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Complex systems often involve a huge number of variables whose interdependence must be taken into account. This makes the adoption of an integrated approach essential for the proper management of a wide range of aspects related to human life, from social matters to the environment. In particular, this paper takes into consideration three different experiences in which the use of an integrated approach represented the most effective response for managing the evolving realities we took into consideration. We focused on the issue of land management, with particular attention to the problem of monoculture in Brazil. Then we analyzed the attempted cooperation between the States of the Aral Sea area for efficient water management of the basin and, finally, we dealt with the matter of energy efficiency and how the production of home integrated systems could lead to a better rationalization of energy consumption in the near future.   相似文献   
The measurement of performance and the evaluation of social change efforts are vital yet challenging issues for practitioners and researchers in the social sector. Although tools exist to measure social value, they tend to focus on converting non-monetary costs and benefits into monetary terms to demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of operations. The capabilities approach provides a value-based alternative that could potentially enable a broader assessment of a project’s impact; this approach encapsulates societal-level factors, beneficiary perspectives, and a more holistic view of a beneficiary’s life. Ultimately, our goal is to raise the following question in the social sector field: what might a capabilities approach to social value measurement that is suitable for practical application by social sector organizations look like? The purpose of this article is to introduce the theoretical framework and to present what some of the measures and instruments might look like, at least in part, based on applications in other contexts.  相似文献   
王利平  陈嘉涛 《社会》2018,38(6):91-124
本文着重考察齐美尔个性观在其生命哲学中的展开。以个性观在德国思想史中的演变为线索,追溯了自文艺复兴经十八世纪启蒙时代,再到十九世纪浪漫主义兴起之后的一系列重要变化,集中讨论了尼采--作为生命哲学的最初阐发者--的贵族理论是如何影响齐美尔的。尼采笔下备受推崇的个体,在与世界整体相剥离之后,失去作为类存在的归宿感,这也是齐美尔探讨现代个性如何持存的起点。齐美尔在现代资本主义劳动分工、艺术创作之形式的转变以及个体生命时间的展开(尤其是死亡的意义)等不同的层次上,对以生命为立足点寻求个体自我的统一作了深入论述。文章最后回应了韦伯和卢卡奇对齐美尔的批评,笔者认为两者分别从理性主义和马克思的历史唯物主义传统反思了齐美尔的生命哲学。  相似文献   
We examine how relative resources, time availability, gender ideology, living arrangement, child‐care demand, and job satisfaction are associated with the levels of younger Japanese fathers’ involvement in child care for preschoolers. A theoretical model that includes these factors is tested using 1994 data collected from Japanese fathers and mothers with preschool children (N = 442 couples). We find that practical considerations such as fathers’ shorter work hours, mothers’ full‐time employment, fewer adults and more children in households, and younger ages of children are associated with higher levels of paternal involvement. Implications of these findings are discussed in light of attention to ways to encourage Japanese men's sharing of child‐care responsibilities with their wives.  相似文献   
In this study we described development of boys’ and girls’ games on the school playground at recess as they progressed across the first year of primary school in London (UK) and Minneapolis (USA) in order to document age‐related trends in games during this period and to examine the predictive role of games in children's adjustment to school and more general social adjustment. Consistent with expectations, games accounted for a significant portion of children’s, but especially boys’, behavior during recess. American children played games more frequently, especially simple games, relative to English children. Consistent with expectation, the complexity of games increased, especially for boys, across the school year for children in both countries. We also examined the extent to which facility with games forecasted adjustment to school and social adjustment. Games predicted both, but only in the USA sample. Results are discussed in terms of games being an important developmental task for children of this age. Implications for future research and educational policy are discussed.  相似文献   
对锥面包络圆柱蜗杆传动(ZK蜗杆传动)进行了可控修形。分析了修形传动的基本原理。提出了通过改变蜗杆齿面接触点的位置及曲率修正量来改变传动的齿面接触状态的方法。修形加工可通过改变砂轮的几何尺寸及安装参数来实现。  相似文献   
The fugacity model for evaluating DDTs dynamic performances in the environment was combined with the dietary exposure evaluation model, including the contribution of imported food, to develop the macroscopic mathematical model relating DDTs in the environment with the health risks of the reference Japanese. The model validity was examined by comparing the simulated DDTs concentrations in environmental media, various kinds of food, and dietary intake with those observed. Numerical simulations were done for the past half and future of one century to evaluate the effect of the DDTs usage prohibition in 1970 in Japan. The major results obtained under the limits considered are as follows. The DDTs concentrations in environmental media, various kinds of foods, and the dietary intake showed the steady exponential decrease after the DDTs usage prohibition in 1970. The DDE/DDTs ratio is larger in the higher position in an ecological system, and increased steadily with time. The critical exposure of DDTs occurred through animal product intake until 1960; after 1990 marine product intake caused the most exposure. The estimated DDTs intake was evaluated to be less than the PTDI and RfD. The annual excess cancer induction risk due to the annual dietary intake of DDTs was the largest at the level of (0.5 - 2.0) x 10(-6) (1/yr) in the early 1970s. The effect of the DDT usage prohibition on dietary exposure reduction was expected to appear after about 20 years. The life-span excess cancer induction risk was conservatively estimated to be larger than 10(-5) (1/lifespan) for the reference Japanese who were born before 1970. The DDTs usage prohibition in 1970 was effective to reduce the life-span cancer risk under the 10(-5) level.  相似文献   
改宪论特有的思考方式封闭了日本国宪法的和平主义所具有的可能性。日本国宪法与国家主义并不是无缘的;但是,日本国宪法所设想的国家主义与改宪派的军事性、封闭性的一国国家主义是截然相反的,它隐藏着通往各国和平共存的方向和开拓人类未来的丰富的可能性:日本国宪法第9条无论是在表示没有“战力”的主权国家的可能性这一点上,还是在表示开拓普遍性的国家主义的可能性这一点上,正在越来越显示其在人类史上的意义;埋葬具有这一意义的宪法第9条,无疑是自我放弃了日本国在世界上值得骄傲的少数价值之一.  相似文献   
Item response theory (IRT) is a class of latent variable models, which are used to develop educational and psychological tests (e.g., standardized tests, personality tests, tests for licensure, and certification). We review the theory and practices of IRT across two articles. In Part 1, we provide a broad range of topics such as foundations of educational measurement, basics of IRT, and applications of IRT using R. We focus particularly on the topics that the mirt package covers. These include unidimensional and multidimensional IRT models for dichotomous and polytomous items with continuous and discrete factors, confirmatory analysis and multigroup analysis in IRT, and estimation algorithms. In Part 2, on the other hand, we focus on more practical aspects of IRT, namely scoring, scaling, and equating. This article is categorized under:
  • Applications of Computational Statistics > Psychometrics
  • Software for Computational Statistics > Software/Statistical Software
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