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Time of peak bat activity during the night differs among bat species due to temperature, prey availability, habitat availability, and/or interactions between species. Habitat availability is altered in urban areas, which may affect insect prey availability and interspecies interactions. Our objectives were to use mobile acoustic monitoring to determine when bat species were active in a single night in urban and nonurban sites and if nightly bat activity patterns differed in urban versus nonurban sites. Bat echolocation call sequences were recorded using Anabat acoustic detectors while driving transects through the night at five sites (three “urban” and two “nonurban”) located in the Piedmont region of north-central North Carolina from May through August 2016. Transects were driven three times per night starting 45 min, 180 min, and 300 min after sunset. Recorded echolocation call sequences were analyzed manually using AnalookW and automatically using Bat Call Identification and Echoclass software. Total bat activity was not different between urban and nonurban sites. However, total bat activity was lower later in the night in urban sites, but stayed the same in nonurban sites. Species specifically, there were more Eptesicus fuscus, Lasionycteris noctivagans, and Tadarida brasiliensis call sequences and fewer Lasiurus borealis, Nycticeius humeralis, and Perimyotis subflavus call sequences in urban sites than nonurban sites. There were also fewer E. fuscus, L. noctivagans, and N. humeralis call sequences later in the night in both urban and nonurban sites. Only Lasiurus borealis activity in urban sites later in the night reduced and L. borealis activity in nonurban sites remained at the same. These results suggest that bats in urban areas partition time differently, which is important to consider for urban conservation efforts and planning.  相似文献   
《物权法》是确认和保护多种所有制经济,充分发挥公有制优越性的重要措施。从《物权法》的基本原则、显著特点、主要内涵、政策导向等方面进行论述和分析,供政府、企业等相关人士研究参考。  相似文献   
清代广州十三行是政府特许的外贸垄断组织。在广州一口通商时期,十三行成为中国走向世界的桥梁,世界透视中国的主要窗口,在中西交流中起着十分重要的作用。  相似文献   
中国经过30多年的改革开放,社会财富较过去大为丰富,但与此同时,区域发展水平差异较大,各个地区收入水平和均衡程度、社会福利、公共服务等方面各有不同,不同区域分享改革成果的水平存在显著差别,必须以包容的增长思想统筹全国发展。采用因子分析方法对全国31个省市区经济增长对民生民富的包容度进行了测度,结果显示目前京沪等经济发达地区对民生民富的包容水平明显领先于中西部地区。整体来看,各地经济发展水平与当地经济对民生的包容状况具有较强的正向关系。  相似文献   
2005年河南省经济形势分析和2006年展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2005年,河南经济获得了又快又好的发展,经济总量首次超过万亿元,实现了历史性的突破,众多主要经济指标进入了一个新的平台,经济增长的内在动力也进一步加强,但同时经济增长的粗放性以及全国部分行业产能过剩的影响也逐渐显现。2006年,河南应在科学发展观指导下,抓住机遇,提高经济增长的活力,不断提升竞争力,努力保持经济增长的良好势头。  相似文献   
Fu  Yelin  Sui  Yubing  Luo  Hao  Han  Biao 《Social indicators research》2020,148(3):1005-1019
Social Indicators Research - As a new composite indicator for capturing the value delivered by health systems of developing and developed economies, the Value Measure is the arithmetic average of...  相似文献   
韩叶 《南亚研究》2020,(1):53-73,149,150
近年来,印度对中印在跨境河流水关系中的不平衡问题非常重视.其中,水文信息不对称以及收益不平衡是印度对水关系不平衡的两个主要认知.基于中印边境的互动历史,印度在对水关系的认知形成中往往会夸大中国的敌意与威胁.据此,印度试图通过建立制度框架、将中印水争议国际化以及竞争性开发跨境河流水资源的战略思维,平衡中国在雅鲁藏布江—布拉马普特拉河水关系中的优势地位.然而受水外交两面性特征和内政的掣肘,印度平衡战略的影响有限,而且更强化了其对雅鲁藏布江—布拉马普特拉河战略安全收益的重视,并使未来中印双方基于水资源共同利益进行合作的难度加大.  相似文献   
麦强  安实  林翰  高星林 《管理科学》2018,31(3):86-99
 重大工程通常由技术难度、系统关联性、未知因素存在巨大差异的异质性子工程组成,不同子工程往往采取不同的组织模式。传统权变理论认为,不同的外部环境需要采用不同的组织模式,组织的构建要适应外部环境的不确定性。但在重大工程中,子工程本身及其环境的复杂性均会产生不确定性,组织模式的选择和构建与子工程的复杂性具有重要的联系。因此,有必要从复杂性的视角解释重大工程的组织多样化现象。        在梳理重大工程复杂性及组织适应性研究的基础上,选择港珠澳大桥工程中的岛隧工程、钢结构工程、路面铺装工程、海事工程等子工程的组织管理实践作为研究对象,通过访谈、参与式专家和文档资料等方式获取相关数据,从复杂性视角对子工程进行分类,界定重大工程适应性组织概念,解析重大工程中不同子工程采取不同组织模式的适应性组织现象,总结构建适应性组织的路径。        基于重大工程复杂性的具体表现即工程技术方案与外部环境的关联性和认知不完备性,构建子工程复杂性评价指标体系,据此将子工程分为复杂性工程、创新性工程、关联性工程和简单工程4种类型;提出重大工程适应性组织概念;得出重大工程适应性组织构建的路径包括组织需求设计和匹配、工程主体创新和构建、组织系统形成和集成、组织职能实现和协同4个步骤。        研究旨在提出重大工程适应性组织概念,揭示重大工程组织模式选择和构建的机理及动态过程,说明重大工程组织模式与工程复杂性之间的关联性,指导其他重大工程组织管理模式的选择和构建。由于单案例研究的局限性,有必要在其他重大工程中对所提出的重大工程适应性组织概念及适应性组织构建过程进行进一步的完善和验证。  相似文献   
In this article, we examined what has contributed to the worsening income inequality and poverty between 1996 and 2011 in South Korea. We used a rank-preserving exchange method and a conditional reweighting method to assess the roles of family behaviors—including female labor force participation and family structure—characteristics of household heads, and men’s earnings. The results showed that the change in men’s earnings was a dominant factor in accounting for the increasing income inequality and poverty. The change in age and education among household heads also contributed significantly to the worsening income distribution. The change in family structure mainly affected the income disparity among lower-income families and increased poverty. The rise in women’s labor force participation improved the income distribution but not considerably. The distributional roles of family have not worked to prevent or reverse the worsening income distribution in the past few decades in South Korea.  相似文献   
本文首先考察了玛哈图木·阿杂木其人其事与白山派的关系,其次着重探讨白山派的早期沿革史,重点放在阿帕克和卓以前的历史活动上.因这段历史比较模糊,易产生混乱,而阿帕克和卓以后的历史发展较清晰,且学术界作过不少研究,所以就这段历史略加叙述.  相似文献   
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