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It seems difficult to find a formula in the literature that relates moments to cumulants (and vice versa) and is useful in computational work rather than in an algebraic approach. Hence I present four very simple recursive formulas that translate moments to cumulants and vice versa in the univariate and multivariate situations.  相似文献   
The effect of a single variable data point, x, on the usual test statistics for traditional hypothesis tests for means is analyzed. It is shown that an outlier may have a profound and unexpected effect on the test statistic. Although it might appear that an outlier would tend to lend support to the alternate hypothesis, it may in fact detract from the significance of the test. In one-population tests and analysis of variance (ANOVA), the value of x that maximizes the significance of the test statistic is given. This value does not have to be unusually large or small. In fact, it often falls within the range of the other sample points. In the general one-population case, the limiting value for the test statistic is shown to be +1. In the case involving more than one population, it is shown that the limiting value of the test statistic is a function only of the number of members in the samples and not their relative values. Special cases are identified in which the test statistic is shown to have unique characteristics depending on the characteristics of the data.  相似文献   
Standard methods for analyzing binomial regression data rely on asymptotic inferences. Bayesian methods can be performed using simple computations, and they apply for any sample size. We provide a relatively complete discussion of Bayesian inferences for binomial regression with emphasis on inferences for the probability of “success.” Furthermore, we illustrate diagnostic tools, perform model selection among nonnested models, and examine the sensitivity of the Bayesian methods.  相似文献   
In this paper, we address the problem of simulating from a data-generating process for which the observed data do not follow a regular probability distribution. One existing method for doing this is bootstrapping, but it is incapable of interpolating between observed data. For univariate or bivariate data, in which a mixture structure can easily be identified, we could instead simulate from a Gaussian mixture model. In general, though, we would have the problem of identifying and estimating the mixture model. Instead of these, we introduce a non-parametric method for simulating datasets like this: Kernel Carlo Simulation. Our algorithm begins by using kernel density estimation to build a target probability distribution. Then, an envelope function that is guaranteed to be higher than the target distribution is created. We then use simple accept–reject sampling. Our approach is more flexible than others, can simulate intelligently across gaps in the data, and requires no subjective modelling decisions. With several univariate and multivariate examples, we show that our method returns simulated datasets that, compared with the observed data, retain the covariance structures and have distributional characteristics that are remarkably similar.  相似文献   
In this paper we consider the issue of constructing retrospective T 2 control chart limits so as to control the overall probability of a false alarm at a specified value. We describe an exact method for constructing the control limits for retrospective examination. We then consider Bonferroni-adjustments to Alt's control limit and to the standard x 2 control limit as alternatives to the exact limit since it is computationally cumbersome to find the exact limit. We present the results of some simulation experiments that are carried out to compare the performance of these control limits. The results indicate that the Bonferroni-adjusted Alt's control limit performs better that the Bonferroni-adjusted x 2 control limit. Furthermore, it appears that the Bonferroni-adjusted Alt's control limit is more than adequate for controlling the overall false alarm probability at a specified value.  相似文献   

The one-sample Wilcoxon signed rank test was originally designed to test for a specified median, under the assumption that the distribution is symmetric, but it can also serve as a test for symmetry if the median is known. In this article we derive the Wilcoxon statistic as the first component of Pearson's X 2 statistic for independence in a particularly constructed contingency table. The second and third components are new test statistics for symmetry. In the second part of the article, the Wilcoxon test is extended so that symmetry around the median and symmetry in the tails can be examined seperately. A trimming proportion is used to split the observations in the tails from those around the median. We further extend the method so that no arbitrary choice for the trimming proportion has to be made. Finally, the new tests are compared to other tests for symmetry in a simulation study. It is concluded that our tests often have substantially greater powers than most other tests.  相似文献   
The adequacy of Fisher's approximation to the large sample variance of an intraclass correlation is investigated in the context of family studies. It is found that the approximation is highly accurate in samples of moderately large size (≧ 30 families), and can also be used for significance-testing under a broad range of circumstances. The exact sampling of distribution of the intraclass correlation coefficient is also derived.  相似文献   
The Studentized maximum root (SMR) distribution is useful for constructing simultaneous confidence intervals around product interaction contrasts in replicated two-way ANOVA. A three-moment approximation to the SMR distribution is proposed. The approximation requires the first three moments of the maximum root of a central Wishart matrix. These values are obtained by means of numerical integration. The accuracy of the approximation is compared to the accuracy of a two-moment approximation for selected two-way table sizes. Both approximations are reasonably accurate. The three-moment approximation is generally superior.  相似文献   
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