimate that the average causal effect of the treatment on birth weight is 72 g (95% posterior regions 33–110 g) and that this causal effect is largest among the LBW infants. Posterior inferences about average causal effects of the treatment on birth weight are robust to modelling assumptions. However, inferences about causal effects for babies at the tails of the birth weight distribution can be highly sensitive to the unverifiable assumption about the correl-ation between the observed and the counterfactuals birth weights. Among the LBW infants who have a large causal effect of the treatment on birth weight, we estimate that a baby receiving the treatment has 5% less chance of death than if the same baby had received the control. Among the LBW infants, we found weak evidence supporting an additional beneficial effect of the treatment on mortality independent of birth weight.  相似文献   
Our case study focuses on Milan. Italian law specifies strict guidelines for the permissibility of high levels of a variety of air pollutants in cities. In Milan, a highly sophisticated network of recording stations has been constructed to monitor pollutant levels. The aim of this paper is to obtain a summary of the temporal behaviour of the pollutant series, with particular reference to extreme levels. Simple exploratory analysis reveals a number of sources of stochastic variation and possible dependence on covariate effects, which are subsequently modelled, exploiting recent developments in the modelling and inference for temporal extremes. Using this methodology, we examine the issues of data trends, non-stationarity, meteorological effects and temporal dependence, all of which have substantive implications in the design of pollution control regulations. Moreover, the asymptotic basis of these extreme value models justifies the interpretation of our results, even at levels that are exceptionally high.  相似文献   

The vast majority of studies looking into the relationship between childbearing and subjective well-being use overall measures where respondents either report their general level of happiness or their life satisfaction, leaving substantial doubt about the underlying mechanisms. However, life satisfaction and happiness are intuitively multidimensional concepts, simply because there cannot be only one aspect that affects individuals' well-being. In this study, by considering seventeen specific life satisfaction domains, these features come out very clearly. Whereas all the domains considered matter for the overall life satisfaction, only three of them, namely satisfaction with leisure, health and satisfaction with the partnership, change dramatically surrounding childbearing events. Even though we cannot generalise (since these results stem from one particular panel survey, i.e., Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia data), it appears that the typical anticipation and post-child decrease of life satisfaction, so often found in existing studies, stems from changes in these three domains.

We propose a simple, but effective, tool to detect possible anomalies in the services prescribed by a health care provider (HP) compared to his/her colleagues in the same field and environment. Our method is based on the concentration function that is an extension of the Lorenz curve widely used in describing uneven distribution of wealth in a population. The proposed tool provides a graphical illustration of a possible anomalous behavior of the HPs and it can be used as a prescreening device for further investigations of potential medical fraud.  相似文献   
This article examines the vicissitudes that affect the migration trajectories of many Nigerian women who experienced trafficking before arriving in Italy, and end up in Centers for Identification and Expulsion (CIE) for undocumented migrants. Their life stories, collected within the CIE of Ponte Galeria (Rome), revealed violence as “a rule of action” with which these women are obliged to cope with at different levels. Moreover, they highlighted the failure of traditional security approaches to human trafficking, and the necessity to rethink the measures adopted to ensure survivors' protection and rights. As it is conceived, the system of immigration control prevents the full guarantee of survivors' rights, often labelling them as “illegal migrants”. Finally, there is the need to extend protection to all survivors of human trafficking even if the crime against them has not happened in Italy.  相似文献   
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