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On the basis of the outcome of a preliminary test of significance for the population correlation coefficient it is decided as to whether the variance ratio or the sample correlation coefficient between u=(x+y)/2 and v=x?y)/2 is to be used as a test statistic for testing the equality of variances. A method for determining the critical points for the preliminary test and the main test has been suggested. The power of the test procedure is compared with those of standard tests. 相似文献
The 1980s have seen a great increase in the number of failed savings and loan institutions. In order to prevent such failures, it would be helpful if regulators have an early warning model. Such a model should be able to flag potential failed firms to prevent failure. In this paper, a robust multivariate procedure is used to successfully identify potentially failed firms well ahead of an actual failure date. 相似文献
The public sector in Bangladesh is ridden with corruption of various dimensions and shades. Apart from bribery, rent-seeking and misappropriation of funds, the performance of public organizations is adversely affected by a host of other factors like excessive lobbying, delays in service provision, pilferage and larceny, irresponsible conduct of officials, bureaucratic intemperance, patronage and clientelism. The several institutional mechanisms to combat administrative malfeasance are rendered ineffective by a non-committed political leadership, a blase"d bureaucracy, weak accountability structures, and unproductive legislative labors. The public body for controlling corruption is itself associated with all sorts of malpractices and conducts its affair most unprofessionally. Despite several attempts, the constitutionally authorized ombudsman is yet to find its place in the governance framework. 相似文献
This paper deals with the prblem of estimating simultaneously the parameters (Cell probabilities) of m ≤ 2 independent multinomial distributions, with respect to a quadratic loss functions. An empirical Bayes estimator is proposed which is shown to have smaller risk than the maximum likelihood estimator for sufficiently large values of mq, where q is a measure of the average diversity of the given multinomial populations. Some numerical results are given on the performance of the proposed estimator. 相似文献
东西方古代和现代对人性和人类欲望的哲学见解,为对国际全球资本主义狂潮以及其相关行业的必要性提供了思想资源。所有这些可以追溯到早期家庭幼儿教育,即亚里斯多德所说的人类先验以及张载所说的美好生活,对人类欲望从结构上进行正确引导。在这方面,对于模仿和欲望这两个范畴以及其各自关系的深刻哲学反思,无论是预设还是被预设,都有助于重建此结构,而此结构可以产生这样的引导。 相似文献
The impact of information sharing in supply chains on organisational performance: an empirical study
Imam Baihaqi 《生产规划与管理》2013,24(8-9):743-758
Information sharing has been cited as one of the major means to enhance supply chain performance. It allows companies to better coordinate their activities with their supply chain partners that lead to increased performance. This study conceptualises and assesses several factors that influence the degree of information sharing in supply chains, namely integrated information technologies, internal integration, information quality and costs–benefits sharing. The relationship between the degree of information sharing and organisational performance is then tested. Data from 150 manufacturing companies were collected and proposed relationships are examined using structural equation modelling. The results show that integrated information technologies and information quality have positive influence on the intensity of information sharing. However, internal integration and costs–benefits sharing do not relate to the intensity of information sharing. This study finds that information sharing does not directly relate to organisational performance. Its relationship is mediated by collaboration practices with supply chain partners. This suggests that information sharing is essential but insufficient by itself to bring significant performance improvements. 相似文献
杂种优势的利用使得水稻产量较半矮杆常规稻增加了 1 5%以上 ,为了保持产量的稳定 ,杂交稻品种还应具备对病虫的可遗传抗性 ,比如对茎杆钻心虫的抗性。而来自于苏云金杆菌并经人工剪裁合成的CryIA(b)基因便是有效地抗茎杆钻心虫基因之一。实践证明 ,基因转化是一项导入细菌基因于水稻基因组的行之有效的技术。笔者已利用获得转基因保持系这一途径来选育抗虫的杂交稻。利用基因枪方法 ,将CryIA(b)基因以及驱动该基因的 3 5S启动子成功地转入了IRRI的骨干保持系IR68899B。该基因的整合和表达已由Southern和Western杂交所证明。目前已分析到转基因植株的第二世代 (T2 )。鉴定表明 ,Bt 转基因植株中黄色茎杆钻心虫的抗性明显提高。本文首次报导转基因保持系的获得 ,以用于杂交稻品种的选育 相似文献
Large sample ANOVA test and likelihood ratio test have been Proposed to test for the equaiity of sevcrai iniraciass correlation coefiicients unier unequai family sizes based on several independent multinormal samples, it has been found on the basis of simulation study that the likelihood ratio test consistenily and reliably produced results superior to those of the large sample ANOVA test in terms of power for various combinations of intraclass correlatxon coefficient values. 相似文献
Noore Alam Siddiquee 《Public Organization Review》2010,10(2):153-171
The Government of Malaysia has made continuous efforts and put in place an elaborate set of strategies and institutions aimed at combating corruption and promoting integrity in the society. The nation’s anti-corruption drive has lately received a major boost. The Badawi government that came to power in 2003 following 22 years of the Mahathir era declared containing corruption as its main priority which was followed by a series of concrete measures. However, the governmental attempts and strategies in Malaysia appear to have met with little success, as evidenced by the current data that suggests entrenched corruption in the society. Evidence shows that despite governmental campaigns and initiatives, corruption has remained acute, widespread and, in fact, worsened in recent years. This paper presents a critical overview of the anti-corruption strategies being followed in Malaysia and explores the problems and limitations of the current approach to fighting corruption and managing integrity in the society. 相似文献